HANDMADE BUTTER-cultured butter with cultured buttermilk made by shaking some cream in a mason jar

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I just did this. It took about 10 minutes. Then I made biscuits with the buttermilk and butter


You can wash your butter, to remove the butter milk taste. The butter taste will still be there. We make our butter straight from the cream from raw milk. Use a wide mouth canning jar to put raw milk in. Put lid on. Set in refrigerator over night. Cream will be on top. Spoon off cream and start shaking. Love your video.


We churned butter from fresh milk by hand when I was a kid....I built an electric churn to get around all that shaking. It's amazing what can be done with a windshield wiper motor from an old


At one point we had 11 ppl in our home. Bios, in law, grands and fosters. So we used alot of buttermilk, butter, whipped cream and whey for for breads and such. This is exactly what i would do. Fill a mason jar about 70% and start shaking. Hand it off to someone until we got what we needed. Butter for dinner, work out before. Whipped cream for dessert hand the kids the jar while i fixed or got out the stuff. We would make the butter for biscuits and use the whey from the butter making in the biscuits. That was 15 years ago when a quart of whipping cream was 2.50 and you could buy it for less than butter and save money.


Hi, Curtiss . I just found your channel Looking at your recipes, they are great . just wanted to say I was raised on a farm and had many jobs and responsibilities, One of them was to make butter from our milk cow . she had very rich milk out of every quart of milk there would be 3 to 4 inches of cream on top . after your butter is made put in a bowl and use a wood spatula to work any buttermilk out . you could put some salt in at this time too doesn't take long . just thought I'd share this . Great video, stay safe

Best regards
Terry Lembke


All I can say is thank you!!! Reminds me of a time with my mom and grandma when we made our own cream butter…please keep these videos coming, so too many people today have forgotten how simple life’s pleasures really are! This is my second video, I’m looking forward to a video to make ricotta cheese! Nothing finer in life than food from scratch


Great video ☺️
We had farm week in summer at the learning center where I used to teach.
We'd start after breakfast with the toddlers....
Every class would "shake" the butter 🧈...
With the school age kids finishing it off in time for snack. We had fresh baked french and corn breads with the butter THE WHOLE center made themselves!!! What a blast!


Honestly I don't what I loved more, watching him make butter or just watching him work out!


"Just gonna sit here all day and eat butter" 💯 My kind of day


I make butter all the time and use the buttermilk for the biscuits & pancakes. I have quite the collection of beautiful antique butter molds and some really cool modern silicone ones. It's a lot of fun! 😋😋😋


I love making stuff from scratch I subscribed just so I can use your technique on making some things I've never made before! Also thank you for what you do, these skills will come in handy with the food shortages we have lingering about and getting worse on us.


I've made butter 🧈 in my KitchenAid mixer. I wrap a flour sack towel around the entire bowl and mixer because it definitely will splatter everywhere. Do the same things as when making whipped cream, but to make butter you beat it a minute longer until breaks and the butter separates from the buttermilk. Proceed to squeezing, rinsing, etc the butter chunk, and storing the buttermilk.


I went through all the stages of the shaking. I am a new man.


I get raw milk from a farmer that has the cream on top. I skim the cream off to make butter, and I use the milk to make yogurt. Sometimes I put blueberries, and other time I use strawberry, and put it in the incubator for about six hours. I then hang the yogurt in a cotton bag to drain off some of the whey.


“I’m just going to sit here all day and eat butter, ” Haha, I would, too, making something that good. Stumbled across you yesterday looking for ricotta cheese how to’s, and now binge watching your channel while my whey is supposed to be turning into cheese-not happening, but doesn’t matter right now, I have a whole new source of entertaining info here! Subscribed and thanks for your channel, I love it!


Hi! I don’t even know your name but I’m hooked on your videos:) I was looking for a video on how to make bolillo rolls and the zero waste cheese video was in the suggestions, needless to say I’m subscribed. I appreciate your explanations in plain English for the common watcher, I’m learning a lot from you. Thank you for being humble, it’s very refreshing.


Was a teen last time Mom, dad and my aunt and her husband did that, they would shake jar till one tired then pass it around, even rolled it across the table back and forth before it started setting up. Me being raised on oleo margarine didn't think it worth the effort, but the four of them loved it.


Childhood memories with a milk cow... loved the cream, butter, but not the milk itself...we had a paddle crank churn vs really old school all wood paddle plunger


Pronouncing those cultures sounded like you were summoning Cthulhu


Awesome to see this scenario of making butter! Reminds me of the time we made butter when I was in 5th grade. My male Teacher made our day when he did this in front of us. There were about 23 of us who lent a hand by each one of us giving about 10 vigorous shakes each!! Results were delicious on crackers 😎
