Is It OK for Christians to Be Cremated? | Episode 61

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According to the National Funeral Directors Association, approximately 58 percent of people in the U.S. are now cremated at death. That number has risen dramatically in recent years, and is expected to keep climbing. Experts note that religion is a major influence in the decision of how to dispose of the body at death. For example, until 1963, the Roman Catholic Church prohibited cremation for members.

Does cremation violate God’s Word, or is it an acceptable choice for believers? Dr. David K. Bernard answers this question by explaining the Scriptural view of the human body and how it relates to cremation.

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When my son passed away, I had no money what so ever and needed to arrange for his funeral. In North Carolina, the financial resources did not allow for payments on a burial, so I had him creamated. My family has been UPCI for several generations, and we have had evangelists and preachers in my family, so I confirmed with them that there was nowhere in the bible that says creamation was a sin. God provided me with the exact amount of money for his creamation through go fund me. Thank you, Jesus, for blessing me with what I needed.


Thank you Bro.Bernard. Such sound Biblical wisdom. My dear husband hated funerals. He wanted to be cremated. God took him home, Christmas Night 2014. My Great Pastor purchased a beautiful urn, and we had a celebration of his life. I have a place of honor for his ashes. I have chosen cremation for myself. This lesson this morning gives me a greater peace of mind. God Bless you.


Many have to choose cremation for economic reasons, laying to rest is so disproportionately expensive in our country. So appreciate Brother Bernard's discussion on the matter...


Thank you! So much for speaking on this subject of cremation. My husband of 39 years passed away in 2017.. I didn't have no money for a I went with cremation. My son came down and I expressed my concern. He said "Mom, cremation just speeds up the progress of 'Dust, thou was and dust thou will return'. I quit worrying of I had done the right thing. I know God can still find the resurrection. Thank you! Again...for your thoughts on this subject.


Jesus Christ spoke this world into existence, he can certainly speak your body back together, we come from the dust, He knows everything and He can do everything. He says do not fear.


Well given. As to a body being resurrected, 1st John 3:2 gives us a clear view of the subject. "quote" "Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is."


Amen once we leave the body we are in the presence of gods arms. Our spirit is not in the shell of once was a body. We came as dust and we go back as dust. Amen.


To be absence from the body is to be present with the Lord. Our body house the spirit which goes on to be with the Lord. Tfs


This is what i think as well. Bishop Bernard has a gift of dissecting and imparting the word of God.


I am paying for my cremation at $27 a month for 3 years. I am on a vary low fixed income disabled.
I have less than $200 dollars left after everyone gets theirs. No family just me. How am i supposed to be buried with nothing. Funeral home wants their money. I went through that with both my parents. I have no choice but once we die our spirit stays alive. I prayed and ask several Christians about cremation and they pretty much said the same as this pastor.


Thank you Bro Bernard……I’ve wondered about this subject & you helped to clarify.


Good Job Pastor! I’m Born Again and my wish is to be cremated! I had the opportunity to work in a Funeral Home for five years and had to burry many people! I also helped with cremation services! I had to at times move a buried body from one place to another and that was difficult for me! But I’m partly Cherokee Indian and our people have done fire rituals for thousands of years and my decision is to be cremated because of that! You see folks, God loves you whether you are worm food or burnt ashes! His Promise is that if you are Born Again you will see Heaven!


I’m the early church Romans not only crucified the Christians, they also burned them on the crosses. Christians were used as “torches” in the Colosseum during the persecution of Nero. All of these martyrs will be be going in the rapture to meet Christ in the air. The most important thing is remember that we must be born again of water and spirit; Acts 2:38


Thank you brother for this great input! Words of Wisdom!


Very well explained Dr Bernard. Bravo 👏


Thank you! I had my husband cremated for financial reasons and I now want to be cremated to take some of the burden off my kids. Some of my family members are telling me I’m wrong. I was glad to hear your point of view,


Excellent job, Bishop. As always! GOD bless you, sir 🙏


Dr Bernard always explains things so very well. I love listening to his wisdom and biblical perspectives on this channel.


Good Morning, Pastors & Brothers and Sisters, God Bless you ALL 🙌🙏❤️


To dust you were created, to dust you shall return. Either way is fine and just like you said there really is no biblical text saying cremation is wrong. I already told my family when I die I want my body to be cremated.
