Boundaries are a narcissist kryptonite. They hate them and will avoid at all costs

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Boundaries are a narcissist kryptonite. They hate them and will avoid at all costs

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My narc ex went running for the Hills the second I put a firm boundary in place. I've held it in place and they know they can't return now. Boundaries work!


You are absolutely right! In a narcissistic relationship, I couldn't have boundaries. The narcissist kept his boundaries in place and I had to yield to him. I finally went no contact. If a person cannot respect your boundaries, you don't have a relationship. You have a situation that needs to change!


I was told that one of the best ways to determine if you’re with a narcissist, enforce your boundaries. They’ll flee. Set up another life where they can dupe someone else. Mine did, and actually in retrospect, my standards/ boundaries were pretty low grade standard stuff.
Boundaries have become a lifestyle theme for me. Just another topic that I had to really research and learn and implement . Actually, could be looked at like a gift that this experience gave me… I’m now pretty certain my standards / boundaries reflect what I deserve—
“ Boundaries are for you, to protect you…” Lee


I few months ago I started seeing your videos and they confirmed the type of person I was dealing with. I was finally got the strength to walk away from my relationship with a narcissist. I don’t think you understand how many people you’re helping. Thank you.


They expect u to live by all these rules and boundaries though. But they can do what they want. The worst but is being with someone who wont accept they're narcissistic.


Happy New Year, everyone.
He tells me he will never let me go so he is indeed hating the long distance move, blocked and deleted access and absolutely no contact. I now control my own destiny.


As a mental health professional dating a narc. was interesting. I refused to be controlled at any level. I think I had him unhinged. Ha Ha Ha...


No wonder he would disappear (silent treatment) for a few days when I tried to set boundaries.


I love what you said about having the boundaries: It will cause you to figure out what you’re dealing with early on and get you out of the relationship with a narcissist much quicker.

That is exactly what happened with me and I am so grateful because if you don’t get out quickly enough, the damage is so much worse. This is nothing to mess with: cut and run! Boundaries are your best friend. It will alienate the narcissist and that is exactly what you want. I didn’t even know what I was dealing with at first but by me having boundaries, it forced his mask off and that’s when I said, “ew boy what do we have here?” I wasn’t quite sure at first but I knew it was something bad.


Yea no boundaries are totally okay with them!!! Then you’re crazy for setting them! I’m so grateful you’re totally helpful with all this! Totally appreciate open honesty this is great! Thank you!


Lmao but they want you to exercise boundaries with everyone else. EXCEPT them.


My husband tried to tell me that I don't know what boundaries are... lol 😑 whenever he doesn't agree with me, suddenly he has to "educate me." Hmmm


I made all the money and worked like a dog but my ex had to have all the control over the was so sad if I took my kids to the movies or a restaurant I would have to bring back all the receipts. If there was 25 cents missing he would extremely verbally abusive and accuse me of being a thief with my own money. He would accuse me of the craziest shit like stealing money for drugs... Wtf kinda drug can u buy with 50 cents. I left that relationship sooo fucked up guys because the way he saw me is not even close to who I am and I could not understand how some one I loved so much could think so little of me. Shit got so bad and ended right after I took my money back and control of it. 20 years I WASTED guys, I'm just glad that it wasn't 21 yrs. thank God I smartened up !!! I am not lonely and isolated any more....


They don’t like you to have boundaries on them but they can do whatever they want towards you.


I feel badly for the next man in my life. My boundaries are like the briarpatch surrounding Princess Aurora's castle in Sleeping Beauty.


We found that when dealing with a narcissist, that when we didn’t set boundaries, that the narcissist didn’t have the challenge of crossing the boundaries. Obviously, the children understood that they were to have nothing to do with the narcissist, but when the narcissist asked to see the children our response was, “absolutely”. Once the narcissist came into town he never reached out to the children, because he did not have the boundary to cross and to needle us. Hope this finds whoever needs to hear this solution. Blessings.


I tried to set boundaries and he'd go all sulky. So I'd end up apologizing. His boundaries were set in stone. So glad I'm out of that craziness.


Reminds me of the time my aunt kept calling me when I was in the middle of a college class critique, I put my phone on silent but she kept calling I had to turn my phone off. I called her when class was done and she yelled at me for not picking up the phone I told her I had a very important class and couldn’t answer her she yelled at me saying “how should I know you didn’t send me your class schedule you should send it to me so I know when I can call you.” I was like what did you call me for? Turns out her daughter switched to my major and wasn’t paying attention in class and didn’t know how to use software for that class to do her home work. I don’t know how to use that software either cause my school’s degree focus was different than my cousin’s. So I couldn’t help even if I wanted to. My aunt repeated send my your schedule ok. I said ok but I never did I know they’d used that info to monopolize my time cause they did so when I was going through a rough time and transferring to a new school calling me up every time my bratty cousin had a fit. My cousin threw tantrums twice at the first college she attended and the cops showed up twice. I was like I’m not getting sucked into that drama. My aunt was angry cause she knew I sent my parents my schedule but here’s the thing my dad was really ill at the time and I was studying abroad and so did my cousin who had her parents with her. My parents respected my boundaries and only called me on the weekends or if there was an emergency like when my grandfather passed away.


There is no's just a never ending fight waiting to happen ....and a big blow up .


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I told him I've re-established mine and he said "The world doesn't revolve around you and your feelings. You need to change your perspective."
