Gain Strength & Muscle: This Is Underrated

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0:00 Intro
0:42 Part I: The Mind Is Pretty Powerful
9:10 Part II: Psyching Up


2) Home - Hold
5) Home - Before the Night
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Read more for timestamps and further discussion:
0:00 Intro
0:42 Part I: The Mind Is Pretty Powerful
9:10 Part II: Psyching Up

- Details about "force-velocity profile":

As mentioned in the video, subjects were told they were getting individualized training based on their force-velocity profile. As you know, this wasn't necessarily true, as both groups ultimately trained with the same program.

But if you're curious, training according to your force-velocity profile is suggested to help build more strength or power.

Fundamentally, through conducting tests on a subject, we determine if they are more force-oriented (and thus have a velocity "deficit") or velocity-oriented (and thus have a force "deficit").

For those in the former (more force-oriented), we prescribe them training focused on high-velocity exercises, while for those with the latter (velocity-oriented), we prescribe them high-force exercises.

If anyone has a "balanced" force-velocity profile, they are just prescribed a balanced combination of high force and velocity training.

Overall, this concept has been found to be effective in some studies, but not in other studies. Thus, it is unclear if this training style has any real merit.

- Details about the training program:

As mentioned in the video, the first study detailed used a training program focused on strength and power.

- Preconditioning study example:

All subjects completed a test to establish baseline leg extension performance (max reps with a 60%1RM load).

After a few days of rest, we give all subjects a caffeine pill (telling them it increases performance when it's just a placebo) and test their leg extension performance again. However, we actually decrease the weight by 15% for both groups (without them knowing). As the weight is lighter, subjects will perform much better than they might have expected, and this convinces all subjects the "caffeine supplement" is highly effective.

The researchers actually repeated this once more (giving both groups the pill and reducing the weight without them knowing).

Then, in the last testing session, we return the weight to normal and test their performance. But we split the subjects into two groups, one group does not get the pill (the control group), while a second group gets the pill (the placebo group).

This design may sound too complex, but remember that the testing sessions are somewhat like training sessions (they will stimulate adaptations). By using the design here, we can establish the effect of training and preconditioning (the control group's increases between baseline and the last testing session will largely reflect the training effect, while the placebo group's increases between baseline and the last testing session will include both a training and preconditioning effect).

Ultimately, in the last testing session, it was found the placebo group increased their work on the leg extension by 22.1% compared to the baseline session, while the control group increased their leg extension performance by 8.9% compared to the baseline.


Forget about fake natty, fake enhanced is where it’s at


I need a manipulative gf to trick me into thinking I'm taking steroids


Who would've known that Ronnie screaming "lightweight baby" was actually giving him extra gains. 😂


"How LYING to yourself is BETTER for GAINS!" Jokes aside, great video. If one doesn't have any physical injuries limiting them to lift but only mental, digging deep in your mind for that push you need to go with it is helpful.


You sure don't remember but 2 years ago I commented on the "power of the mind" on one of your videos... Was about to hit the gym again after a chemo and radiotherapy that took most of my muscles away.
Just wanted to say thank you again and send a positive message to all the sick people who lost their gains. It definitely takes time, effort and discipline but what you lost can be regained even at 50 yo ( depending on your condition of course) ... I'm still fighting for this actually and even if not totally satisfied I feel and look better... And am healthy.
Visualizing, auto motivation, positive self talk and psyching myself up did help me lots for sure.
Much love from France... Keep up with the good work.


So David Goggins' "who's gonna carry the boats!" method was actually effective.


This is so true, literally happened to me today. I was with a friend and was doing dips and I reached failure until my friend started talking "Another rep for your mom, your dad, my mom, for me etc" I pumped out another 6 reps.


"I'm good enough, I'm strong enough, and gosh darn it, people like me."


This is one place where watching anime growing up with motivational messages was very impactful. I watched just way too many growing up. But it instilled in me the desire to think big and go all out just like my favourite characters would in the face of difficulties. I would just stop and think, "What would Goku do?!", "How would Sesshomaru handle this situation?". When I was a kid, this would be my thought process. Now that I'm slightly older, I make these decisions based on certain principles and facts of human nature and psychology but the childhood instilled grandiosity via anime still hasn't left me.


This maybe why coaches are so helpful convincing us we can do it.


"Ronnie Coleman made this progran for me" "Ronnie Coleman made this progran for me" "Oh god, Ronnie Coleman made this program for me"


i once trained with my father and he used more weights on reverse fly, i hit my pr by like 10 kilos that day, can't disappoint


On the self-talk part: there were a few papers that compared self-talk during the lift. They tested simple self-talk (eg. "Up up up up" during a bench press/squat) vs more elaborate self-talk (eg. "Ima engage my chest, then my lats and move diagonally on the way up... etc, etc" in a bench press/squat). The simple self-talk group did better against controls and elaborate self-talk when the task was predetermined/not-complex (eg. bench press, pull up, etc). They also found that when the task was more complex (eg. playing a team sport, tennis, or anything that required more motion calculations), complex self-talk was better (eg. "Ima dribble along the right-side, move to the center, pass, re-position, etc, etc" in basketball).


yeah post workout upload my man! Perfectly timed. By the way, this is why you gotta believe in your plan. Even if its technically suboptimal scientifically speaking, if you are bought in and fully convinced it works the best for you, by the power of brain magic, it will actually be the best for you.


Please do a self-imagery video! Your content is fantastic.


My experience with psying up and self talk is that you tend to push yourself harder than negative selftalk. I always tell myself that "the weight is light and i can do it", i think it does contribute to my strength gains because it make me less nervous during sets and i actually push harder than i thought i could.


I naturally have a coach in my head motivating me as I always helps. Now I am going to try visualizing the lift too🤗


my strength gains would go through the roof after this 👊👊


I think the mind can do wonders. Eddy hall said that he always imagine that hes kids life is on the line if he doesn't lift. I tried and I work to a certain limit
