Do Men Regret Losing A Good Woman? (How He Feels When He Messed Up)

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Have you ever wondered if a man regrets when he ends a relationship?

That's a great question and today we will explore the DEEPER understanding of men's emotions when it comes to an ending of a relationship.

Let's talk about... Do Men Regret Losing A Good Woman?
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U are so right. Every man in my life came back with the regrets. It's always too late. Remember that sometimes not getting what u want is a wonderful stroke of luck. After 5 years of a toxic, narcissist relationship I am free. I work out and am practicing self love. Find a plastic kids bat and get rid of all of all the hurt, heartache and pain. Just take it out on ur bed until u can't hit it anymore. IT WORKS!


Absolutely one shouldn’t care if he regrets losing you... continue loving you and keep moving in life!! ❤️


Yes they do regret loosing good women. Many men told me they could not even forgive themselves, esp those are stuck with bad ones.


The underlining message here is 'do the work right now so you can fully embrace whatever tomorrow brings'. Great video JA!


Sometimes it's not just our ego trying to prove our value. Sometimes you feel such a deep connection with someone even if you have to part for whatever reason. You just need to know whether he feels the same. So you're sane and not running into blind or one-sided relationships.


If your do the right thing and walk away knowing the relationship your in isn't serving either one of you anymore then you are moving towards a mature relationship level, because you loved yourself enough to walk away with your head held high.


It sadly took me years to get over my last love. I will never do that again


Thanks for the reminder of, “who cares” and “love yourself”. Needed that ❤️


I hope he regrets losing me. I was so good to him. He was a narcissist though. So he probably loves him self thinks he did nothing wrong.


By the time he realizes that he lost a good woman, it will be too late. My avoidant ex left our relationship even though he claimed that “I was perfect in every way” that he was “unworthy of receiving my warm heart.” 🤦‍♀️ Protect your dignity and self respect. Love yourself enough to grow, self invest, and move on. #next 💪


I'm still healing from a break up. We were honest that there were too many external factors making it difficult to work long term. I wished him well. Sometimes my ego wants to think he misses me and wishes he fought harder to make it work. Love hurts sometimes. Thank you for the messages Jonathon 💖 xx


Self love is the only way to truly live life fully.


Speaking from personal experience, yes. I’ve had two men from my past admit the regret after reconnecting years later. One is now a good friend and I am happy we ran into each other after so long.


You're like the father figure I never had. I enjoy listening to you're POV and great advice I'm nearly 32 years old and still haven't found someone that will give me the love and commitment I've been waiting for half my life. I always end up falling for someone that won't love me back. Now I'm just focusing on loving myself ✨🌌🌻


This is such a good message. Different from all the other “make him miss you” advice. Of course he misses me I’m the bomb!!! And if he doesn’t....I’m still the


Do your neighbors ever wonder who you’re talking to every weekend on your balcony ? Lol


Sounds like a movie 💕
“Every time I break up with someone the next person they meet they get married “
I had a 3 year off & on dating relationship with a part narcissist/part mental illness/bipolar man & I finally couldn’t take it anymore & broke up with him-( after much work on myself including reading that book)
he committed suicide a few months later January 2019. It’s very difficult to have a relationship with someone that has mental illness issues & puts you down so I can relate Johnathon
It has taken a long time to get through this grief & pain & now getting ready to start dating but it’s VERY scary.


He wants me back, sorry, "The genie won't go back in her bottle". "I cant bear to see you with another guy". 😭. This is me now 🦅 super woman! I told him, "You taught me a lot of things." Too late. 😩. I guess I taught him one. Abuse doesnt work.


Narc relationships are a completely different animal.


I mean how about not jumping into relationships with women if men are not emotionally ready to invest in those relationships? Makes no sense to break the hearts and waste the time of these poor women. Seems selfish to romance women and be unable to offer long term love and commitment.
