Is It Okay for Christians to Use CBD Oil? - Your Questions, Honest Answers

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I'm having difficulty with the issue of marijuana and CBD oil. My daughter and I have gotten into disagreements over the issue. I've always known marijuana to be a bad/illegal/immoral thing. Yet, with the legalization of marijuana in more and more states, it's harder and harder to argue against it. I know little about its non-high version, CBD, but because I relate it to marijuana, I think it's bad too. Is it a compromise as a Christian to accept CBD as alternative medicine?

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I don’t view CBD as bad bc it has healing properties to it and also helps people with stress & depression. A lot of prescription medicines such as opioids aren’t helping people, but killing them.


I recently started smoking cbd...i asked God what he thought about it..He gave me a dream i was in a cbd shop looking at different of the strains was called "killing the grace"...dissappointed but i knew what he was trying to say..
Use of these types of things are labeled as "sorcery" in the Bible


That’s something ppl should pray to God about. I feel as believers in God we shouldn’t rely/depend on outside sources God should be our main and first choice. Our faith / deliverance comes by faith trusting and believing that’s our healings already done.


I do CBD oil and it helps! And I’m a Christian!


Just because something is legal doesn't mean it is moral.


Atleast have someone with Atleast a little knowledge of the subject have an opinion..


I have a traumatic brain injury that gives me severe neuropathy in my feet and CBD oil is the only thing that helps me find relief 😅!


I would like to pose a thought to consider.
There was a story of a man who fell over a cliff and was holding on to a limb to keep from falling to his death. So he called out to God, "God if you are real please rescue me"....then he heard a voice say "let go of the limb"....then he said "is there anyone else up there that can rescue me?".
You can look at this 2 if God says let go of something then obedience is what saves you....or if you asked God to help you with your debilitating nerve pain and along comes a CBD/thc oil that can mitigate the pain...then you have to follow your faith level.
If you are facing suicidal thoughts because of chronic pain that torments your very soul, and God has not brought healing or if regular medicine cannot help, yourself could you live in a body with constant pain with no relief.????


I’m a Christian women that loves God and I’m still seeking if it’s wrong to use marijuana I believe in my opinion I don’t see CBD use as bad people use this as a medicine to calm the pain and body aches to calm people headaches and etc THC is different I think when you smile marijuana trying to get buzzed and high that I don’t see at so right to use marijuana to get silly and high but that’s my opinions still seeking if it’s right or wrong to use that ....


I have another it OK for Christians to get the Covid vaccine?


Kaneh bosm it's one of the ingredients written down for the oil that Jesus used for his annointing oil. It's the first known word for cannabis. This is a plant that God gave us for medicine.


In a Hebrew Bible EXODUS 30:23- Kaneh Bosom is cannabis. Congress shall make no laws respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; Genesis 1:29 God US EVERY seed bearing plant across the face of the entire Earth. Thus plant prohibition of ANY kind is in fact a violation of our 1st amendment rights. GOOD DAY.


I used to be christian man moons ago, i didn't read the bible till i was 21 and i worshipped many diffrent God's now i worship a God i like.


This is the reason I left Christianity, I don't think any Pastor can tell you what to do or take, people fail to realize that 'Pastors are not God' they will tell you what you should not do...And they would be the very one doing IT! People only we know what we experience...


I agree if it has no marijuana affects its good but if not then you shouldnt use it


I am Christian and no I would never use it.


This is a very uninformed reply.

CBD ought not have THC in it (the "high" component in marijuana).

THC/marijuana can be consumed in other forms than smoking (because smoking is bad, no matter what you're smoking), like dissolved (the THC that is) in butter and baked into cookies. This does away with the bad for your lungs argument.

Marijuana is bad for you, but so are opiod painkillers. The opiod crisis is rampant in America, and bashing on marijuana seems very much out of proportions.

Marijuana is addictive, but far less than tobacco or opiods, maybe even less than alcohol. It does influence you, as do opiods, nicotine and alcohol, so even if used, don't do marijuana and drive.

As marijuana seems to be a very effective painkiller in *some* situations, it is very effective in late stage cancer treatment, with less negative effects on your health or wellbeing than opiods or morphine, as far as I know it is not curative either.

Summarized: saying marijuana is bad, period. Is only valid if you say the same about any painkiller, otherwise, accept that it does have it's uses.


Midnight CBD oil has done womders to my skin! Always grateful for ##midnightcbd
