Anglicans Explained in 2 Minutes

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What do Anglicans Believe? In two minutes you'll know the answer.
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These short descriptions are such a valuable resource!!


You did a good job describing mainstream Anglicanism, it the variety of Anglicanism that most of them are part of. However, there are some Anglicans who are Calvinistic, many are low church rather than high church, and many more do not ordain women.
A great many do not believe that Christ is physically present on the altar for the Eucharist, but that those who partake of the Sacrament worthily partake of his body, which remains in Heaven.
Some are adamantly opposed to asking the intercession of the saints, not all view it as a personal choice.
I would have said that Anglicans:
1. Affirm the Nicene-Constantinopolotan Creed, the Apostle's Creed, the Athanasian Creed, and the basic dogmatic definitions of at least the first six Ecumenical Councils (although not necessarily their canons, not do they necessarily view them as binding by their own authority).
2. Anglicans have the episcopal polity.
3. Anglicans have liturgical worship, of a type descending from what Cranmer formulated. Almost all, if not all, Anglicans wear vestments of at least some type.
4. Anglicans affirm the Sacraments of Baptism and the Eucharist. Infants are baptized. I've heard of some Anglicans holding to Memorialism, but I bet they are extremely rare. The other five Sacraments are practiced, but not all Anglicans consider them Sacraments.
5. Anglicans believe that the Bible is the word of God, and almost all would say that it contains all things necessary for salvation.
6. In theory, every country gets its own Anglican church, but this doesn't work out for countries where there are hardly any Anglicans.
If there are any Anglicans who would like to correct me or point out something I missed, please do so.


I go to an Episcopal church and I think you nailed it. Bravo 👏👏👏


I'm loving the 2 minute videos brother.

They're accessible, and easy to get quickly if I just wanna introduce someone to a denomination. Thank you :)


I love and appreciate all your thorough, well researched videos...
However... did I imagine it or did you do an entire (short) video on the Anglican Church without mentioning The Book of Common Prayer? That's like the best part!


I love how some more light hearted and tongue-in-cheek humor is coming out in these primers in denominations. I appreciate the emoticon and "baptize your babies folks".


Once again Joshua! A terrific job! 👍 I think your study system is a good plan and you make these videos very captivating.


I enjoy ALL your videos, but these short little ones are great! Appreciate your content!


One should keep in mind that there has been a continual Church in England since the second century. We're fed this line that Augustine arrived there in 597 and set it all up - a sanitized, Latinized version.
I highly recommend John Moorman's "A History of the Church in England" . Originally published in the 1960s, I have a third edition paperback copy from 1980.
We're also learning (through science and modern archeology) that the Anglo-Saxons did not invade and "massacre" the Celtic people already living in England. It was more of an assimilation process. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


Great video! Thank you for giving a good explanation of our tradition.


I love these 2-Minute videos that you're doing!


Well you even taught me a couple things I didn’t know. Thank you very much it has answered a couple questions that I had been pondering but had not figured out why yet. Hahaha


It would be cool if you made a quiz "what denomination are you really?"


I think it was Oscar Wilde, a man who certainly had his share of problems, who quipped...
" The Catholic Church is for saints and sinners; righteous people can go the the Anglican Church"


I have no clue why YouTube regularly suggests me your videos, as I‘m not religious (I‘m still a member of the Swiss Reformed Church, but I don‘t go to church etc.), but your videos are interesting to watch.


It's interesting cause as a Roman Catholic, I've been to many Anglican services and they are often almost identical to the Novus Ordo mass.


This is a very informative post. We go to either Catholic or Episcopalian churches here in USA.


Can you do a GAFCON video? I read that more than half of Anglicans (including those within and those outside the Anglican Communion) are in GAFCON parishes now. I think GAFCON is against ordaining women - although they don't enforce an absolute ban. I heard some ACNA dioceses still have women clergy.


Im a catholic. We believe in transubstantiation and taught since elementary. I remmebered some kids were so afraid in their first communion thinking they will be eating raw meat raw skin of jesus thinking bread will transform into actual human flesh in their mouth


Historically, Anglicanism was in concert with the Continental Reformed tradition, such as the Dutch, Swiss, and non-Lutheran Germans. Anglo-Catholicism in the late 19th c. and Liberalism in the 20th really did a number on them.
