The BEST Narcissist Protection! THIS will Repel a Narcissist.

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It seems impossible to avoid a relationship with a narcissist. However, I believe if we are on the lookout for certain red flags and green flags, and if we have certain core beliefs about ourselves we will set ourselves up for success instead of being taken for granted. At the end of the day, a narcissist has no interest or capacity for actual intimacy or friendship or emotional connection, so the question is, are we clear on what we need and deserve in this relationship? Or are we placing our worth and value in someone else's hands, hoping they respect and prioritize us?
How to get HER in the MOOD (funny)
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Your self-love has to be louder than your desire to be loved.


Don’t talk about your boundaries. Just set and hold them. Talking about them will only educate a narcissist on what your vulnerabilities are, and they will exploit and manipulate them.


Tell them a boundary and then sit back and watch them violate it on purpose


"don't let anyone treat you in a way that you would never treat someone else."

That one made things more clear.


A tip for anyone still feeling stuck in a relationship with a narc like I felt I was a few years back is this. Expose them in a very simple way. For example, I signed a 3 year lease on a house with mine earlier than I wanted to, then later realized he was toxic and broke up with him but he wouldn't let me out of the lease and he wouldn't leave the house because he still wanted to be together. He would rage at ke for HOURS for breaking up with him. I held firm and wouldn't get back together just to make him calm down and have some form of peace, so he would continued to throw massive fits and scream at me for hours. I bought a lock for my door but he still would break into my room and attack me for hours. One day I had the idea of pulling out my phone and recording him when he was in a rage. The first time I pulled out my phone and told him I would post the recording online for all his friends & family to see, he instantly stopped screaming, turned and started RUNNING in the opposite direction of me, up the stairs into his room. The second time, same thing, instantly stopped screaming and RAN, not walked, out the door. I never had to record a third time between he not only left me alone but 2 weeks later he found a new place because of his fear of being exposed was so intense. Start recording people!!!


“ if somebody doesn’t care about your boundaries, they don’t care about you” wow wise words


''Mature people take accountability and learn and grow. Immature people find a way to blame their behavior on someone else.'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


Its really hard when you get to a stalemate and you try to start a peaceful conversation and then they will put something in the conversation to piss you off. Its so hard to communicate with out being tripped.


Best protection against narcissists (speaking from too much experience unfortunately) is being a mentally strong person with a strong personality, strong boundaries, a strong sense of purpose and belief in yourself. Even then some narcissists may view you as a challenge but they will usually give up pretty easily if you keep your focus on yourself - in a healthy way. Narcissists want people who will focus on THEM - not themselves. The best safety against allowing narcissists to get too close to you is to actually radically care about your own wellbeing 😇


Best relationship boundary with a narcissist, to NOT have a relationship.


Thank you! Healing from a 32 year marriage with a very charming covert narcissist. Your videos have shown me what real relationships should look and feel like. Thank you so very much.


"They use control as a substitute for connection." Never heard it stated so perfectly!


Gaslighting is very subtle. Dangerous.


Narcissist, takes your words, and turns them around to fit what they want you to be saying.


To add...if someone calls you names during a fight or demeans you in any way, that's their way of showing how capable they are of being disrespectful. It won't change. Run.


"Boundaries don't require them to agree with them for you to enforce them" This is empowerment gold.


Note to my self: IF I ever go to another family reunion, I will have my own lodging, and my own vehicle available to me 100 percent of the time.


1. Talk about your boundaries. Pushes the wrong person away. Understand what you deserve and what relationship needs to be fulfilling and respectful.
2. Do not trust who lack accountability.
3. Vulnerable with you. Safe enough to be curious about each other lives/love. Take things slowly in the beginning.
4. Genuine empathy as a skill. Learn when it’s time to leave(doesn’t care about how their behaviour affects you, abuses you, neglectful, demeans, blame, gaslights, dismissive). Doesn’t have capacity to love.
Look for honest, consistent with actions and words, repair conflicts with you, not confused all the time, desire to be safe place to be honest. Become person who stands up for themselves, who doesn’t need saving, advocate for legitimate needs and boundaries, desires respectfully, knows their worth and value, treats others with kindness, respect, consideration and understand its reciprocated in their relationship otherwise it won’t happen.


I am 74 and just learned about 'taking care of myself'.. I always thought it meant being independent.


Boundaries are MAGIC. Setting standards and holding space for respect of self is important. Boundaries make healthy people feel really safe. When someone responds badly to a boundary it is a GOLDEN clue.
