🆕✨ Should a man marry if he's not financially stable, but can live in his parents' basement?

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Oh reader of this comment, May ALLAH ALMIGHTY give you the best spouse according to your desire and if you have (a) spouse(s), may ALLAH AZZAWAJAL give you blessings in your marriage(s) and give you and your spouses the highest level of JANNAH in the hereafter and also give you ease in this world and in the hereafter.

< Aameen >


now try to find just someone who will agree to marry for broke man


I’m married. My wife is from a less fortunate background than I. I get upset when she sends money to her family. She has a twin brother, he doesn’t work, doesn’t help in the house, smokes and sleeps until the afternoon. He’s been unemployed for at least 5 years. He is a useless sad excuse for a human being. He should be working to help himself and his family, instead my wife sends a little money back home every month to help her family. We fight over this because I don’t agree with helping her family because they are complicit in allowing her twin brother to sit on his bum all day a watch his life go by. The money my wife sends to her family siphons down to her twin brother. His mum buy him clothes and gives him money for cigarettes. The man is in his thirties, yet doesn’t want to work!!


I am married and still studying living in my parents' house, and my wife is fine with it. If anyone wants to know more, reply.


that first line is bars, sheikh always speaks facts


Our Prophet said (ﷺ)
“Whoever recites Ayatul Kursi immediately after each prescribed prayer, there will be nothing standing between him and his entering Paradise except death.”

Dont forget to recite Ayatul kursi before sleep
Our Prophet (ﷺ) said,
When you go to your bed, recite Ayatul Kursi and you will be protected by Allah, and no devil will come near you until morning.(5010)
Narrated by al-Bukhari

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He forgot to mention the mother and daughter in law living together is a bad idea. Sometimes the mother in law will bully and try to start drama with her newly found toy.


Ya Allah grant us the highest ranks of jannatul firdaus, save us from the punishment of the grave, keep us away from hell fire, expand our graves as far as the eye can see and illuminate it with light and give us glad tidings from jannah. Give us a good death and forgive us for all of our sins we committed in public and private, major and minor and turn them into good deeds. Let us die with the shahada, let us die with la ilaha illa Allah, let us die in sujood, let us die in a state of ibadah and resurrect us in the same state, take our souls when you are pleased with it, give the book of deeds in our right hand, grant us righteous spouses and guide us to what pleases you and keep us away of that which is displeasing to you, Ameen.


Is it common to have people living in the basement? Is it real stuff? My house doesnt have that or is not that common here to have basement. Even the poorest one, married or not, they often live inside small house or even a shack.


Sheikh "don't look for a perfect man, there is no such thing"
Also Sheikh: "marry a man that is... " Litteraly pictures a perfect man 😂
But fun aside, Mashaallah a really good and honest advice. May Allah help us all find our righteous spouses, so we can find peace in our marriages.


These thumbnails are becoming too click baity and are becoming more and more like the non Muslims too many Islamic pages have thumbnails showing uncovered women and such things which are unislamic. The thumbnail for this video doesn’t have a problem but it’s a slippery slope


If you are a sheikh, you are a sheikh.


Men want all the fun but don’t want to provide anything for their wives . Not even privacy, just expect you to pile on his family and then accept their disrespect too.


I wont go with his answers he is not objevsitve, he have 13 daughters and no son.


Our Prophet said (ﷺ)
“Whoever recites Ayatul Kursi immediately after each prescribed prayer, there will be nothing standing between him and his entering Paradise except death.”

Dont forget to recite Ayatul kursi before sleep
Our Prophet (ﷺ) said,
When you go to your bed, recite Ayatul Kursi and you will be protected by Allah, and no devil will come near you until morning.(5010)
Narrated by al-Bukhari

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