Why You Shut Down Sometimes

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When you are in the depths of overwhelm, it can feel impossible to do anything - even when you know action is the one thing that will keep everything from falling a part.

Why does this happen?
What can you do about it?
Can you do ANYTHING about it?

Let's dive in

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Here's what's in the video:
00:00 Understanding the Freeze Response
The freeze response, a psychological reaction to overwhelming stressors, can paralyze us, similar to a survival instinct triggered by life-threatening danger. This response is a product of our brain's inability to distinguish between chronic stress and imminent danger.

The Nature of Freeze Response 05:14
The freeze response is an involuntary reflex, not a conscious choice. It occurs when the midbrain, convinced of imminent danger, redirects resources away from the frontal lobe, affecting functions like emotion regulation, behavioral inhibition, and complex social engagement. This response can be triggered by overwhelming stressors.

Effective Strategies During Freeze Response 13:00
Motivation through pressure or consequences is not effective during a freeze response. Instead, focus on small victories, celebrate them extensively, and gradually build momentum to shift away from the freeze response.
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I honestly, have given up on life. My freeze response got so bad due to illness, financial stresses, and just overall being an aging adult in america, that I thought there's nothing I can do about never being able to motivate myself to do anything/achieve anything in my entire life. I was making plans for a final exit in about five years because I just couldn't bear the thought of having to live like this for another day, much less several more decades. And you, a person I never met, had literally given me hope back, that my life is not over, that I CAN do something about this, and that there IS a light at the end of the tunnel. You have no idea, what I feel right now. Heck, I don't know what I feel right now, but there are tears in my eyes and I have no idea why I'm crying.


This explains so much. Taking a shower can be as difficult as running a marathon.


Me personally? It's like being dead already but making an appearence to prevent my loved ones grief. I feel trapped and unable to do anything, constantly worried about money, managing my mood, and keeping everyone else happy too.


I am so glad ! that I read the comments. TO KNOW THAT I'M NOT ALONE means everything! ❤❤❤


I just don’t want to do anything but sleep. I don’t really want to die but I’d like to just sleep for the rest of my life.


You are not lazy, you only have a certain amount of energy and right now you are using it all to survive.❤


It’s been a week since I showered. Today I showered thanks to the video. Feeling proud of myself!


I have PTSD. This explains so much. I feel like I’m frozen in a silent scream. I don’t want to shower. I don’t want to do anything.


I feel like I’ve been in a freeze response for years. 😢 I’m so burnt out by life. I don’t want to get out of bed anymore. I’ve had it.


This really helped me today. I actually brushed my teeth.
It helped me to get in the shower.


I washed a few dishes in the sink, next day a few more, next day a bit more, took me a week and it feels great to have a clean sink. Tomorrow I'll work on the laundrycand maybe a shower.🎉


All I need is for the good Lord to come get me. Im so alone, tired of pain, and uncaring individuals. This world is too cold for me. 😢


My daughter has these days where she stays in bed and can't find motivation to get up. Shes been depressed for years. I have tried to motivate her, but now I will help her find something to praise her smallest accomplishments. I am a nurse, and this absolutely makes sense to me. Thank you


Never in history have we been so overwhelmed with choices, technology & information. It can be crippling. I first noticed this happen after my first child... standing in the supermarket to buy nappies... there were so many brands, sizes, prices, a whole aisle! it started an anxiety response I'd never faced before, i couldn't decide. Our brains have not evolved to handle sensory overload that is the modern world.


I've been in this for about 2 years. So far I have managed not to get fired from my job and that is the great victory of my life.
I also ordered trash service at my house and have thrown out most of the pizza boxes and other trash I have been sleeping with by taking a few things out the door with me as I go to work each day.
I have a 4 day weekend coming up. I've been thinking about washing my sheets.


If you don't do anything, nothing can go wrong .


I’ve been in bed for 2 days. I make up stories of why I can’t meet someone for lunch. I have to get ready for work tomorrow and I’m dreading getting up and getting dressed. I only shower every other day even when I have to go to work. Nobody cares so it doesn’t really matter. I do get up and fix something to eat but I just want to stay home and not be around people.


I know this "freeze" feeling so well. I cared for both my elderly parents from 2015. Being a carer is so stressful. The "freeze brain" started In 2017, my father died from prostate cancer In 2022 my mum passed away from dementia and strokes. All the time I was bullied by a family member for not being a better carer.
I'm slowly starting to come out of the freeze. I need to start celebrating my little victories.
Thank you for your video.


I've never been addicted to my phone until I broke my leg and have been in bed for 2 years. I've had nothing to do but sit on YouTube all day and it's completely drained any motivation I had. I think a huge part of people's depression right now is their cell phone sucking their brain dry and making them miserable 😖


It’s kind of nice to know I’m not alone.
