A Narcissist's Ultimate Kryptonite

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Dr. Les Carter draws from his experiences as a therapist and describes a primary ingredient necessary for healing. Then he compares it to the narcissist's inability to heal or grow. Specifically there is one crucial task that could immeasurably help the narcissist, yet they back away from it, assuming it would lead to their demise.

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Dr. Les Carter is a best selling author and therapist who has semi-retired to Waco, TX. In the past 40+ years he has conducted more than 65,000 counseling sessions and many workshops and seminars. He specializes in anger management and narcissistic personality disorder.

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Anyone who is vulnerable with a narcissist is opening themselves to serious abuse, theft, sadistic treatment


I’ve learned never to expose any vulnerability to the narcissist. They don’t reciprocate in kind. Staying hard cold and distant has served me well. I can’t fix a personality disorder. It is incredible how much I have learned from your show though. I’m living abundantly on my terms thanks to you.


Your strength and your indifference will be their kryptonite.


A committed narcissist just knows how to act vulnerable. Performance is one of their strengths.


Yes. You inhabit “sacred space “ as a psychological/ spiritual accompanist. . The greatest honor, so true. You project a person of safety. I’m sure your clients have experienced this. A safe harbor.


My experience with narcissists (covert) is that some are willing to play the "lets get vulnerable" game because they know they have created their own reality when it comes to their 'vulnerabilities'....and all that you give them for vulnerabilities and weaknesses are gathered up and weaponized..
They never see themselves with any objectivity or honesty.


many different ways to say it but indifference is a very good way to make them go away. no reactions, no crazy energy to feed off of, no crazy narc to wash out of my hair!


Healing comes with your ability to love. Love is healing❤❤❤


20 yrs with a narcissistic wife explained by Doc in 14 mins. never ceases to amaze me


The words "I'm Sorry" escape them completely. It's the 2 words never to be heard out of their mouth except Maybe in front of a Judge If they can't think of a way to fool a Judge.
Peace is Priceless.


The narcissists’ existence is built upon self-aggrandizement of themselves and tearing other people down. Truly soul vampires.


I think it's important to add that a person with a narcissistic personality disorder is capable of making an apology and expressing a moment of vulnerability in private (even if it's insincere) when they’ve hit rock bottom on an issue they've created. It sometimes happens in grey rock, stalemate, or break-up situations but most times it's a reluctant, planned and private apology (that comes with an NDA (non-disclosure agreement). A momentary/quick/overacted apology not backed by actions is one meant to serve their interests of getting you to play their game (or continue the cycle later) again. Take caution.


"They illustrate" who they are. Too bad for them, but we see. Thank you for being so open. It's a gift.


Narcissists are immature. It take maturity to show vulnerability.


Openness, vulnerability, authenticity and honesty are true pathways to meaningful and fullfilling relationships sadly narcisists do not know how to live with others as they do not know who they really are.


You, sir, are a man of honor, a rare creature if ever there was one.


The sad thing is that you can’t BE vulnerable with a narcissist. So many times that I’ve wanted to share what my weaknesses or struggles are. But I know the information will be used against me. She will try to crush me in the moment I share it or use it later to manipulate social situations that we are in.
She sees it as an excuse to disrespect me.
So I don’t dare open up to her.


Dr.C., I absolutely love and enjoy your posts. There Is no nonsense, no drama, no psychobabble, just calm, useful information. You give us a clear picture of who they are, how they operate, and what to do to survive. I love it! I may just actually learn to laugh again. I know for sure that my stress level is going down, and my confidence is rising. God bless you, Sir. 🥰


Man, I can’t help but to like every single video from this therapist. No doubt the most overall articulate and in-depth analysis on NPD


Because of your videos I have finally realized that my wife is a narcissist. I saw some narcissistic behavior but so often she also acted unselfishly with some people, but now I see it’s all a part of her control of how she appears so she can feel good about herself. She has no genuine interest in me as a person, but only as a concept, a husband, not a partner. So sad to say, I’m filing for divorce this week.
