Best Exercises & Remedies To Shrink Ankle Swelling

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Best Exercises & Remedies To Shrink Ankle Swelling

Bob and Brad demonstate the best exercises and remedies to shrink ankle swelling.

Bob (the tall one) has been diagnosed with Ataxia. It affects his balance and his speech, but does not affect his thinking. We appreciate your understanding and support!

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I'm from the Dominican Republic. A couple of years back I was hit by a motorcycle, and suffered a separated right shoulder. Three weeks later I had almost no mobility in the joint, and the orthopedist recommended an arthroscopy. I was unemployed and had no insurance, so I could't afford the surgery or the therapy sessions. Then I found you guys, and I was back to full mobility in a month. I wrote you a thank you note back then, but I wanted to reiterate and let you know how much your advice and help mean to people even in foreign countries. I'll alwas be grateful to you, Bob, and to you Brad! Stay positive, Bob, and know that you and Brad make the world a better place.


FYI — I was participating in a prayer chat meeting online today and someone had submitted Bob‘s name in regards to his ataxia. Just wanted Bob to know that thousands prayed for him! God bless!


We love you, Bob. Thank you for having his back, Brad. I’m so glad Bob’s able to continue on the channel right now! ❤️❤️❤️


Dear guys!
I am physiotherapist as well and I got the license in lymphatic drainage (hopefully it is the same name in English!). They told us a further thing you can do is deep breathing (slowly and comfortable of course!!!) in the belly (stomach)! The effect is a drawing of the fluid to the next lymphatic nod!
And there is no risc in slow conscious deep breathing!
All the best for you 2 and especially lots of love and healing energy for „the tall one“!!! Thanks Brad for helping him!!! 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️☀️☀️☀️


I’m so glad Bob is continuing to participate in his YouTube channel even though he is dealing with Ataxia.
You both are a blessing to so many!
God bless you guys!❤️🙏🏻


More than anything, I see friendship, loyalty, and love. Thank you for these tips.


Glad to see Bob working! He's a great example of a brave person working through his diagnosis. Y'all are great!


During the early days of the pandemic, I developed severe edema in both feet over a few months. Talked with my trainer, and she had me do exercises like these. Also had me change my diet from eating out 6 days a week to one, and reducing my carbs to one meal per day (veggies/protein other two plus fresh fruit in between meals).

The edema disappeared in about 2 weeks.

Thanks for all your great recommendations on the channel!


I’m another person dealing with swelling in my right leg, starting to take a water pill tomorrow, you two guys seem to cover just about any health concerns thanks, glad to see Bob with Brad, hang in there Bob!


Yay! Bob is back! I missed you! You are in my prayers. 🙏💙


Prayers sent up for total healing of Bob.


Bob, you are doing well with your speech. Please stay on the show, we need you.


I came to NY last Tuesday to visit family. Wed we walked 5 miles. Thurs we walked 4 miles. I am not used to walking more than 1 mile. I was in pain with my hips/back, and my legs/feet swelled. I didn't go anywhere the next 2 days and I elevated my legs/feet all night Thurs/Fri. The swelling went down very little and was back by the evening. Sat a.m. I found this video and moved my feet up and down, did the stretch for the shines, did the lymphatic massage, and still elevated my legs/feet all night. By Sun morning, it was all gone! Those 3 extra things were easy to do and worked immediately! I could feel the fluid leaving my feet. Thank you so much! I'll be using this in the future to keep myself from retaining fluid! And, today, I was telling my friend about it. She wanted the link bcz she has leg issues. Thank you!!! 😊❤️💖


So good to see Bob (as well as Brad) continuing to bring us helpful content. Definitely suffer from swollen ankles, as I fly a great deal. These exercises are great.


I've been watching you guys for several years. Wishing Bob good luck. I have swollen feet from diabetes, so this is timely information.


My prayers are going up for you Bob peace, blessings, and healing be unto you! 🙏🏽


This video came none too soon! Dealing with swelling after starting to put weight bearing after ankle surgery. Thank you!


My thoughts and prayers are with you Bob. I grew up with my Grandpa who had Ataxia. He didn’t let it slow him down much (we just weren’t allowed to ride in a car after a while). My uncle, Grandpa son also has it and my cousin, my Uncles daughter has been diagnosed too. Just keep going and kick it’s butt!


My thoughts are with Bob on his journey with Ataxia. Light Worker here and I am sending it his way! And to Brad as well! Love you 2—you always help me. And this is perfect for my old ankle that sprained all thru my childhood and then there was that volley ball game back in ‘84———-and a ground hog hole! End of volley ball career. Hahahaha


I came across your vids a couple months ago so I subscribed and saved the ones on edema. I just completed a set of the stretches and exercises and when I got up and put my orthotics slippers on… no joke..I walked right out of my shoes!!!! Thanks a million!! You guys are awesome!! Much love ❤️
