INFJs and Soulmates
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INFJ and INFP personality types are two of the MBTI personality types that are most interested in meeting their soulmate in order to have a lasting, loving relationship. However, although most INFJs and INFPs report meeting more than one soulmate in their lifetime, not all of these relationships are harmonious. In fact, soulmate relationships have the potential to cause the INFJ personality type and the INFP personality type a great deal of angst while they are occurring. This is because of one big assumption that INFJs and INFPs tend to make in regards to soulmate relationships, and it’s such a basic assumption that they usually never slow down long enough to question if it’s right or wrong.
The key to soulmate relationships for the INFJ personality type and the INFP personality type is to understand that there are different types of soulmate relationships, and not every soulmate relationship will result in a lifetime partnership. Different souls have different agreements with each other, and it’s important to accept the nature of your agreement with a soulmate before diving into the assumption that the person is automatically going to be a life partner. Because the INFJ personality type and the INFP personality type can be so easily emotionally damaged when relationships don’t work out, it’s essential that these two types understand what kind of agreement they have with a potential soulmate before committing themselves to that relationship. Once the INFJ personality type or the INFP personality type has a deep understanding of the reasons that they are coming together with a certain soulmate, they can much more easily shift into neutral about the outcome of the relationship and accept it for what it is in the moment, instead of becoming heartbroken about all that it can never be.
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The key to soulmate relationships for the INFJ personality type and the INFP personality type is to understand that there are different types of soulmate relationships, and not every soulmate relationship will result in a lifetime partnership. Different souls have different agreements with each other, and it’s important to accept the nature of your agreement with a soulmate before diving into the assumption that the person is automatically going to be a life partner. Because the INFJ personality type and the INFP personality type can be so easily emotionally damaged when relationships don’t work out, it’s essential that these two types understand what kind of agreement they have with a potential soulmate before committing themselves to that relationship. Once the INFJ personality type or the INFP personality type has a deep understanding of the reasons that they are coming together with a certain soulmate, they can much more easily shift into neutral about the outcome of the relationship and accept it for what it is in the moment, instead of becoming heartbroken about all that it can never be.
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