Eight Reasons why you should NOT MARRY a Single Mother 😳

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There are too many women having kids out of wedlock with men they wouldn’t or can’t marry or ignoring their Duty and Commitment first over their feels and then expecting to find good men to marry them to become Step-Dads .
Here are the 8 disadvantages you will encounter if you are considering Marring a Single Mother.
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Shout out to all the stepfathers out there who are loved and valued by their step children.


I married a single mother. She had 2 children. We had 1 child between us. I raised them as my own. Never had issues with any of that. They are all grown and I am their father not their donor. It doesn't always work out the way you discribed. My oldest was a girl. We had no problems. Treat them with respect and just love them. Becareful who you pick though.


He is telling young men things that they need to hear to avoid heartache
later in life and prepare for what may happen, yes there are success
stories but there are far more failures


My stepdad married my mother who have me and my sister. He raised us, now he’s old and have dementia and we’re taking care of him.


You forgot about the raising up someone else's kid part and then they grow up and say you're not my dad.


When my dad married my mother she had one child from a previous marriage and he had five children from a previous marriage. I was the only child between the two of them. It was a strong family where he treated her son as his own as she did with his children. She took care of him until the day he passed and I took care of her until the day she passed. And we are still a strong family so...
It's all in your maturity level and how you handle situations. Why tell others not to marry a woman who has children based on your own negative experience and outlook? Marry who you want to marry.


Here's what happened to me once when i was dating a single mother. We had plans to go to a special event. I made all the reservations and spent the money to buy the tickets and have my suit cleaned and pressed and my car washed and polished. I took the day off of work and offered to pay the babysitter. We'll the night arrived and I drove to her house and just as we were about to leave, her 6 year old daughter suddenly says "Mommy I don't feel good" and was acting sick. The mother automatically believed her and she said we couldn't go and sent the babysitter home after I paid her. So there I was. Out $200, pissed off as hell, and feeling like a fool being dressed to the hilt just to sit on her couch and watch TV. Of course, an hour later, the little shit is up running around and playing. We broke up a week or so later and I've been sworn off single mothers ever since.


I’ll never do it again. Horrible decision.


Don’t forget 9. Depending on how long you are married, if you divorce she may take you for child support even if the child isn’t yours.


You are right 100% on this. I’m 59 years old. I married a woman with four kids when I was 38. They were all grown up and out of the house except a 15-year-old teenager. We got divorced 4 1/2 years later. Everything you said Is true and correct. I wish this kind of content was around 21 years ago. I would never have made that mistake. All you younger men who read this comment, listen to what this man is saying.


He forgot to mention the BIGGEST PROBLEM with dating a single mother: if you separate, you could be on the hook paying CHILD SUPPORT, even though you're not the biological father 😡😡😡


I agree with him totally. I dropped a guy who had a baby by another woman. No baby drama for me. I want a life of romance, not a life where the man is is fighting with the child's mother about one thing or another.


After my father died, my mom had 3 of us when she met my stepdad. My stepdad raised, loved, and disciplined us as if we were his own. He put all of us through college without complaints. He is a older man now, and doesn't get around like he use to. All of us take care of him gratefully as he invested his money and heart into taking care of us. Your advice is solely contingent on the type of parents, kids, and environment that has been structured. It doesn't apply to most situations.




Real talk grow your own garden my mother always taught me


My own brother is married to a single mother, and he told me not to get married to one. That’s all I needed to hear


I'm a childless female and I agree. These were the exact reasons I was never interested in dating men with preexisting kids.


As an older man I co-sign this message . He is telling young men things that they need to hear to avoid heartache later in life and prepare for what may happen, yes there are success stories but there are far more failures. I personally know a young lady sweet divorced but the daughter doesn't want the mom seeing anyone and fabricated two incidences against me. Our friends of 30 years had to check the mom because they know I would have never and they know of the daughters manipulation. I really like the mom but at the end of the day is the juice worth the squeeze? moms always side with the kids


To the young guys, take this advice from an old guy.

Find a traditional modest woman without children and be a traditional protective man.

Start your own family from scratch and teach them traditional values.

This advice will assist you greatly in the next step.

Don’t get into debt.


I hear what OG is saying. Myself, I met my wife 30 years ago and we are still together. Our kids were 3 and 4 when we met. We have a third 18 year old together now in college. The older ones are now 35 and 34. Both married and successful. Of the 8 issues he spelled out I myself only had to deal with one of them and that one thing wasn't enough to break us up. Choose wisely and let your intentions and limits known before you commit. Show all of them love equally.
