Why Become a Male Nurse

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A male registered nurse gives the 411 on what it is REALLY like being a male nurse in a female dominated profession. He gives his honest opinion about the pros versus the cons and an insightful viewpoint on the topic.

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KRISTINA- @kristina_kohler
ANTHONY- @anthonyswainnn

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As a straight male myself going into nursing I love everything you had to say! For awhile I was a little bit intimidated and worried about what people would think about me being a nurse, but this video perfectly explained why I love it so much! Just the impact you get to make on a day to day basis is beyond amazing. I am a CMA right now but I just finished my pre-reqs and hoping to apply for a BSN program very soon thank you for this video and of course for all you do brother!


Just got my NCLEX result today.


I like this guy I’m 27 and I’m considering in going back to the college of nursing 👨🏽‍⚕️


I'm a guy who went back to school in 1995 at age 43 to become an R.N.. I had been a medical technologist prior to that. We are the people "behind the scenes" in a hospital who are 4 year degreed professionals who run the hospital lab, all departments, to turn out the lab results. I worked in hematology where we did cell counts, blood cultures and manual cell differentials (under a microscope). Initially I was going to be a CRNA (certified registered nurse anesthetist). I then decided against it since at the end, I would have been 46-47 years old and facing a lot of debt. I did complete nursing school, however, and worked on a telemetry floor (heart monitoring) and ICU. It was fulfilling and I practiced until a couple of years ago. That's all for now and good luck.


As a male RN, I can tell you it’s the best job I’ve ever had. I’ve had so many job offers, and flexibility. I work remotely from home and I make 143k working 1 job with benefits. Yes it’s worth it, and the best decision I’ve made for myself. I don’t work directly with patients, I dabbled in utilization management, but I love clinical research.

Also noticed you must be in California, out of all the states and territories, being a Nurse in California is a huge privilege it’s a big deal here, compared other states.


Wanted to be an anesthesiologist but i realized i could become a RN at like 22-23 and become a CRNA later on and make around 150k which is enough to live modest and still pursue anesthesia


It's okay to be a male nurse. I was in the army for years and there were plenty of male medics. Combat medics doing trauma care is quite a bit different than bedside care though, but in an apocalyptic scenario, we'll need nurses over assembly line workers.


Nursing is definitely a career I am looking into after I wrap up my time with the Marines. Thanks for the video! I laughed at the part of the "Enforcer" haha!


It’s a stigma. I became a nurse 10 years ago. I work psych/behavioral. It drew me in. And I’m good at my job. I make a decent salary and get to help people. It’s cool


Hey guys to all the males that are scared of the stigma of being a male nurse. I’m scared too but if you truly like doing it why stop for people who can’t look past your gender? Seems pretty shallow to me. I for one love the feeling of helping someone and the fulfillment I receive. Currently working towards nursing school! Let’s get it boys 😤 hope my message gets seen by those who need that extra boost! Nothing to be ashamed of.


This is a great video I’m actually thinking about being a nurse and I’m looking into the medical field!! I’m a male so it’s good to see other males in this field!


Definitely a lot less drama, right now in our cath lab it's only Male RNs. It's pretty much the sweetest set up you could have Haha! So much fun!


Agree with all these points! Dam near every guy nurse I've met has been chill and laid back 👍. Hope to see more and more males with the profession in the future


Thank you for the reassurement, I start nursing school in august and am glad i found this video! I’ve also always wanted sleeves, so i think the fact that you have them as a nurse is badass!


Going to be studying nursing this year and i'm a male too, found this video really inspiring, thanks man :D


My main goal is to get abs and tear up those single moms in nursing school. I just signed up!


Thanks for the vid man! I got out the army October 2020 I wasn’t a medic I was infantry and honestly the nursing field seems like it’d fit the same type of mindset. I start my prerequisites this fall


Was trying to decide what to do after the military, this video helps a lot!


I like how you mentioned in your last point about how like minded nurses are or anyone in the health environment....great place to work for the rest of your life.


Thanks for this video, I’m more excited to get into my registered nursing career because of it, definitely need more videos like this and more guys speaking on their experience being male nurses, awesome video
