🔵 How To Make Cultured Butter And Buttermilk Recipe

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Yes - buying butter at the supermarket is cheaper… way cheaper. But, every once in a while we want cultured (or fermented) butter and that’s more expensive. That’s when making your own starts to make sense, and you get the added bonus of buttermilk at the same time.

A note on the ingredients; you need to find 35% cream that hasn’t undergone the UHT pasturisation process. UHT changes the structure of the cream which they then compensate with a raft of additives. This makes it harder to ferment and churn. You also need to find unflavoured kefir that hasn’t been pasturised, so it still has live bacteria cultures.

Cultured Butter & Buttermilk Recipe

4 cups (1L) 35% cream
3 Tbsp (50 mL approx.) unflavoured kefir


Stir together the cream and kefir in glass container.
Cover with cheese cloth.
Leave on the kitchen counter out of direct sunlight for 3-4 days.
Pour into a stand mixer with the whisk attachment and whisk on high / medium high until butter forms and separates from the buttermilk.
Strain off buttermilk and save in the fridge for other uses.
Work the butter / knead the butter with wooden spatula’s, butter paddles, or your hands to squeeze out as much residual buttermilk as possible.
Pour off this squeezed out buttermilk - but don’t save it.
During this process rinse with clean cold water.
Shape and refrigerate the butter.

You’ll get:
2 cups (500 mL) buttermilk
11.5 ounces (325g) butter

This easy DIY recipe from Le Gourmet TV is tastemade to help you make homemade butter filled with probiotics and other tasty delicious cultured cream. The taste of fermented cultured buttermilk is great in all of your kitchen baking recipes.

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When I was a child, we lived in a house that used to be a Cistercian abbey in the late 12th century.

My Omi (German grandma) used to make cultured butter and buttermilk from raw cream from cows that she milked by hand herself. She would let the cream sit in a warm spot in the kitchen for a few days, then she would churn it in an old fashioned wooden churn with a crank. Finally, she would pack the finished butter into wooden molds with a flower design. in my memory, I can taste the delicious tangy sweetness of her butter to this day, 65 years later.


Thank you so much for this! My husband has been asking if I could make him some Irish butter. So I first had to find out what made Irish butter different from American butter. The answer was simple. Irish butter is cultured butter! Your video is the best I have found so far, and I’m very excited to get started. 🥰


I might try this with a probiotic capsule or a starter culture sachet! Looks delicious 😍😍 Great job!


I'm curious if I can add that cultured buttermilk to regular milk to make more cultured buttermilk? Your videos are amazing sir.


I thought I was about to make cultured butter till watching your video made me realize I'd made creme fraiche. It turns out that's what's been missing from my life this whole time.


Great, thank you 😊 👍🏻 (and thanks for pronouncing kefir correctly ☺️)


Fermented garlic honey and tepache in the background.
I see you’ve been watching It’s Alive as well


Hi. I live in TO too. Do you have the same problem as I do with organic whipping cream? Very often when I buy organic whipping cream it has a lot of lumps in it, almost like butter. Is it still safe to use? Is it caused by the fact that organic whipping cream is not homogenized?


You answered all my questions! Thank you so much, sir!


Great video thank you! Pineapple vinegar sounds amazing I want the recipe!


Hi! Nice video. Where I live is quite difficult to find Kefir. What do you think about replacing it with yogurt? Greetings from Argentina 🇦🇷


In Ireland we called this country butter. Here's Aussie Bryson talking about the Flora and country butter.


Fantastic most informative for a short attention span.


Love the apron! Thank you for the recipe!


My grandmother and great aunt used to make this all the time when I was little, we had butter, buttermilk and clabber all from the same batch. Depending on how long you let it sit. However, I don't remember them using a culture. They would set the cream in the middle of the stove, near the pilot light so that the cream or buttermilk would clabber. Is that possible? Am I somehow not remembering a step?


Instead of kefir, can you use yogurt?


Hey Glen, I live most of the time in Australia or Chile, both countries quite hot for a large portion of the year. Does the ambient temperature affect how long I leave, or can leave, products out to ferment?


I have a question!
I can buy raw milk in my state. The Problem is, we are older and don't drink too much milk. I want to make cultured butter and one gal of raw milk only makes so much cream. Is it safe to buy "Heavy whipping cream" at Kroger's and combine it with the cream from the raw milk to make the cultured butter quantity I want?
I have a YouTube video called "How to make Cultured Butter easily. "
I would so appreciate it if you would let me know if it's safe to culture raw cream and store bought pasteurized heavy whipping cream together. Do I need A culture of plain Greek Yogurt to add to this mixer of the two types of cream? Thank you for replying on my You Tube page.


Can I use my homemade sour cream instead of kefir?
