🔴 Arminianism vs. Calvinism | (3 Books to) Understand Arminian Theology

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----- Do you know what Arminian Theology teaches? This video introduces three books that will clarify the debate for Arminians and Calvinists alike.

What's your favorite book in the Arminianism vs. Calvinism debate? Leave a comment and tell us about it.

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Arminian Theology: Myths and Realities by Roger Olson

Why I'm not a Calvinist by Jerry Walls & Joseph Dongell

Jacob Arminius: Theologian of Grace by Keith Stanglin & Thomas McCall

Dr. Matt O'Reilly is pastor of Hope Hull United Methodist Church near Montgomery, AL, a fellow of the Center for Pastor Theologians, and Adjunct Professor of New Testament and Pastoral Ministry at Wesley Biblical Seminary.

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Thanks for the book recommendations on Arminian theology. I like to study different theological perspectives but not locked into any one theological system. This can help understand Classical Arminian theology. I have noticed that Calvinist tend to misrepresent Arminian theology as what they say is Arminian is actually more Finnyism. Most churches in America anyway tend to lean Arminian without knowing it. I did tend to lean more Calvinistic because there is more theological material out on that system but the philosophy within the system I started to question as unbiblical and also looked more at the known Calvinistic verses in context that it was not what the scriptures mean in context that your reading yoru presuppositions back into the text. But there is a tremendous amount of Calvinistic material out there in why I think we are seeing a resurgence of Calvinism. Wonder why that is? Is it Calvinism is more of a developed theological system than say Arminianism or any other theological system? But glad to learn what true Arminian theology teaches so I can point out to Calvinist where they are wrong in misrepresenting Arminian theology.


So Matt let's start at the beginning of this great debate .Do you believe man "Died " spiritually in the garden or do you believe they retained some form of righteousness enabling them to respond to the gospel call ? Because if they died, a dead man cannot respond to the gospel message .


Arminian friends in the comment section hello!


Why don't read the works of Arminius itself? Then you have his pure theology in this three book volume


What about the Lutherans, Eastern Orthodox, and Traditional Southern Baptists aka nowadays as Provisionists because it’s not limited to Southern Baptists. Calvinism and Arminianism are NOT the only Christian soteriological views based on the Bible.

Eastern Orthodox and Provisionist soteriology are more in line with the views of the early church fathers before Augustine.


Another excellent book is "Against Calvinism" by Roger Olson.


I've read the first two..
I need to read the third..


Great american awakening come from...God by J Edwards ...Whitefield etc
Calvinist . And Spurgeon! And the sucess of the reform?


Is anybody read a book called “ Refutation of the sects” by 5th century bishop Yeznik of Koghb?


My hillbilly friend you need to read and re-read The Institute’s of The Calvin Religion. Then you too can become one of the enlightened ones.
I don’t label myself as Arminian or Calvinism, I consider both to have their issues. To me election and predestination are looking at salvation through God’s eyes, and He is not bound by space or time, so it is all of time is started and finished from the foundation of the world. The moment God thought it it was already complete.
But from our perspective in time and space we are making choices and acting on them. God knows those that are His because He knows all things inherently. Both realities are true because they are two different sides of the same coin. Neither Calvinism or Arminianism is correct. Though from our perspective Arminianism is the reality we live in, which is space and time.


Any systematic doctrines created by men is bound to be influenced by their 'total depravity' according to Calvinism. I believe it is the epitome of arrogance that some theologians believe man can actually put God's Will into a man made system! His thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways are not ours. I rest my case. I can easily trust God with all of it because He has given me a capacity for mystery.


I'm trying to understand Arminianism. I'm *definitely* not a Calvinist, but, ironically, I probably know more about Calvinism than I do Arminianism.

One point that's bugging me is that I was privileged to hear Dave Hunt in person denounce Calvinism, but he also said "Calvinism and Arminianism are *BOTH* wrong". So I'm trying to figure out how close I am to true Arminianism. The teacher I tend to agree with most is Dr. Leighton Flowers, BTW.


theres no misunderstanding at all arminians have a false gospek


What's the arminian view of passages like Romans 8:28-30, Romans 9:17-24, Ephesians 2:1-10? How are those passages resolved with man's free agency? Also is there a particular passage that arminians claim actually teaches God's choosing not to violate God's free will?


John 1:13 born not of natural decent, nor of human decision or a husbands will, but born of God .This scripture clearly stands out to show it is not your "decision " to chose Christ but Christ chooses you .How did you contribute to your birth ? You did not ! That why Jesus used the analogy "you must be born again " .You also notice as you read down in John, Jesus did not give you any steps on how to be "born again ".John 6:63 the Spirit gives life, the flesh counts for nothing .There is nothing you can do to be born again .People are born again by the proclamation of the Word and the quickening of the Spirit ! And that is the power of God !!!


False Dilemma! There are other choices other than calvinism and arminianism.


I would like to present one question : In arminian theology you believe each person at birth receives a "spark" of grace enabling him to believe or disbelieve in Christ .Could you please present a biblical basis for this view .


Truly no one can straddle the fence on this issue. Either you believe that God ALONE saves or you believe that God needs men to cooperate with Him in their salvation. In all ways I see very little difference between arminianism and catholicism. An arminian has something to boast of. A Calvinist is in awe of the fact that God would choose a wretched sinner like himself. Romans 3 is ever so clear: "No one understands. No one seeks after God." God would have been just to have chosen no one but in His grace and love He has chosen some to be saved. Jesus went up on that cross knowing exactly who He was dying for. Please read Romans 9:20 again.


Arminianism- Man-centred Bible
Calvinism- God-centred Bible.
The difference is huge.
