3 Signs that your EX regrets breaking up with you

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3 signs that your EX REGRETS breaking up with you

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#breakups #nocontact #relationshipadvice #avoidantattachment
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I pray that EVERY SIGN that has been brought up will come to fruition with my Ex. My ex is the one who was interested first. Seeing how she came into my life when I wasn't looking for love, I know from the bottom of my heart that she was sent from God. She came into my life where I was fully focused on God, and from April 2022 to December 2022, it was nothing but wonder and bliss. However, we both work at Chick-fil-A Dwarf House and she didn't get hired at the one I was working at until 2021. I was familiar who she was, and I was aware of the rule of thumb to never date anybody that you work with, yet and still we made it this far.


3 months after the break up and we have kinda started to start talking more and hanging out and she’s spent that night like twice (nothing happened) I want to do it right this time so wish me luck gents I’m genuinely happy and I think she is too with just starting slow.


Your the Main G Brother. Your helping me out a LOT ! Ever since ive embraced the breakup and startet not caring so much I see her caring more and more. Not finding the right apartment to move into and keep finding excuses to stay in my flat supervising my moves, getting fourious when she hears me happy on the phone talking to someone Else. She is regretting big time, but are afraid to get turned down.

Telling her i need space and time for myself to self improve and elevate mentally to find out what I want to do with my life furthermore breaks her.

And she dumped me during her period.


Wow you nailed this... my person..dumped me 2 weeks ago... I didn't go full no contact (we have a few situations that I couldn't) but for the most part we had extreme limited contact... a few nights ago he called me...and asked was I seeing someone else..blah blah blah...then proceeded to ask me to make time for him valentines week..he want to take me away😐 I'm still don't know what to think or how to like I'm still hurt to my core....


When I first started working there, I had a heavy resentment for the Crew Leaders because a lot of them were not "Chick-fil-A" material and it was evident through their customer service. The time came when Carrie, my ex, became a crew leader and I WAS OVER THE ROOF for her, because I know her heart and her character and she was the first person I felt actually deserved the position. As she grew into the role, this internal insecurity manifested from a "What if?" In this case, what if she grew into the reputation that the average crew leader carried? I allowed this insecurity to blind me seeing who she really was and it became a wedge in our relationship. I PRAY PRAY PRAY that everything gets turned around one way or another.


Question. I’m being sent good tiktoks saying she got hope in us. We rushed it. Thinks we were meant to be. This is bread crumbs. I was thinking of the next time she reaches out and it’s a good one I tell her to stop unless she means it and proves it and don’t contact me unless it’s something significant. If she sends a negative one I will just leave it on read. What should I do?


So if they ask to see you after so long of not seeing you do u meet with them ???


Maybe if my ex didn’t block me on ig and knew what’s happened to me last few weeks she would feel really stupid lol


When will they show these signs??? Like within a month after breakup?


Coach, after my divorce, my ex started showing these signs. Unfortunately I was all too eager. Now it's been 2.5 yrs of him being in power. I've since gone in nc twice, for 5&6 weeks. Both of us have worked on all our faults. He is now treating me very well, nice dates, gifts etc, but won't commit yet. We have 3 young children. I believe he's afraid of what ppl will think. What should I do? Should I go nc until he makes an offer, or trust that he'll commit as time goes on? Help😢


The other day someone asked for my number but the thing is…i gave them my number the first time and they never called. So i ran into them again and they claimed that they was in a “situation” so now they asked for my number again and i gave it to them. Now i believe this happened again smh. What is the real definition of someone in a “situation”???


Does this count if both the ex-girlfriend's siblings messaged me on my birthday and are still talking to me? I never brought up the breakup to them, just talking about their interests. Also, her friend who doesn't follow me on Instagram watched one of my stories. I've been currently 2 and a half months no contact and never begged or pleaded in my 3 year relationship, and my last message was to call me if you change your mind to my ex when she broke up with me back on November 18th.


Can someone tell me what that background song is? Thank you ☺️


Hi, should i delete his account from both of us? He didn't tel that our relationship is ended or not.


I removed myself and im making a strike back... 😎
