A Biblical Argument for Self Defense

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If you don't defend your neighbor, you are breaking the commandments of love your neighbor as yourself and do unto others if you would rather be defended.


“If a thief is found breaking in and is struck so that he dies, there shall be no bloodguilt for him”


This is Spiritual and logical gold. So sad that our culture has wandered so far from truth.


Also, note that the wrong has already been done (slapped is in past tense). Self-defense is avoiding being slapped or harmed (future tense). When faced with deadly force (gun, knife, baseball bat, etc.), we have the right or obligation (if a loved one is threatened) to defend ourselves. There is absolutely no Biblical evidence for simply letting someone harm you.
Suffer injustice? Yes. Get shot, stabbed or beaten without cause? No.
Vengeance is another matter entirely. "Mine is the vengeance, says the Lord." So, while we can defend ourselves, we should not go looking for trouble by doing what God says He will do.


In Judges ch 19 God tells an embarrassing story about two men who instead of drawing their swords and defending themselves, put a WOMAN outside for the wicked men to rape and abuse all night long. It's an embarrassing story of cowardice and it's in God's Word for a REASON.


And He said to them, "But now, whoever has a money belt is to take it along, likewise also a bag, and whoever has no sword is to sell his coat and buy one. Luke 22:36


NEEDED. I was beaten a lot in my life. I hugged them. I loved on them. But I kept getting hurt. Ive been told that thats the right thing. Hearing this makes me want to cry man all those years I couldve defended myself


Amen to that brother. I've always said I'd never lay down and die on my knees. I always had a gut feeling I would not be judged...I hope. I've always thought if every Christian just let people kill them without self defence over the centuries....we'd ALL already be gone from existence centuries ago.


Yes, trade others as you want to be traded but at the same time take up for yourself and your family if necessary


Wow. That is so refreshing to hear.
I totally agree. I try to keep in mind that our God is the God of the living. Everything he created is pro life, and set up so that life can continue. Death is an abomination to Him. It's not what he intended. I try to weigh things in light of this, so if someone wants to cause me harm, that falls into an anti life action. It may not cause my death, but could cause mental illness from stress which in turn brings illness to the body. The last pro life solution (if there is no other way out) is to fight back.


Great topic ! extremely important timing, thank you


Thanks, I've always felt as a Christian carrying a weapon wasn't a no-go. Otherwise, my time in the Marines would have been difficult.


"14 And the soldiers likewise demanded of him, saying, And what shall we do? And he said unto them,
Do violence to no man,
neither accuse any falsely; and be content with your wages".
Luke 3:14 (KJV)


Pray for those who saved their lives & protected
their families using their legal firearms from armed
intruders. Now they thanking, glorifying, & praising
God. Pray for those anti-gun & unarmed & didn't able
to save themselves & their families from armed
intruders. After what happened, their lives were ruined,
& they even blamed God.


Excellent, concise, and thoughtful teaching.


It is a moral obligation to defend oneself.


And, they may wonder why God did not help. Speaking from experience. I learned, too late, that I was supposed to defend myself. Thank you for this talk.


I hear Wayne here saying a lot “I think”. In others words, “this is my opinion.”
The early leaders in the church’s infancy where it exploded in growth was an emphasis on enemy love. The yeast of enemy love doctrine runs all throughout their sermons and letters and apologetics. Their emphasis on non violent love for neighbor AND enemy is so overwhelming it’s THE distinguishing mark of a Christian.
Wayne forgets that in the garden, when Peter actually used the sword, Jesus rebukes him. Tertullian, a very early Christian leader, said that when our Lord disarmed Peter, he disarmed every soldier.
Paul, likewise, when describing a Christian soldier’s weapons always differentiates a sword of the Spirit with the sword of this world.
The NT emphasis on The God OF peace, love your enemy, overcome evil with good, pour out your life as Jesus, do good unto those who persecute you, do not avenge yourself but rather leave room for God’s wrath, he who says he loves God and hates another is a liar, raise your hands in prayer (contrasted with raising your hands in harm), peace on earth and goodwill towards men, the glad tidings of the gospel of peace, etc etc etc etc etc.
To ignore the proactive love and nonresistance towards neighbor and enemy is to ignore the NT core and central teachings.
Read the early church fathers and learn Christ.
There were many disagreements in the early church just as there are today in almost every faith and practice, however, there was one nonnegotiable, LOVE. Love for God. Love for neighbor. But THE distinguishing mark of a Christian was Love for enemy.
Grace and peace all. 😊


Thank you very much for clarifying this issue!


Bottomline is I have liberty in Christ, under grace I'm not subject to the Law of Moses ...I have the God-given right to defend myself and my family from any violence perpetrated against me or my family !
