Why You Should NEVER Have Milk With Your Coffee | Dr. Steven Gundry

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If you drink your coffee with milk STOP because it can be ruining your health!

Are you a coffee lover who can't start the day without a creamy cup of Joe? Think again! In this episode, Dr. Gundry reveals why drinking coffee with milk may be jeopardizing your health. Get ready to discover the shocking truth about the potential risks lurking beneath that seemingly innocent blend.

Uncover the harmful effects that adding milk to your coffee can have on your well-being. From digestive issues to compromised nutrient absorption, we'll explore how the combination of these two popular beverages may not be the healthiest choice. Whether you're a casual coffee drinker or a devoted enthusiast, this video is a must-watch for anyone concerned about their health. Arm yourself with knowledge and make informed decisions about your daily caffeine fix.

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Dr. Gundry is the author of The Plant Paradox - A New York Times Bestselling book. Please subscribe to The Dr. Gundry Podcast to learn more about Polyphenols, Leaky Gut, Lectins, and other essential information.
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My mother has had coffee with milk since she was a kid. She's 87 now and still drinking it that way.


Watching while drinking coffee with milk, yeah I live life on the edge.


My grandma always had coffee with milk. Lived for over 90 years.


Don't eat this, don't eat that, don't drink this, don't drink that.... Life is short. Moderation is key.


I don't put milk in my coffee, I put coffee in my milk 😂😂


My husband's mother is 94 years old and lives alone, she came to usa during WWII from England and remained here the rest of her life. She always drank black tea every afternoon and put milk in it. Her mind is very sharp.


Former barrista, read the ingredients on all the so-called plant 'milks.' Oat milk full of seed oils. So much glyphosate and vegan customers still pat themselves on the back for being 'cruelty-free' even though pesticides kill entire food chains.


Hi Dr Gundry love just you on utube. No interviews or guest are necessary in fact I only watch the ones with just you 🙏💕🌻🍰☕️thank you


The obvious explanation needed here is how long must coffee be separated foods that bind to polyphenols? Do you have to drink coffee/tea on an empty stomach or is several minutes after a meal OK? Is it specific amino acids only? Is there something else they can bind to to free up coffee?
The problem is, this is way too vague. You need protein to survive and if it takes a couple hours to digest food, especially if you add fiber or fat, you’re going to have to wait until 5pm to finally have coffee after your late breakfast or the polyphenols will be mating with coffee in your stomach or gut instead of your cup so it’ll all be for not.


I drink good coffee with sheep's milk - I know it probably binds to/ruins the polyphenols, but oh my! I get joy out of it. I have it black after lunch. Hi from Spain!!


Heavy cream doesn't have much protein in it at all. My grandmother used to put heavy cream into her coffee and she stayed sharp in mind all of her life.


Following his advice reversed my Hashimoto’s. I have lost 20 pounds and I couldn’t be happier with life. Thank you Dr. Gundry!!!


I've always had milk with my coffee and at age 70 I have no intentions of changing that.


This guy could say farting at 2pm is bad for the health, and everyone watching would never fart at 2pm.


My grandma sat in the same chair for 28 years, she never exercised and died at 92 .playing scrabble. Coffe with milk and two sugars please i can still.hear her say.


Impressive sounding mechanism but I will continue to enjoy organic coffee with milk


My Aunt still drinks coffee with a little milk and no sugar, she is 99 1/2. No brain issues. I drink coffee the same way and will continue.


I've been drinking half milk/half coffee most of my life. I'm in my mid 80's, have all my teeth, and don't have osteoporosis. Once a week I treat myself to a Starbucks mocha. Tomorrow mocha latte and bacon egg bites.


"31 Jan 2023 --- Coffee with milk might have a heightened anti-inflammatory effect, according to new research conducted by the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. The researchers demonstrated that as a polyphenol reacts with an amino acid, its inhibitory effect on inflammation in immune cells is enhanced." (lot of questions about this issue)


There is conflicting research on the effect of dairy on coffee's anti-oxidants and polyphenols. Some research has shown an increase and other has shown a decrease. All agree that drinking coffee without milk lowers calorie intake which can help with weight loss. Try coffee both ways and listen to your body. Which way feels better?
