Real Doctors Play NEVER HAVE I EVER

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We need a feel-good video with all the stress that's been going on! Also, I think I've received only 562,000 comments suggesting that I collab with the awesome @Mama Doctor Jones so I thought now is as good as a time as any! I hope you enjoy our medical Never Have I Ever!

If you have an idea of something you want me to cover in-depth, please let me know because I take your requests seriously. We will be back with more Medical Drama Review/Responding to comments Series in a couple of weeks, so please submit more names of shows/questions you'd like for me to watch/answer. Love you all!

- Doctor Mike Varshavski

Let's connect:

P.O. Box (send me stuffs):
340 W 42nd St # 2695
NY, NY 10108

** The information in this video is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is for general information purposes only and does not replace a consultation with your own doctor/health professional **
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Doctor Mike: collabs with Dr Jones.

*everyone liked that*


The question: "Never have I ever been attracted to a patient?"
The question they hear: "Do I wanna lose my medical license over a youtube video?"
Their answer in unison: "Nah."


I knew a woman who bred dogs and was so terrible at coming up with names for the puppies that people were scared what would happen when she had kids. She had one dog called Gunner because she kept saying she was ‘gonna’ think of a name for him. When she popped out a daughter, the nurse asked her what she was going to name her and she looked at the nurse’s name badge and said, ‘Danielle is a good name, I’ll call her that.’ And she did! 😂😂


mike: taking a bomb out of someone’s stomach is unrealistic

Meredith Grey: 👩🏻‍🦯


Patient: *Says Inappropriate Jokes*
Doctor Mike: I appreciate the Humor, but we still have to talk about your Tumor


How was the question of being attracted to a patient even in this. When I go to see a doctor I look like a slug. I would NEVER imagine a doctor looking at me while I’m sick and thinking “wow she looks great”.


My dad is a doctor... the worst thing I had to deal with is when his patients would find me on social media to have me ask my dad questions for them in the middle of the night... growing up I hated having a dad that was a doctor... now that I'm older and moved away from my family I get to enjoy and be proud of my dad being a doctor.


I love to watch both of you ❤
I'm a Neuromuscular Therapist and Certified Nutrition Counselor...and my clients often watch you in the waiting room. When you asked the question about ever having a baby named after you, it immediately caught my attention and I couldn't help laughing. I had a major surgery just over 20 years ago & had a serious, rare (and almost fatal) complication afterward. My surgeon was my hero. He spent countless hours in the hospital library trying to find a solution. It ended up taking a full year and frequent therapy to recover. 4 years after the surgery, I was blessed with an unexpected, but very much wanted pregnancy. I DID name my son after my surgeon...(although he has no idea that my son exists). I have told my son where he got his name though. He is grown now, and is a very loving and talented musician (he can play almost any instrument he picks up, has a beautiful voice, and composes his own music). He makes me a very proud mom ( mom of 6). He probably won't ever meet the Doctor he's named after. But he knows that his name has a special meaning to me. Y'all rock those scrubs and I guarantee that you are heroes in the eyes of some of your patients...even if you don't know about it.🤗😀😉


It be hard to ever find someone attractive when they are in one of their worst moments health wise when you first meet them.


MDJ: "I cant take my asthma meds regularly"

Me: "Oh. That's what I forgot to do today."


My dad is a doctor (Rheumatologist) and went to medical school for 13 years; he cannot watch medical shows because he gets so angry at how inaccurate ate they are 😂


I began seeing my OB/GYN when I was pregnant with my first child a little over 21 years ago and I loved her so much that I kept her as my doctor for my following two pregnancies. She is a fantastic doctor and one of the sweetest humans I have ever met, but... she has called me _Jennifer_ on like 6 or 7 different occasions.

And my name is _Jodi._

But hey, at least she got the "J" part correct. 😄😆💁🏻‍♀️

I never corrected her, I just always giggled to myself each time she did it. I figured either she had another patient who just so happened to look just like me and whose name _was Jennifer, _ or maybe her patient load was so high that she just confused the name. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ahhhh!!!! Is that me?!? What?! 🤣🤣 so much fun, Mike! Thank you. 🙏🙏


Now I'm imagining how Mike is having a gag duet together with a patient.

Patient: *gags*
Mike: *gags* cuz patient gagged
Patient: *gags* cuz Mike gagged


5:04 When I gave birth to my son I felt this way! I mean, mentally, logically, I knew he was already in my 'stomach', and that he was 'coming out' lol ... but in that exact moment when he was born, in that instant of the moment, I remember seeing him and it seeming surreal that there was 'all of a sudden' an actual baby right there. He wasn't, then he just was! I think back to that moment at times because it was pretty incredible. Weird, strange, not-pretty, beautiful, special lol so much all at once. <3


Why do I feel like when Mike said no to the being attracted to a patient he was lying lol. His grin gave it away 😂


Mama Dr. Jones & Dr. Mike: "Finally they will stop asking for a collab."

Their subscribers: "When's the next collab gonna happen?"


Never heard someone calling it "the strangeness that is pulling people from people's bodies"!
I just laughed so hard 🤣🤣🤣


I had my first 'known' seizure at the baggage claim in Nashville TN. I wasn't awake and I don't remember much but I am grateful to the two nurses that where there to help and keep my mom calm until transport could arrive. If By some stupid chance they ever see this thank you. If not for me, just for keeping my mom in the best state she could be in.


I'm just happy now almost 40 yrs old to come and watch these videos in You Tube, this has made my mind that nothing really "shakes" doctors day so I can come with my problems whenever and be sure that there is nothing they haven't seen before.
So than you for be here for us (even I'm writing from Finland) and confirm that most of times when we feel ashamed of ourselves, you guys dont think badly about it ♥️
