Oneness Pentecostals Explained in 2 1/2 minutes

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In less than three minutes, you'll know a bit more about oneness Pentecostals like the UPCI.
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From a guy who grew up in (and still is in) the UPCI, I would say this does a decent job overall (the foot washing isn't really a thing anymore). Having also attended a Church of Christ in Christian Union (3CU), I tend to think I have a decent idea of both views of Godhead theology. My opinion (most probably won't agree) is that oneness individuals tend to think of trinitarians as Tritheists (most aren't, but I have seen a few) and most trinitarians think of oneness people as modalists (which most aren't, but I have seen some here as well). When examining it in the frame of what the other side believes about your own, it becomes easy to see why they use the terms they do. Which I believe this to stem from poor teaching over church doctrines, instead opting for cliche phrases and "one-shot" Bible verses to come to our doctrine without expounding on it, which thusly leads to more problems (as we see in progressive Christianity today). Ultimately, I think the biggest doctrinal difference between the two thoughts is to what degree does the name "Jesus" apply? The entirety of the essence of God, or just the Son of Man. Beyond that, it's semantics to me.
But still, fairly informative concerning beliefs, though there are some variations on certain bits concerning much of this from church to church and family to family. Like most groups, you will have people in the churches who disagree with certain aspects but are in general agreement. Or you could have really minor issues that are of no consequence that people try to make big issues... like beards...


I have never seen one of your videos before and I myself am a oneness Pentecostals (my father also being a pastor who is licensed with the UPCI) and I feel like I have to sincerely thank you for doing this video. A fact that I’d like to point out is that while women ministers are allowed there are very large portions of the UPCI that are against women in ministry. But again thank you for your unbiased opinion.


I appreciate your fairness and unbiased toward us...which isn't as common as we belive.


I thought they also believed in water baptism in Jesus’ name only (as opposed to in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit).


As a Oneness Pentecostal myself, i appreciate that you note the difference of speaking in tongues as the initial evidence of the indwelling of the Holy Ghost and the gift of tongues. I've tried to explain this difference multiple times myself, and the distinction is happily ignored by the cessationists in the rest of Christendom.


This is a pretty good overview of oneness pentecostal beliefs. Growing up I was exposed to many denominations: historically, my family is Baptist and Methodist. My father was baptized by immersion oneness Penecostal (Apostolic) and received the Holy spirit speaking in tongues, and so did I. I attended a Christian school that was largely reformed and Christian reformed. That was where I first heard of the once saved always saved doctrine. Nice job!


Oneness Pentecostals do not believe that the one person sometimes manifests as the father, sometimes the son and sometimes the Holy Ghost. That is an incorrect portrayal of their beliefs. What you described is modalism, and that is not taught by oneness teachers. In fact, it wasn’t actually taught by anyone except critics of the idea in the form of a straw-man.

What the oneness doctrine teaches is that there is one God, the Father, who is the invisible spirit, and the only way to see the Father is through the very image of Jesus Christ the Word of God. The Holy Ghost is the spirit sent forth. In their teaching, when someone receives the baptism of the Holy Ghost, the Holy Ghost is the very spirit of Jesus Christ and therefore synonymous. Receiving the Holy Ghost is receiving Jesus as he is the very spirit of Jesus. They also believe in Jesus being fully God and fully man like trinitarians.

I am very familiar with the UPCI and would not recommend their system as a choice church despite that some of their core teachings not contradicting scripture. Other doctrines of theirs do.


I appreciate your content but the followers of William Branham should really have their own video. They may have some similarities with Oneness Pentecostals as far as Christology but their view of him being Elijah and heralding in the coming of Christ is something else. Not to mention all of his false prophecies.


William Branham you will know a false teacher by their fruit. His was Jim Jones.


Jesus: "Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
UPCI: "No thanks"




Well done. As always you present a non biased view. I really enjoy your presentations. While Message churches may be oneness in theology most Message pastors I know would not claim to be Pentecostal. If i'm not mistaken, Branham denied the initial evidence of tongues, which is a cornerstone of almost all Pentecostal churches, oneness or trinitarian. This statement is not absolute across every church/denomination, but across many. Cheers.


Most of you are not even on the level of devils.

James 2:19 KJVS
Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.


They have the correct doctrine for Salvation, how to be born again Acts 2:38-39.but the organization itself dives deep in legalism. commandments of men. which has pushed many people away from receiving salvation. Jesus warned against following commandments of men.


O hear all Israel our Lord our God is One ❤


I was born again in an Oneness Pentecostal organisation called Bibleway. All of the other churches I've attended have been Trinitarian. I don't normally get into the Godhead debate as people go crazy. As long as a person is baptised in Jesus' name and speak in tongues, their good to go.


I would love to see a video on "UPPERRROOM", a denomination I hear people joining all the time and are planting churches like crazy, but it has been near impossible for me to get much of an idea on their actual theology outside of REALLY liking worship music.


All I know is that in parts of India 🇮🇳 they (UPC) make it hard for other Christian churches to grow in general. Hindus love to video tape and laugh at the UPC going back and forth, singing but also just repeating words and running into each other, falling down all while speaking gibberish.( prayer and worship?) People who know not Jesus and the gospel see this and simply conclude Christianity is ridiculous. 🥴


The trinity is a basic thing principal of Christianity whether that be catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, Methodist, baptist, anabaptist, etc denying the trinity is denying Christianity.


Could you do a video on Pentecostal Church of God (PCG)?
