INFJs and Soulmates

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INFJ and INFP personality types are two of the MBTI personality types that are most interested in meeting their soulmate in order to have a lasting, loving relationship. However, although most INFJs and INFPs report meeting more than one soulmate in their lifetime, not all of these relationships are harmonious. In fact, soulmate relationships have the potential to cause the INFJ personality type and the INFP personality type a great deal of angst while they are occurring. This is because of one big assumption that INFJs and INFPs tend to make in regards to soulmate relationships, and it’s such a basic assumption that they usually never slow down long enough to question if it’s right or wrong.

The key to soulmate relationships for the INFJ personality type and the INFP personality type is to understand that there are different types of soulmate relationships, and not every soulmate relationship will result in a lifetime partnership. Different souls have different agreements with each other, and it’s important to accept the nature of your agreement with a soulmate before diving into the assumption that the person is automatically going to be a life partner. Because the INFJ personality type and the INFP personality type can be so easily emotionally damaged when relationships don’t work out, it’s essential that these two types understand what kind of agreement they have with a potential soulmate before committing themselves to that relationship. Once the INFJ personality type or the INFP personality type has a deep understanding of the reasons that they are coming together with a certain soulmate, they can much more easily shift into neutral about the outcome of the relationship and accept it for what it is in the moment, instead of becoming heartbroken about all that it can never be.

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If you are with a narcissist they aren’t a soul mate. Learn the Empath-Narcissist dynamic. If it applies to your relationship, run.


Thank you for such an insightful video. I have always thought for the longest time that INFJ and INFP couples would compliment each other and have a great relationship with one another as well. Such as no drama, game playing, and such. Real genuine love, care and empathy for one another. These are things we know how to do. Taking one another seriously.


Im 45, INFJ male, and ive never been in a good relationship. Lots of unsatisfying, superficial flings, but nothing amazing. Im here to be by myself in this lifetime. I meet people and have intense relationships at times but nothing romantic.


Another question we need to ask ourselves- is there a deep seated need we are seeking to get met through this person, a need that in truth we ought to be meeting for ourselves.


I am an INFJ male. It's said that "nice guys finish last." INFJ males are the ultimate nice guys. Things that we normally do for people as "trying too hard" or even "desperate." Has anyone had this type of problem, especially early on in a relationship? I have purpose avoided doing things for someone I am dating (things I would have done for anyone) simply for fear of being misunderstood.


I always believe that your Soulmate was understanding Self and God 😊 In order to be complete and whole...

So meeting a partner or lover who was whole too was what made it a Soulful bond 😮Otherwise, you are 2 individuals who are not whole and haven't learned to love Self first 🤔 How can they love another...!?!


I heard that infj’s often won’t ever meet their true soulmate in this lifetime, as partners serve as a distraction from our souls mission, destiny and life journey, we do however get to meet up with them on the other side.


I think I have met a soulmate. I have received channeled messages about him and have had many synchronicities regarding him too. I am attracted to him, but when I talk to him, I feel like I'm talking to my double. It's very strange. I don't think we have much in common in this life, but have had other lives together. Time will tell if we will be more than acquaintances.


Spot on and well timed Lauren! Thank you so much for this ❤❤❤

It really is so, I've had the immense pleasure of having met quite a few "soulmates", some were friends, others more, and others less

Certainly not cut and dry!

But oh how wonderful it could be, when you meet one who can be your partner!


My soulmate is my dog, who is a Highly Sensitive Doggy. ❤


Wish I had heard all of this before 10 years married to a soul mate narcissist INTJ, lol...ahhh! Glad to hear it now, tgough...thanks:)


I think I'm going to start using the comments sections on INFJ videos as a dating site!!

I've never met another one in my life I didn't even know there were others like me! But reading the comments on various videos was like reading my life story.

So here goes!! 51 year old, INFJ-A female, located in western NY.

Let's see what happens🤣


Thanks, Lauren! This INFP/J finds your insights spot on. 😉


thanks for keeping thee ideal --- REAL yawl !


Someone asked my husband, what was it about me that drew him to me and made him know I was "the one". He replied, no one had ever really listened to him and made him feel seen the way I did. I felt this sinking feeling in my stomach hearing that. The person asking looked at me so awkwardly lol I think we both had NOTHING to do with who I was as a person, but everything to do with what he was getting from me.


Love the way you explained 😅it... I individuals showing up to change your life or circumstances but never lovers 😊 for a minute, hour, day, week, month or years Lol 🤔


As an INFJ I've met many INFP soulmates or kindred spirits and all of them ended up hurting me 😢


My understanding of soul mates is that they are other members of your soul group. Because soul groups are limited in size, you might not have many soul mates. A twin soul however is a perfect match to you and you typically only have one of those and they are in fact the same soul but split into energy.. Soul mates never "complete" you, i believe that's a misconception. A twin soul however does "complete" you, but it's very rare to meet yours. A soul mate is more likely to challenge you in some way, (as you mention in the description) as that's their role in your current lifetime.


Lauren, do you have a Discord channel? I feel there’s a lot of opportunities for a community to develop around your channel there.


Me and my bestfriend are soulmates. Shes an ENTP, im a INFJ
