A Simple Overview of Every U.S. Military Rank, In Order (All Six Branches)

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Do you know all of the ranks in the United States Military? In this video, we cover every single U.S. Military Rank. We’re talking Enlisted Ranks, Warrant Officer Ranks, and Commissioned Officer Ranks in the U.S. Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard, and the Space Force.

We also include the Public Health Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in the commissioned officer ranks, so even the Uniformed Services ranks are covered here! If you want to learn more about the U.S. Military Ranks, watch this video!






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What is your favorite U.S. Military Rank?


My old man made E9 chief master sergeant in the AF. One of the youngest African Americans to do so. Fine work old man(still around).


My favorite rank is the USMC Corporal. One of the least paid NCO with tons of responsibility. It was that rank I achieved before going back to the civilian rank.


There is a slight mistake in this video. There actually is a THIRD person who was given a "six-star" General of the Armies rank. In fact, it was given last year in December of 2022 to General Ulysses S. Grant. However, he only is equal to the rank of Pershing. Washington still is the highest-ranking general in US history.


For a little extra context on the repsecting the NCO. In the Army at least, Commissioned Officers are usually paired with an NCO counterpart.
For example a Company Commander and a Company 1st Sergeant.

Part of that 1Sgt duties is to advised and mentor their commissioned officer in operations, applications of leadership in their command.


My favorite is sergeant major. These guys are generally speaking highly respected due to their time in and experience. My dad retired a CWO4 from the Marine Corps and he would tell me stories about some of the more respected guys. Sometimes even high ranking officers would seek the guys out for certain things like strategy and training for missions and so on.


I think it's worth pointing out that although George Washington was only "raised to" the six star rank in the 1970's it truly does reflect his command level during the Revolutionary War. He had the kind of authority that a six star general would have today even though he never chose to wear more than three stars during his service.


Thank you for including the U.S. Public Health Service in your explanation! I am a current PHS Officer and it’s nice to see our branch be integrated into these kinds of videos.


My great uncle was a Full Bird Colonel.
His name was Bill J. Able. He graduated Knox military college in 1955. He served over 30 years in the Army and at one time was the highest ranking officer in the state of Indiana. I've never met ANYONE that I admired more than him. There are many things I still don't know about him and probably never will. He was a strategist. I think he was also an RRC Ranger but I'm not totally sure on that. He passed almost 20 years ago and his funeral was something to behold. You would have thought a President passed. I wish he was here now. I would love to have his opinions and suggestions. They were invaluable. I wish I was more mature when he was alive so that I may have taken his advice more. He sacrificed a lot for this country and everyone that served under and above him. I couldn't be more proud to have been related to him. I wish I was half the man he was. RIP Sir. Thank you for your service to my country and my family. You are sorely missed.


😂😂😂 i got harassed in a social media group for not knowing what navy ranks are. I only paid attention to what I had to salute.


I think CHIEF PETTY OFFICER is my favorite. Unlike other services when you make chief you get a new officer style uniform, on a ship you get separate quarters to sleep in and separate mess to eat in and hold meetings, on shore you get barracks especially for E-7, 8 and 9. The coast guard is very similar but most of their ships are smaller and their anchor, worn on their caps, which identifies them as a chief has a coast guard shield added to it to differentiate from the navy whose anchor shows the letters USN.


I find it interesting that George Washington is the highest ranking military officer and no one past, present or future are allowed to out rank him. So if Pershing is ever promoted posthumously, Washington will be promoted also.


I was a E-5 in the us navy and thats when the responsibility really kicks in, The petty officer second class basically ran the navy at least in the airwing it did, Chief petty officer e-7 was the most sought after rank !


I'm impressed by your accuracy of knowledge for the coast guard, most people even in other branches either don't know, or just assume it's all the same as the navy. Thank you for highlighting the differences!


This is a fine, concise overview of the various service ranks. I can see that there have been some major changes in how these rankings are identified given the more than 50 years since my service in the Navy.


My grandfather retired as a Cheif Master Sergeant in the airforce after 27 years. Lots of respect for that man


This a great refresher! I was a Cpl. E-4 in the Marine Corps. :)


E4 (Specialist) in the army is the best rank. You aren't technically responsible for anything but you can still order privates around (Sham shield for life!). That being said, I wanted to be a Warrant, they are like the sham shields of the officer world.


Thank you for providing these videos general discharge. This information has been really helpful. Your next future video I think should talk about cyber security positions in each military branch. Please give it some thought.


The best cover with added style I’ve ever seen. Outstanding!
