Methodists Explained in 2 1/2 Minutes

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What do Methodists believe? In 2 1/2 minutes, you'll know the answer.
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I dig your no-nonsense news report style of delivery.


As a Methodist, it is quite sad how correct you are. There is such a massive "big tent" that we basically have clusters or Methodists who can't agree on anything.


The difference between a Baptist and a Methodist is that the Methodist will actually talk to you in the liquor store.


Originally Methodists were a breath of fresh air in the staid churches. Full of life in The Holy Spirit, preaching the Gospel and doing good. In the "west" many have let their zeal die or been watered down. Praying that the zeal will return and they get filled with the Holy Spirit again. Outside the "west" Methodist are doing quite well.


I was raised as a Methodist now known as United Methodist. I was an ordained minister within the United Methodist Church went to and graduated from the United Methodist Seminary. So far one note of disagreement with you. The the Methodist Church was started because Anglican priests in the United States would not give communion to those people who were methodists. The news came to John Wesley that that was happening and he took things into his own hands and ordained, I believe it was Thomas Coke England Thomas Coke then travel to the United States and called for a conference on Christmas in Baltimore. He laid hands on all of the ministers also called circuit Riders told them to go out to the various places where the Methodist gathered and to start getting them communion. That's the birth of Methodist Church in this country


I live in a heavily Methodist area. When I was young, nobody around here had ever heard of infant baptism. When a Catholic would talk about having their baby baptised, everybody else would go, "Huh? What?" Now the Methodists seem to be 50/50 on infant vs. adult baptisms.


Liturgy is best! Contemporary worship is entertainment not worship!


I seriously admire your ability to say a lot in a short time -- fast, but entirely lucid and accurate in terms of history and doctrine.

As far as Methodism is concerned, one of the most interesting developments is the tendency for Methodists to gravitate back to their origins, which are in the Church of England. That is certainly the case where I live, In Cornwall in the west of the UK, which was a stronghold of Methodism (perhaps the greatest stronghold in the UK). Here Methodist congregations are closing at an astonishing rate. And yet we are coming together and finding our common identity in Christ. For those who find their identity in the traditions of Methodist or Anglican liturgy -- and there are so many -- I point towards the hope expressed by those who find our common identity in our Lord Jesus.


My dad was brought up in the United Brethren, his great grandfather was a lay-pastor, but when it became United Methodist, and the council installed a woman pastor, we went to an independent Baptist Church, Independent Baptist still today.


I have always heard that the time when George Whitefield as well as the Wesleys were preaching was the First Great Awakening and the Second Great Awakening started around the turn of the nineteenth century.


Reason, scripture, tradition, and passion are what define the methodist denomination. However, within the denomination are many more denominations. It's kind of confusing. You may have 2 vastly different experiences depending on which methodist church you go to.


Hello Joshua! Once again a terrific job my dear brother!


I grew up African methodist episticol. This all sounds right. (The other main church I went to was Baptist lol)


Very few Methodists left here as most joined the Uniting Church on its foundation in the late 1970's. In my own suburb of Sydney, the new Uniting Church obtained the former Presbyterian church while the remaining Presbyterians were given the old Methodist building. The old Presbyterian building was a very attractive one, but the old Methodist was as dour as one could be.


Very useful video. Short and to the point. Was looking up the history of Goodwill Industries.


I would deeply appreciate it if you would do a segment on the origin, growth, and theology of "Whitfield Methodists." Thanks.


This video was well done--especially the emphasis on the New Birth and Entire Sanctification.


I went to a Baptist-aligned high school and noticed that Whitfield was greatly revered. I didn’t know he was connected with Methodism until recently!


John Wesley would be very disappointed with the recent stance of the Methodist Church re. LBGTQ+.


Converted a little more than a year ago, and became a Baptist, got baptized, fell out with the church. Now I am a Methodist. Aligns more with Free Methodists, but none around me.
