Why We Should Never Stop Learning by Jay Shetty - Motivational Video

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One of the best things about life is that we never have to stop learning. There are always new skills to learn and techniques for us to adopt. When you look at the most successful people in the world, they understand this. Warren Buffet spends most of his time reading. The best entrepreneurs in the world don't act like they know everything. They all understand the fact that they have to continuously learn to be successful.

For us to live life to the fullest, we must continually look for ways to improve. Even in our own companies, we should strive to help our organizations in areas that are outside of our comfort zone. Companies from all over the world have recognized this. Billion-dollar examples like Zappos and Facebook invest heavily into their own employees. Realizing the power of teaching, they promote from within and support their staff to learn to skills to bring back to the company.

If you aren't actively looking to learn new things, here are three reasons why you might want to rethink your strategy. Self-growth is key for us to live fulfilling lives and to have a successful career.

1. You will become happier

Learning is tough and can be frustrating. This is especially true when we talk about taking on new sports like crossfit, or pushing our brain to the limits trying to code. But although the task is hard, nothing is greater than reaching your accomplishment. For highly challenging goals like learning to write software, it is such an amazing feeling when your code works bug free. When we play sports, beating our personal records gives a high like none other.

Several studies have shown that the more ambitious goals that we set, the happier we are. And when we decide our own goals, our happiness is not reliant on others. We pick how many hours we practice, and we take ownership over what we achieve. Personal development is a way to guarantee us serenity from within.

2. You'll become irreplaceable to your team

The person who can adapt the most wins. This is a piece of advice I learned reading about fighter pilots in the Air Force. It is not about the strength of the plane, but instead it's the ability to react to different situations that makes a fighter jet. The best fighter pilots can adjust to more circumstances than the norm, making them much deadlier.

This same idea can be applied to our value to our organizations. If you can only sell your product, you are limited by your contribution. If you can sell, build and run operations, now you've become irreplaceable.

3. You'll stay humble

Every interaction you have is a chance to learn something. One of the recent ways I've learned this is through watching Ted Talks. What I love about these short speeches is that you can learn so much about subjects you thought you'd have no interest in. But by keeping an open mind, you discover patterns in how people present their talks that you can learn from. It just shows you that no matter whom you meet, there is always something valuable to learn from the encounter.

4. You'll become a great coach

The only way to mastery is through teaching. One of the best feelings in the world is teaching others what you've learned. Not only will it affect the person you're teaching, but also they in turn will teach others.

As a leader of your organization, you need to make learning a part of your culture. A way to start this is by teaching others what you've learned over time. You want to become such a great teacher that your company can run itself without you there. When you've achieved that, you've truly accomplished the state of mastery.

“Two things define you: Your patience when you have nothing and your attitude when you have everything.” George Bernard Shaw
" Don’t let people’s compliments go to your head, and don’t let their criticisms go to your heart." Lysa TerKeurst
"It's better to know how to learn than to know." Dr Seuss
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“The capacity to learn is a gift
The ability to learn is a skill
The willingness to learn is a choice." - Brian Herbert


I am a grandmother of 6 beautiful grandchildren and 3 beautiful sons.You are so inspirational.I have showed this to my 3 sons and 6 g.children.All 9 of them started crying.I am not one who will write longg messages.But just wanted to say may you have a long happy life.Dont let tge haters hate you Coz you are a WITNESS to so many people old and young.Thank you and my god bless you Jay .Now and Forever


Remember, surround yourself with those who GENUINELY wants to lift you up. Also, I’ve been working on being genuinely humble, especially this year. I like how he emphasizes words like ‘genuinely’ and ‘authenticity.’


you are too good lucky to be able to listen people like you. Thank you for these videos


Jay, I cry any time i watch your motivational videos, because i'm feel over-empowered that i begin to understand it's never too late in life, though I've made lots of mistakes in life. Thank you for been there for us Bro, #bestmotivatiionalspeakerever


Jay world needs to hear you atleast once a week my friend ....you have something MAGICAL and it's a omnipresent GIFT. ..plz spread it, thx!


hey Jay shetty my name is josh and I recently graduated the 8th grade and you as a person have on some amazing way inspired me to be the person that I am. I love the way you use words to change people's lives I do not know what I would do with out you my dreams would probably never turn to reality but thanks to you I feel it's as though I have the power do anything. once again from the bottom of my heart thank you!


Thank you! It wasn't until a few years ago that I realised I had been stuck in my own destructive cycle. It was the same shit (life lessons), the only thing that changed were the people, place and time. What stopped that cycle? Becoming consciously aware of myself or learning about myself in evry aspect possible. My thoughts, my actions, my emotions, my 'why'. Once I opened up to my soul and learnt who I AM the cycle stopped, but learning about myself hasn't! Your pakiwaitara (stories) are beautiful and inspiring.


Mr.Jay the conviction of your voice and the perfect coherence of your voice tempo, you have transcended motivation, you have touched identity.


I agree... we should be so focused on improving ourselves that we don't have time to criticize others. Thank you for your powerful words.


Thank you Jay Shetty
and a lots of prayer for you.


I have watched this and other videos over and over again, and I always feel hopeful, inspired and calm - thank you for the tranquility you bring!


You inspire and communicate in a clear manner. Continue what you are doing, you are influencing more people than you can imagine.


Thank You Jay for inspiring many people. God bless you more. Continue to spread goodness all throughout the world.


Agree. Ability to learn is a gift and willingness to learn is a choice. And the person who has both is great


Indeed there is no ending with regard to learning, we learn new things daily in our lives. Sometimes learning occurs unconsciously but at the end that learning


I love his speech very much my favourite speaker Jay genius best professor.


Make more videos man very inspirational I love hearing that I'm not the only one that thinks this way about things


We want to hear you every week.
Following this channel since the first video was uploaded.


BROTHER you Will Hit 1million soon.Best Of Luck
