Why the U.S. Military is running out of soldiers

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I’m an Afghanistan vet. When I was young and impressionable, I wholeheartedly believed I went there to somehow “save” the Afghanis from the Taliban. What a disappointment. Very early on during the tour, I was always wondering why the locals hated us so much when we were there for them. We were the good guys, right? But in their eyes, we were the bad guys. One time we did a patrol on foot through some remote village and the civilian population ran from us like livestock running from a pack of wolves.


Emma: "It begins in California. I was raised by two moms..."
Olga: "It began in frozen lands of Siberia. I was raised by two bears..."


I'm a US Army veteran and all I can say is, if the government loves the gays so much. Then have them fight.
No way in hell that my children will fight for what this country has become.


Emma: I have 2 moms.
Olga/Li Xian: I made Emma a mom of 2.


Ten year veteran here. There's another focal point that's not often spoken of, and thats the speed at which social media works.
Back in my day, if problems happened, sometimes (sad to admit) they would get swept "under the rug". Now? We get to see problems in real time, directly from the affected service members.
Look at all the open corruption thats been covered up, and honestly without social media, yall would never know about how truly FUCKED military life is. Barracks rooms in Japan absolutely covered in mold because the building managers removed dehumidifiers. Sailors eating like absolute SHIT due to rising inflation costs. Medical appointments constantly being pushed out or straight up cancelled on soldiers. Hell, we STILL have soldiers and service members who are still waiting on their service discharge paperwork and separation pays, for months now.


"It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.” -Thomas Sowell


I dont get why they whine about not having enough people. They REALLY were not trying to even keep the people they had when i was there in 2015. Perfectly good soldiers being rushed out left and right


As a young strait white male from the countryside I will do my duty and never join the military so it can stay diverse and strong 💪 😉 👍


1) I refuse to be a pawn and a ritual sacrifice of the Military Industrial Complex.

2) I don't want to bully poor nations for their oil and other resources.

3) I am not confident that Sarah with her two moms can support or back me up in the battle field.


The Russian commercial made me wanna join the Russian military.
The Chinese commercial made me wanna join the Chinese military.
The American commercial made me want to join the Russian & Chinese militaries.


Before you serve your government, shouldn’t you know who your government is serving?


Unless politicians are quick and eager to send their own kids to the military if it’s so great, don’t expect me to enlist.😂


I know the military treats the men like 💩 when they come home. My dad fought in Vietnam and was doused with Agent Orange over and over again. He had terrible heath problems from it afterwards and the VA refused to help or pay. He had a young family to take care of and it was hard for him to work. It took him almost 20 years of fighting them to finally get disability. Plus he came home with severe PTSD. That’s why I told my son to never join the military. Our family was a big military family back then. Every guy in our family always joined the military after school. NOT ANYMORE!!


so considerate for the usa to want their killing machine to be diverse 🥰


I’m a military brat of a retired Air Force Officer. Older brother served in the Army, a helicopter pilot now retired. My little brother is a pilot in the Navy and he wants to hand in his resignation with how stupid shit is getting several years short of retirement. The military will not get my children. Out of a long lineage of military officers in this family it all ends with my brothers. They will not allow their kids to join.


I served in the US Army from 2007 - 2012

I had plenty of debates with soldiers as to why they joined. They joined ONLY for the purposed of needing a paycheck, needing food, needing health benefits, needing college assistance etc. I guess those were all benefits for "Volunteering" in the Armed services. Now you can received all those benefits without having to enlist.

Also, when I joined I knew damn well Afghanistan and Iraq was no true threat militarily. My chances of winning were greater as we had far more advanced wartime technology.
Now War with Iran, Russia & China is a different take. My chances of death vastly increase if we went to full conflict with them and the youth today are fully aware of this.


Why would I want to fight for Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Haliburton?


we do not want to fight rich peoples war


I was a Marine Recruiter. The reason the Marines are making their recruiting goals is not because of their commercials. It’s because when other branches fail at meeting their goals they go home. The Marines will work 19 hour days 7 days a week till they meet their recruiting mission.


Before even watching the video, I still absolutely know it's because the US military treats their soldiers as dispensable and "a dime a dozen". Another thing is that most of the US population is against imperialism, yet basically every war America has fought since WW2 was imperialist in some way, and people have begun to realize this.
