Bodyweight Mass Gain Workout *No Equipment* | Day 5 [At Home Program]

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A1. Pike Push Up / HSPU - 3-5 x 4-6r (4-0-1-0)
A2. Diamond Push Up - 3-5 x 8-12r (3-0-1-1)
A3. Cyclist Squats - 3-5 x 10-12r (3-1-1-0)
A1+A2 are super-set. Rest 60 seconds between A2+A3 and 100 seconds between rounds.

B1. Chin Up / Front Lever Row - 3-5 x 4-6r (4-0-1-0)
B2. Supinated Bodyweight Row - 3-5 x 8-12r (3-0-1-1)
B3. Reverse Hyperextensions - 3-5 x 10-12r (2-0-1-2)
B1+B2 are super-set. Rest 60 seconds between B2+B3 and 100 seconds between rounds.

A1. Pike Push Up / HSPU - 3-5 x 4-6r (4-0-1-0)
A2. Diamond Push Up - 3-5 x 8-12r (3-0-1-1)
A3. Chin Up / Front Lever Row - 3-5 x 4-6r (4-0-1-0)
A4. Supinated Bodyweight Row - 3-5 x 8-12r (3-0-1-1)
A1+A2 and A3+A4 are super-set. Rest 120 seconds between A2+A3 and 120 seconds between rounds.

A1. Shrimp Squats - 3-5 x 3-5r per side (4-0-1-0)
A2. Cyclist Squats - 3-5 x 8-12r (3-1-1-0)
A3. Lying Slider Hamstring Curl - 3-5 x 4-6r (4-0-1-0)
A4. Reverse Hyperextensions - 3-5 x 8-12r (2-0-1-2)
A1+A2 and A3+A4 are super-set. Rest 120 seconds between A2+A3 and 120 seconds between rounds.

INSTAGRAM: @TheBodyweightWarriors

This video shares a 40-minute no equipment, full-body bodyweight strength workout that will help develop strength, hypertrophy and all-round gains whilst having no access to a gym.


Cho - Maiwan

See you in the next video!
Рекомендации по теме

Tom. I can’t thank you enough for putting this series together. An added bonus, unlike the other online trainers who want to demonstrate that they are 100% all the time super humans… You show that you sometimes embrace the challenge and struggle just like the rest of us. Don’t get me wrong… You are still the King! Thanks again.


I've been doing this workout for a month and a half (the full week plus daily iso walks) and it's been a great mix where I'm challenged having started on a relatively low level of fitness but the intensity doesn't necessarily plateau either as I have increased this week on week. Especially compared to other follow along videos, the whole week routine where strength coupled with dynamic flexibility has meant although I can get sore from workouts I don't look like a stiff robot on zoom calls for the following 24 hours.

If it wasn't for this series I would likely have severe back pains from sitting at my dining table all day, have put on isolation weight from a sedentary WFH-UberEats lifestyle and especially have poor mental health. Tom is great trainer as he isn't aggressive or arrogant in expecting individuals to be at peak athlete performance but still encourages you to push yourself no matter the level of fitness you're at. Thanks a million!


That moment when you are trying to speak and no air is coming out of your mouth. Love the effort, Tom :)


This is a short story of success, failure, and recovery... and it's ongoing.

Here to say, 4 years on, I've returned to this week-long at-home series. I have been so grateful for it, I bought a subscription to the Trybe (and have been maintaining it every since).
Oddly, though, I find the full follow-along with all the humanity still in it much more motivating than the boiled-down-to-its-essence modular feel of the app. 🤷 That's just me.

When I first did this series and attempted Day 5, I collapsed on the first Pike Push Up and decided I just wasn't in shape enough. In the next 18 months that I religiously did this workout, I replaced Day 5 with a repeat of Day 1.
Lost 9 kg and was quite fit after 18 months.

(something life happening, depression, etc) I somehow lost my way: I stopped working out at all (not even stretching).
Ate "okay" during the day but started including a regular helping of ice-cream every night. (I know, it hurts me too, to write this) ... Gained those 10kg right back (nah, you read that right).

Three weeks ago, having shed all kinds of mental blocks and starting to feel like I was decaying in my own body, I jumped right back on the wagon.
I was careful in the first week to be aware of what my body was capable of — committed to not injuring myself (that's the number one killer of fitness).
Slowly, as I started to see what my body was capable of (a surprising lot, considering how much mobility I had lost), I found that edge and gently started to push passed it.

I'm finishing up the third week of having returned to this routine. I'm _already_ feeling _a lot_ more comfortable in my body.

Today was my first attempt at getting through day 5. I was brutal. And I responded not by giving up, but finding ways to make the exercise easier so that I could complete the set.
I did *not* use a chair to elevate my feet on the Pike Push Ups.
I couldn't do a single diamond pushing, fine, do a regular one.
When I couldn't make 8 regular push ups, I let my knees drop on the return. ("I'm not here to impress anyone, I'm here to restore what my body is capable of.")

I got through it all. This was far more of a mental victory, today, than a physical fitness one. And the former is often what leads to the latter.

Can't express enough my gratitude that this playlist exists in the world. I know that you had intended this to live on for a small number of weeks, Tom, but this has become a baseline lifestyle for me (and as you can read, above, a sort of fitness lifeline). Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.🙏


It's so validating when Tom says "Oh man" and tosses the resistance band, haha!


"no equipment"

Chair: "am I a joke to you?"


Tom could you please do a full follow-alone core workout routine ? it would be much appreciated because you’ve obviously got a solid core.


That last Exercise was so demanding, I'm proud I finished this session, thx for all your work from Equator 🇪🇨


Warm Up 1:40 / Group A 7:23 / Group B 24:50


This workout kicked my ass. One of the best, if not the best, body weight workouts I've on YouTube. Thank you so much Tom!


Going from 3 to 4 sets is the shit :) I reccomend trying


Those pike pushups are my nemesis- definitely something to work on.


Tom, I love all of your stuff and am devoted to your stretch routines but....(1) why call this “no equipment” when you quite clearly do need some? (2) have you actually tried to do this routine with just some kitchen chairs and a table? I just don’t think it’s possible (3) I think you should show us how to do this routine with only household furniture available which is what most of us (I imagine) have.


Currently sore for the past 4 days of starting this program. I shouldn't have read the comments first, sounds like another body blast! BOOM!


Been doing these for a couple of weeks...these supersets are killers, amazed at how much I am panting after them with no cardio 😀👍


Nearly just finished doing this one. Holy crap! Those front lever rows are no joke! Much harder than chin ups in my opinion. My forearms and biceps are done for. I love your use of the slow eccentric negative. Great idea to make these exercises much more challengjng without having to get into HIIT style to generate fatigue. Great stuff, Tom! Thank you so much!


Bro you‘re awesome, especially this series is amazing! Been following it for a couple weeks now and it really pays off. Keep up the good work!


Hey Tom! Thanks for the effort on putting this workout program together, been following it since the beginning and I love it.
Any chance you'll do a follow along for the mass gain lower body as well?


I’ve run this programme as lower body/upper body and it has been awesome. Rep improvement. Strength gain. Aesthetic changes.
When I say I partied over my first shrimp squat without foot assistance.

... where should I look to next to keep going and growing?

Thanks Tom!


some solid at home workouts here with actual progression / intensity involved.

Half the 'fad' ones that are popping up on YT/IG are utterly usless when it comes to retaining strength/muscle, given they look to be do-able at 30% effort, whilst having a casual chat on the phone...and finished in 10 mins. No volume, no similarity to how you trained nothing.