KingdomCraft: Why I'm not Methodist

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"inspired by based methodists" is a something that a gigachad would say


I'm a Methodist, and thank you for being fair to the common quip of equating liberalism and Methodism. Where I am, the Methodist church is, by God's grace, still very much conservative and is leading the charge in many efforts to resist the spread of liberalism.

To elaborate more on the doctrine of entire sanctification ("ES"), yes you're right it does teach that it is a state where one is cleansed from sin, but one should take care to read Wesley's definition of sin (which he defines strictly as having an element of voluntariness (contra what we would commonly call sin eg. "through negligence" and "through weakness", which he uses other terms for such as transgression).

ES is a state where the heart is so filled with love for God that there is nothing "contrary to love" (which would include no intention to sin) BUT Wesley is also clear that 1) One who is in that state can still (what we commonly call) sin (he terms it, for example, "liable to mistake" and/or "ignorance"), this nature to "mistake" sticks with us until we die, and "Every such mistake, were it not for the blood of atonement, would expose us to eternal damnation" (observe how this would be what many today would refer to as 'sin', which damns us); and 2) This state of ES can be forfeited (i.e. it's not permanent)

Wesley talks about entire sanctification in many places, but for those interested, a good starting point might be Wesley's "A Plain Account of Christian Perfection"! :)


Just found your videos today. My roommate in college became a United Methodist circuit rider pastor while we were still in college (before their big split here recently).

He used to joke “I believe in predestination, but that only Calvinists are predestined.”


Another "y not x" video, excellent. Slowly narrowing down to a Redeemed Zoomer denomination reveal (only 39, 995 denominations to go according to Cathorthobros)


As someone who is a Methodist (I prefer the term Wesleyan) and not part of the UMC, it is refreshing to hear a defense against the usual retort against Methodists; especially from a Reformed perspective.

One thing I did not fully agree with you on was the perspective on Entire Sanctification, or Perfect Love, but another comment has already cleared up some of that.


Classical Methodism is cool to an extent


My dad is a non practicing lukewarm Methodist. I'm a Catholic, but I can seriously respect Wesley and and the Methodist lifestyle.


I gotta admit, conservative methodism is probably my favorite protestant denomination. If I had to be protestant, that is probably what I would be. I am a practical guy so I like the book of discipline.


Hey I'm a fellow conservative Presbyterian zoomer and I just discovered your channel and I love it keep up the good work


As a proud Pentecostal, yes much of charismatic teaching is too man-centered. Most people who profess to be Pentecostal also reject word of faith. For instance 4 of my friends recently left a word of faith church after gently correcting their pastor and him refusing it. One of them was on staff. I would occasionally play guitar in their band, but I won’t any longer. There is currently a big push in the general charismatic culture to refocus on Christ. Now that being said, there is a common misconception that charismatics have the same skewed view of Christianity that general evangelicals have, which is that the Bible basically just teaches “God loves you”, but we don’t. We preach the real, full gospel that tells of conviction, a heritage of faith, the goals of God, and the true theology of the Trinity. At times, charismatics can fall into lordship salvation but never progressive Christianity or a watered down gospel.

Zoomer I know you have not expressed this, just more saying it for the commenters who like to jump on charismatics without really knowing our culture.


A slight correction. The 5 points of Calvinism were actually a response to the 5 points of Arminianism, it was the Arminian's who created 5 points to criticize Calvinism and in response the Calvinist created 5 counterpoints which became the 5 points of Calvinism. Then many years later the acronym of TULIP was created. So the whole 5 point thing actually started as a response to the Arminian's 5 points of criticism of Calvinism.


I had a friend married in a Methodist church recently. I really liked how it was more elegant, but still beautiful.


Question unrelated: Jehovah's Witness is considered Christian according to Google but don't believe in the Trinity, so are Jehovah's Witness Christian?


What do you call a Caucasian Methodist?

*An Armenian Arminian*


I'm a believer and someone else isn't because I have faith. I'm not saying I have anything to boast about because faith isn't a work. Romans 3:21-22 makes that clear. Faith and works are opposites and grace is God's gift in the salvation process, not Faith.


I grew up methodist

I was baptized Methodist and I was raised Methodist by my babysitter who took me to church


9:27 man I wish I had like a freedom of choice “hey” said John free will inventor of freedom


I attended United Methodist churches throughout my childhood, and my father was a practicing Methodist pastor for a decade. The idea that Methodists are "hippies" was new to him. Can someone explain to me what Redeemed Zoomer means by that?


In my experience, Baptists take the two sacraments they observe (baptism and communion) very seriously. They don't use a calendar to decide when to take communion, believing that a monthly schedule can take away from its importance by creating an empty tradition.


On the note of why one chooses and another:
I dunno about others but when I was looking a religion it included the questions "Why must I endure this suffering?" and "Why should hedonists experiencr only more pleasure later?" So I will sometimes say "maybe I am smarter and made the right choice" because, be honest, you're an idiot if you think you can attack the very embodied reason you exist and survive. Such self destructive attitudes are insanity.
But the general rule was "I saw all the gods and found the one who seemed logical and moral."

Of course somebody will say "but that diminishes God"...
I wouldn't need to ask why I suffer if I was righteous enough to maintain direct communion with God, now would I? He's still on the throne here.
