THIS Is The Kryptonite To A Narcissist

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This is the kryptonite to a narcissist. Just like Superman's biggest fear is kryptonite...I am going to explain what narcissists fear most.
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Amen! I’m an empath & I’ve been dealing with these demons since early childhood. I have mastered the art of not reacting. It’s so powerful. Simply ignore them & continue to let the light that’s irritating them to shine even brighter. These demons hate it. 😉😂😂😂


when you expose them in front of others you can be so polite and they will dump you so quick be warned they will want there revenge from you so be carefull


Excellent! Calm & emotionally grounded. Kryptonite, yes, I’ve found mine. Things are so clear now around these types, no more bull. Positivity all the way, a great antidote


Still hard but ill try.. was discarded ...thank you for the kryptonite..


Dude you are amazing I have been married to a covert narcissistic husband for 30 year’s it’s been 1year this month since I became a Warrior


I thank you for helping me. I’m struggling to stay strong and stay no contact. I left last night him during a movie and went home to my house. I do not feel like he wants me arnd anymore. It was a waist of 7 yrs. My heart is broken. Thank you 🙏


You literally just described my life with my ex. I stood firm in who I was and my beliefs. I noticed the change in him. He had started talking to his ex wife more often. He started acting like her. He would take on the personalities of which ever person was giving him attention. I noticed that a few years back. But that was the start of the end for me. Accepting that it was all fake for him and not for myself has been the hardest part. Because I could not and would not every be anything like him. He used to say.. " you need to think like me". Or things like " women like you". All I saw was a monster the last few months I was with him. He learned all about my righteous anger. Now his world is crashing and every single thing I told him is coming true. He hated that I was always right. It was obvious to anyone paying attention. But he seems to be intimidated by me for my truth. I told him " Liars hate honest people".


The relationship is not any longer what I am thinking of, it is my life.
I am not there yet, I stop narcs, call them out or simply don't give them what they want, I did this in my narc relationship as well, I kicked her out at the end.
But far from a calm collected way. I don't look good doing it. But I have to learn to be patient with me.
I might not look good doing the stop, but people turn to my side watching the szene and against the narc even kft he stayes calmer. And I am effectiv, no narc get's out of me what he wants, I can see it in their faces.
They stay away.
I'm making progess in this weeks, my anger goes down by time.
Sometimes I play even with them, I have a very strange humor it plays only on my inside, maybe it looks calm on the outside, I don't know.
But I don't enjoy it, I think to myself, why do you do that narc? Lets make the best out of it for me.


These people are very sad I was a victim thank you for the video


You're experience was the same as mine. I listened to him for years. He got to where he disagreed with everything I said. Even basic small talk. I felt this icky dark resin emitting from him after awhile. I would try to talk normally about my points of view of things I was passionate about. Like child trafficking. Mental abuse. Politics. Just to name a few if his triggers. He was so selfish and cruel. So much I couldn't pretend anymore that I could be with this kind of demonic force in him. Because that's exactly what it feels like. I took my life back. I lived in his shallow superficial world long enough. I'm a deep person. An authentic honest person. He loved to hate me. I still battle the urge to text and try to see and understand the pain he caused. Getting better. And your videos have truly helped with that. Thank you.


OMG perfect for me and totally relate - luckily i was long distance from my covert narcissist and had done a ton of work on myself so was able to terminate our relationship and block but i will admit i never thought about really thanking her if i ever ran into her again!


Yes!! Thank you. I will remain strong with no contact 😊


Good video. And spot on. EVERYTHING that isn't their direct thinking .. is met as a CHALLENGE. They seem to have a problem with EVERYTHING.


Thank you for sharing, your story is very similar to mine.


All very true. I was there for a long time.


Thank you for this video it was very helpful to me I was sucked in by this person and left me broken iam heading now thank god


Good story, sounds like mine.
After refusing to deal with my ex, I fee morel alive.
Those narcs are really energy vampires


I think you're wrong there. It's easy to see why you would feel like that. That's what I saw or heard. All phrases to upset the narcissists apple cart. However the best one is to just say NO. Do not be afraid of these cowardly bullies who are only children in an adults body. You are everything that they are not and that's why they try to tear you down- don't let them. Great video.


Kryptonite = no response, live happily after.


Looking forward to when I can say thank you for a narc mother.
