5 No-Equipment Exercises That Will Transform Your Body Fast

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Do you want to transform your body in the quickest possible way? What about exercises?

Sure, diet can help you lose weight, but body composition exercises are the ultimate key to keeping muscles along the way.

Your body is the best tool you’ve got for getting a great workout without using any equipment.

Body training exercises will tone and slim your body while adding definition to your muscles.

Today, we will be delving more into 5 exercises that you can follow to transform your body quickly.

All 5 are very common, such as plank and squats, so you probably won’t have a hard time executing them.

But to give you more detailed information, let’s go over them one by one.

1. Squats
Squats are very famous and for a good reason.

This no-equipment move is a true multi-tasker.

Aside from promoting good balance, you can burn more fat, activate your core and promote circulation.

The squat is a lower body exercise that targets primarily the thighs and the glutes.

For newbies, do 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps twice or thrice a week.

It’s one of the best exercises that’s ideal for those who don’t want to be bothered with exercise equipment.

2. Push-ups
Push-ups are a compound exercise that engages several muscle groups all at once.

This classic exercise activates your biceps, triceps, core, deltoids, and lower body.

By recruiting many muscle groups, your heart works even harder, which makes a great cardio exercise that boosts heart health.

When done properly, push-ups promote proper posture and prevent lower back pain.

For best results, complete 3 sets of 8-16 reps.

3. Plank
The plank is an outstanding core and abdominal exercise.

It looks simple at first glance, but it actually works the entirety of your core.

Even your glutes are at work, carrying your back and bum.

The plank is more of a strength-building exercise than a cardiovascular exercise.

Even still, engaging a range of muscles does boost your calorie burn a bit.

Normally, a 150-pound person will burn about 3 calories a minute holding a plank.

4. Lunges
Unlike squats, lunges involve a major shift of weight since you’re moving forward or backward.

This exercise doesn’t just target your legs but also your glutes, calves, and hamstrings.

Lunges are a resistance exercise.

It tones your legs and abs, improves your core stability, boosts your flexibility, and burns fats.

For beginners, getting the form right is a must.

After only a few weeks of just lunges, you’ll be rockin’ your skinny jeans.

5. Burpees
Burpees combine movements that will strengthen your upper body.

That’s because it’s pretty much an all-rounder since it includes tons of exercise areas.

Simply put, it’s a full-body exercise that’s used in strength training and aerobic exercises.

Burpees are dynamic and never dull.

They hit every muscle in your body while keeping your heart-rate up and doing so without the use of any piece of equipment.
It might not seem so but moves like those 5 work wonders in changing your body.

Which ones are easiest for you? Let us know below. -

Рекомендации по теме

0:51 Squats
1:24 Push ups
1:56 Plank
2:26 Lunges
2:58 Burpees
Just wanted to have a list for my own use, been considering on trying smthng like this out :)


0:52 :squats (15-20 reps, 2-3 sets twice a week)
1:24 : pushups (3 sets, 8-16reps)
1:56 : Planks(burns 3 calories per min)
2:26 : lunges(for first few weeks)
2:58 :Burpees


I'm a 55.y/o disabled combat vet. I started doing only these 5 exercises 5X a week. I increased clear fluid intake and cut out processed sugars. Today I'm down 40 lbs and off BP meds. My intention at 6 mo is to double up. Let's see where it takes me. Try it. Start slow. But get it in.


Rather than a image, showing how to do exercise in the background helps alot


Thanks for these exercises!! I remember starting my own transformation about a year ago. I bought a diet plan from Dietarize and started doing some exercises at home. My brother was making fun of me, thinking I will give up. But day after day, meal after meal, I managed to do it. I lost 20lbs thanks to my diet and dedication and I'm feeling a lot happier now. I can finally tie my shoelaces without holding my breath 😀


1. walking (or running if you can) 2. Push-ups. 3. Jumping Jacks. 4. Prisoner Squats. 5. Yoga 6. Marine-style situps (crunches really) 7. and this is a really good one for shoulders...no-weight overhead press combined with toe touches. These are better with light dumbbells, but if you don't have or can't afford, just start with your hands in fists next to your shoulders, press straight up, bring hands down, lean over touch toes (or get close)--can do many of these with no weight--start with maybe 30. Burpees are great, but they're basically a squat combined with a push-up and a jump. If I could do them, I probably wouldn't need to lose weight. Yoga includes planking, lunging, and pushups but keeps you moving for 20-30 minutes even if you're overweight. For those with bad knees, including 20 mins of walking backwards 3x per week and check out kneesovertoes guy's videos for some other goodies. Walk or backwards walk every single day--shoot for 40 mins walking, 20 mins backward walking. These are THE most important for losing weight. Prisoner squats are great, but they do not replace cardio over longer periods. For marine-style crunches, look up the marine reqs for passing and pts. Even if you can only do the passing number 3-4x per week, they are a nice addition to any work out....can be restrictive if lower back gives you problems. Yoga with lots of sun sals will usually take care of any back problems you had after a month or two....start with baby cobras and after a couple weeks start working in upward dogs in your vinyasanas. You'll find a lot of those lower back problems are minimized by yoga. For jumping jacks, if you're over weight, but not overly concerned with knee pain, go until your stomach hurts. If you're a couch potato, figure....25 to start. Then you'll find as your core gets stronger you can do more and more. These are great for basic core strength before yoga. Yoga (using sun sals) really helps core strength. Then once you can get through 30 mins of yoga doing plenty of upward and downward dogs, those marine crunches are not so hard on the lower back. Check with your doc first, especially if an overweight couch potato...you'll wanna ease into these.


For those who are in a rush:

5.push ups


This video has given me good info for continuing to get into shape. Thanks for the great content 👍


I’m doing 350 pushups daily at 63 yrs young. I have worked out daily for decades. I don’t simply do a pushup. I do them inverted. I think some calk this Military Style?
I also walk 4 miles/daily.
Weight train 3x/week.
Do anaerobic exercises 4x/week.
And during the warmer months, ride a bike several miles every day.


This post came just in time for me, ty


I've been restricted to limited space quite a lot in my career and I've found the following works well:

100 press ups
100 squats
100 sit ups
1x minute rest.

100 Burpees.

It doesn't matter how you scale it or make it work. Time doesn't exist. Just complete the reps. 👍


I know you need a bar for pull ups/ chin ups but it's just such a hugely beneficial exercise for the upper body. Good video by the way. 👍


Be honest we’re all lying down while watching this video.


Fun fact: whenever I click workout videos this random guy pops up be like: stop do not exercise 🤣


Please make a workout for weight gain.


I’ve been out of the exercise regime for far too long. I’ve started push-ups again after 20 yrs of doing nothing, but I have to admit, I’ve got no clue what a burpee is!


You should also add about to execute this exercise correctly.


Thanks for this upload I see much more results now 100% effective just discipline needed 🙂


I love easy excercises for my lazy attitude👍


Very informative, the background score gels with the information.
