How to #Recover After a Race: Top 3 Tips for #Triathletes

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Let's talk about post-race recovery.

While your big goal may be complete, the journey isn't -- the recovery process is a critical element of your overall experience. Here's three simple reminders to help you stay on track after a big event:

1️⃣ Refuel Right: After the race, focus on restocking your energy. Load up on protein and starchy carbs to replenish your body.
2️⃣ Keep Moving: In the days following, engage in activities that are low-stress mentally and physically. This could mean an easy spin, a gentle swim, or a hike -- save the running for later.
3️⃣ Reflect, Don’t Obsess: Give yourself 24-48 hours before objectively analyzing your results. Then, take a moment to gather important lessons from what you did well -- and identify areas for improvement.
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