Are We Saved By Faith Alone? - Ask a Marian

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Are We Saved By Faith Alone? Fr. Chris asks, “What Else Do We Need Besides Faith?” and explains “Sola Fide" on this episode of Ask a Marian.

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So they changed the word "law" to about man made religion


So Martin Luther made things up, no surprise there.


"Put Faith and Actions combined" Faith without Works is Dead amen🙏✝️🙇‍♂✝️🙏.


Romans 3:28. Oh I wouldn't know that too. Father, other Christians memorize verses. That's their way of challenging catholics.


Thank you father for this teaching. I pray more and more Catholics watch this video so they don't get confused by Protestants and others.


Thank you for your positive attitude and explanation


Back in 2005 I was with my son and daughter crossing Boston post road in Springfield Ma, the Sisters from our Lady of Mercy came up to me and gave me Rosary beads and a devotion to the Divine Mercy, I have those Rosary beads and the chaplet in my hands now.yes I have been praying the Rosary every day thru Lent and will continue.if you see any of the Sisters please tell them ...This poor sinner Thanks them from the bottom of my heart.God Bless.


Father Chris, you are a gift from Heaven.


Sharing with my favorite Methodist. Thank you, Dear Father. 🙏🌹💙🕊❤️


As always Father Chris you answered the question and more. Thank you. 👍🏻


Keep teaching us: you do great works here! Thank you 💐 I love your speaking style.


Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;
Titus 3:5

Works of righteousness or works of the law dont save you or keep you saved. Once you are saved (by trusting Jesus Christ) you are always saved.

All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.
John 6:37
God will not cast you out under any circumstance. Now thats what I call grace.


Surely if faith does not have love it must be imperfect. We as individuals have work to to do as well as Christ's loving redemptive act.


Is it alright to ask Jesus for the same thing every night during prayer?


Faith is NOT a checkbox like "yeah I believe in Jesus."
Remember, if you love Him you OBEY His commandments and gospels.
So it is an "active faith."
Also remember the parable of a rich young man? asking how to go to Heaven? then Jesus enumerated most of the Commandments?
So it is not a check box that by believing you are saved.


I have read Romans 3:28 so many times. And yes, we are saved by faith without the deeds of the law.

But what is faith in romans 3:28? And what is deeds of the law in Romans 3:28?? You have to understand what it is first.

When reading Paul’s epistle, you have to be careful when reading “”faith”” and “”works””. If you go one verse above of 28 which is obviously 27, it says.
Romans 3:27 Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith.

It is asking what law excluded boasting. ((Sorry for caps)) BY WHAT LAW? OF WORKS?? So there is a law of works. It is also called the law of Moses, commonly called “the law”, most popular version is the Old Testament.
NAY, but by the LAW OF FAITH.

SO IN 28, it explains that for us to be saved, we just follow the LAW OF FAITH or LAW OF CHRIST and we don’t need to follow the deeds/works of the law which is the law of Moses.

Even if you follow the law of Moses strictly, but not the law of Christ, your salvation is not guaranteed. If you continue reading Romans 3 to the end, it talks about the law being established which is the law of Christ.

You can link this verse to Ephesians 2:8-9 we are saved through faith. THROUGH FAITH, and NOT BY FAITH. Which means we have to follow the law of Christ.
AND NOT OF YOURSELVES because people think what they are doing is enough. Some people say, “I go to church every Sunday, that’s enough”” no it’s not enough. God gave us RIGHTEOUSNESS TO FOLLOW as found in Ephesians 2:10.

NOT OF WORKS, lest anyone should BOAST. BOASTING WAS EXCLUDED IN ROMANS 3:27 by the law of faith.

We are saved by the law of faith ALONE and not by the law of works. But we need to work for our salvation.

Phi 2:12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

Galatians 6:2 Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.

Acts 13:39 And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses.


Hey father Chris make a movie about The book of Life is there a name written in the book of life is very important people should know if it is their name written in the book of Life please make a movie in YouTube


Is it possible for just one single Protestant to be able to produce just one single example of a person beings saved like a Protestant in the entire Biblical New Covenant Church, that is by faith alone and without a Catholic Sacrament? We can find many examples of Catholic Salvation in the Bible but not any for Protestantism. For example, look at Acts 2:37-41. Were these First Believers saved on the Inauguration Day of the Church by their "faith alone" in vs. 37, or were they not saved until after they received the Sacrament of Baptism? Can a person be saved before they repent? Before their sins are forgiven? Before they receive the Holy Spirit? All of these things happen at Baptism, as can easily be read in those verses. So the conclusion that must be made is that the Catholic Church is absolutely correct when we teach that the Sacraments are necessary for the Salvation of Souls. There is no other Biblically revealed way. This is serious business. Protestants teach against the Biblical necessity of the Sacraments, however, the Catholic Church invites everyone to receive these life giving Sacraments. The choice is yours to make for all of eternity. Will it be Heaven or Hell for you and your family and friends? John 3:16 must be read in light of John 3:3-5 and Mark 16:16, they are not mutually exclusive of each other. All references in the NT to being saved by faith must be read in light of what happened on that First Christian Pentecost in Acts chapter 2. Every example of a person being saved is by Faith PLUS Baptism, never by faith alone. Faith alone never saves. That is straight from the Bible. Peter says that it is Baptism that saves us now. James says that faith without works is dead. Faith alone salvation is an unbiblical heresy and needs to be rejected as such. Accept the invitation of the Catholic Church to be saved the Biblical way. Receive the Sacraments and live. There is no other way.


A clear and simple rebuttal delivered with kindness...God Bless you Fr Chris❣️


Thank you Fr. Chris for these small clips. You always have something to teach us and to help us to be closer to GOD and to strengthen our faith. 🕊🕊🙏🙏🕯🕯🛐🛐✝️✝️
