Fix Your Deep Resting Squat in a Few Minutes a Day!
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The deep resting squat is a position that everyone should be able to get into.
I'm not talking about doing a back squat to parallel at the gym with a heavy weight on your back and weightlifting shoes. That's an entirely different thing! Rather, squatting low to the ground with no weight should come effortlessly and we should be able to hold that position for a long time.
In fact, it is how we likely would have rested, prior to the ubiquity of chairs. The position is still useful today, too. We squat when we go to pick something up, when we're playing with our kids, and when we're winding up for a vertical jump.
The problem is that many of us have lost the ability to squat. This is not only due to sitting in chairs all day, but also due to wearing shoes with big heels that keep us in a constant state of plantar flexion (feet pointing downward).
This leads to so many unwanted knock-on effects. From tight hips, to a tight lower back, to rounding of the spine, to a general loss of athleticism. And it can result in injury.
How do we get the deep squat back? I've discussed several methods before - such as holding a weight in the goblet squat, or pulling yourself to the ground. Since then, I've started using what I think is a better method. And this method can be applied to all kinds of mobility in order to help you achieve your goals more quickly and with less risk of injury.
Don't ego stretch!