Speak like a leader | Simon Lancaster | TEDxVerona

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Did you know there is a secret language of leadership that determines who reaches the top in politics and business?
In this fast-paced and frequently funny TEDx talk, top speechwriter, Simon Lancaster, sets out the techniques that you can use to speak like a leader. The talk culminates in Simon Lancaster instantly improvising a powerful leadership speech based on an idea suggested by the audience.

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2:08 1. Three Breathless Sentences
4:39 2. Three Repetitive Sentences
5:50 3. Three Balancing Statements
6:42 4. Metaphor
11:28 5. Exaggeration
12:08 6. Rhyme


I love how he explained that rhetoric isn’t taught in schools as it once used to be. Now there’s so many young people out there that have no idea how to express themselves and it holds them back from making a difference. I somehow feel like this isn’t an accident. Someone was trying to hold us back.


6 Rhetorical Techniques

1. Three breathless sentences
2. Three repetitive sentences (opening clause)
3. Balancing statements
4. Metaphor
5. Exaggerative statements
6. Rhyming statements


I have watched this video so many times since the start of my sales career, , which was over 7 years ago. I have also referenced it as often as I get the chance. Its quality, every sales person should watch this.


Very well done. Not only was he sharing information that can really help the people, but he was demonstrating how it can help by using it himself.


Let's Revive Rhetoric in Public Education!

"It is absoulutely scandalous that, when in the world we're dealing with such huge challenges, financial inequalities, the apocalyptic threats of climate change, religious persecution unmatched since the 1940s, that we should be restricting debate to such a narrow minority (the politicians). Instead of teaching our children to sit down and shut up we should be teaching them to stand up and speak out. So, let's revive rhetoric (in education). Let's really reinvigorate debates around the world and let's really give the chance to every child on the planet to become a leader. How should we call this Grand Initiative? Well, here's an idea: How about Democracy!?"

Simon Lancaster

A strong finish! Superb indeed!


I could listen to this man all day long. You don't get to listen to such valuable words from real intelligent people at outside as they'd rather choose not to share their insights for free. One ted talk video a day can actually keep vacuous thoughts away, you know!


He is good. I'm from Russia, sitting at home, looking a guy in Italy, speaking English — all that is just because his speech is awesome. What a blossom!


This has to be one of the best TED talks of all of them. You learn so much in every single minute as it passes. And I bet you'll be coming back from time to time to see this one.


I am watching this video for improving my English language 😂😂😂. It is amazing channel. Whenever I can so many things from this channel. I can learn from other's experience, and I can improve my pronounciation Whenever I free then I watch it 🙂. One day, I will speak on this stage front of everyone.


This simply is the best speech I've ever heard in a long time. Its heart is in democracy and its wings are effective techniques. Powerful


This Guy is brilliant. Got halfway through the speech, paused it to order Winning Minds - Secrets from the language of Leadership. He is my new guru.


Apart from songs, this is possibly the only video I've watched repeatedly. Brilliant, from start to finish


this guy is just so good at his job...so convincing


1. Three Breathless Sentences
2. Three Repetitive Sentences
3. Three Balancing Statements
4. Metaphor
5. Exaggeration
6. Rhyme

❤❤ Amazing speech


This has got to be one of the MOST useful TEDx Talks that I have ever seen! I'm impressed, very, very impressed.


Simon, you have summarized things we know about society (so your credibility is not at issue) in a beautiful, humorous, witty, eloquent, adventurous and unique way. You have talent for comedy, theater, etc. Excellent job - you are a born entertainer! ❤


Masterful. I've been teaching rhetoric as a tutor for a while now, and this is truly excellent. So excellent indeed that It should have 100 million views at least, nay 1 billion I say!
Even if people do not become master rhetoricians themselves, they need to learn it so that they can defend themselves against manipulation, so that they can grasp the gullibility of the mind on first impressions, and so that they can understand the importance of educating future generations in it.


Mr. Simon Lancaster is a rare breed who is a wonderful speaker; impressing listeners beyond description incredibly well.
Islamabad Pakistan


Deserves to be viewed many more times. Simply brilliant...
