Is it OK For Christians to Wear a Cross?

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We see the cross in churches and steeples, hanging in homes and, worn around the necks of many Christians; however, many don’t know what the cross means. There is also much debate as to whether or not it is appropriate – or even sinful – to wear religious jewelry like crosses and crucifixes. In order to understand whether or not it is ok for Christians to wear the cross, we have to understand the history of the cross and what the cross really means, particularly in our own lives.

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I wear a cross to remember what He did for me 🤍


I have been a Christian since I was a child and I'm now 42 yrs old and I wear a cross around my neck with the cross being silver and Jesus a gold color...I don't wear it for fashion or any other reason than to represent the one thing that has been more important to me than anything else in my life and that is being saved by believing on our savior Jesus Christ and as a symbol of my thanks for him dying on the cross for my sins as well as the world....


I left a religion that abhors the cross so I now wear one to help me remember what my Savior has done for me and it even has the Lord’s Prayer inscribed very tiny in the center. I find it opens conversations and helps others remember too. 🙏🏼


I had a near death experience, and I got one this month. A simple wooden cross being my skin was sensitive to the material on the jewelry.

I prayed over it and it will be my reminder that the most high is with me and to always be about what is righteous. It definitely is a reminder that the love Jesus for us on the cross.

The humble wood cross will also ultimately, for me, symbolize how humble I am onto my my high Heavenly Father.

After nearing losing my life, and losing Lord Jesus and Heavenly Father in my life, I prayed and begged him never to leave me. This is a symbol of me as a man devoted to my walk of faith.

So, I will wear mine and carry one as well in this walk of faith. I never want to be without my savior and Heavenly Father.


I wear my cross as a symbol of who I belong to ❤


I don't wear a cross around my neck, I carried mine


I'm Catholic. I think this debate is stupid! It's truly mind boggling to me! The cross/crucifix is our symbol as Christians. It means so much, now we can't wear it?! I try to wear a cross every day. I hate taking it off. It brings me so much comfort and I feel Jesus Christ, God, and the archangels with me everywhere I go. I will admit that I often feel very unsafe wearing a cross. I usually keep it inside my shirt depending on where I go. Some people are very evil, negative and hateful. They hate Christians.


My reason for wearing the cross is a symbol of my faith and love in Our Lord Jesus It’s a representation of my believe and it is also for me is like a reminder of His love and a form of security


I do wear a small cross. The closer I come to Christ, the darker the world becomes. My hand goes to my neck at times, the small cross reminds me what He has done for us, his children. It reminds me who I am without Him. It reminds me that I must die daily and live in Christ. It reminds me that Christ left the Holy Spirit to convict me and comfort me. It reminds me that He is preparing a place for me. When true persecution comes and they take it away from me, that’s ok. They will never take away the scripture I have hidden in my heart and the God I know who is my Master, Savior and Father.


That seems accurate. Everybody is searching for "what is truth"? You take everything you hear and reference it with the Bible. Filter it through God's word. What is truth? The Bible is the truth.


the crucifix reminds me of the sacrifice made for me🤷🏾‍♂️ “he didn’t die on the cross” is a very tired argument to me personally


i'm wearing the golden crucifix one because i think it represents my belief in my abilities towards god and he will protect me and that he died for our sins and rose up again that's how merciful he is towards us he loves us we need to have faith for him no matter how many times we sin you get back up and repent to him and remember to stay steadfast and determined that you will not give up!


I am thinking of getting a cross or crucifix to wear, not to brag about my Christianity, but because Jesus commanded us to not be shy or shameful for worshipping Him, AND to inspire others who are agnostic, AND to remind myself to try and live to His standard and desires, as I would be representing Him. ✝️❤️


Amen!!! I just filmed & uploaded my testimonies over the past three weeks by the Grace of God.


I wear a cross around my neck, just a regular metal cross, but I am still praying for the Lord to reveal to me if it is disrespectful. I am willing to give up this world for my Lord, of course. I’m not sure if it’s right.


I’m a Christian as well to i wear my cross around my neck I don’t wear it for any other activities I wear it to Respect Jesus and I thank him for dying on the cross for my sins and I know that Jesus is living in my heart as well to 🙏🏻


I were a cross to show my love for jesus


I never take mine off!😭 Thank you, Jesus!


I use it as a reminder when i feel temptation.
If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. Mat 16 24
(My necklace isnt worn outside of my shirt but tucked under it. No one is going to see it unless i let them. It isnt a showoff hey lookatme thing)


I wear mine to show I'm not ashamed of being a follower of Jesus. I used to tuck it in at work because one job there were a few LGBT representatives and I didn't want them to feel uncomfortable. But it made me feel uncomfortable as if I was ashamed of being Christian. Now I wear it proudly, ironically not in a prideful way .
