Saved by Grace through Faith, Not by Works

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Saved by Grace through Faith and not by Works is a long standing disagreement between Catholic and Protestants with regard to justification and salvation. So what are we to make of this? What does the Bible say?

As with everything in scripture, the context is always key.

As Dr. Pitre will show, when Paul speaks of being saved through faith, it is with regard to people's initial justification by being made right with God and grafted into the Body of Christ (usually through Baptism) fas opposed to when they were not part of the Body of Christ.

And, when Paul (and for that matter Jesus in the Gospels and St. James in his epistle) speak of salvation by works, it is always after the initial justification and being made righteous (either during this life and/or at the end of time in the final judgment).

Watch this video and be sure to pay close attention to Paul's context: When are we saved by grace through faith? At the point of initial justification (which is completely gratuitous on God's part), when we are initially made righteous (typically through Baptism, the sacrament of dying and rising to new life for Paul). And, when are we saved or justified through works? After we are part of the Body of Christ in the context of our final justification at our final judgment and/or to maintain communion in the body of Christ so as to not be "cut down" or cut off as Jesus tells us in Matthew 7 and John 15.

To learn more about this reading from Paul, and the connection between the readings at Mass on the 2nd Sunday of Lent, subscribe today to The Mass Readings Explained:

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Рекомендации по теме

I was a Protestant that recently heard the calling to fallow Jesus only like 10 months ago and now want to convert to Catholicism and just discovered how Catholics already had all this figured out I haven’t been baptized yet but I want to soon I’m happy God showed me the truth and leading me to him


I feel so blessed being a catholic and we have dr Pitre to explain verses in the Bible. Thank you!


I would like to share something but I am currently in the hospital in Sweden, recovering from a brain tumor serius cirgury, a week ago I even knew I was dying I cant write more now, too tired but I was saved by Grace and Mercy, i cant tel more later, Jesus my Lord, my Savior, Our Lady holded my hand, I felt Her!


I never heard this explained so well. Thank you.


As a former Lutheran, it is not new to me but always reassuring that the Church is so clear in its teaching.


Great job as always. As a convert who spent my first 50 years in the Protestant world and converted on 3.31.2018 at age 51, TWO of my favorite Catechism references are ... Paragraph 1989 The first work of the grace of the Holy Spirit is conversion, effecting justification in accordance with Jesus' proclamation at the beginning of the Gospel: "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." Moved by grace, man turns toward God and away from sin, thus accepting forgiveness and righteousness from on high. "Justification is not only the remission of sins, but also the sanctification and renewal of the interior man. Paragraph 432 The name "Jesus" signifies that the very name of God is present in the person of his Son, made man for the universal and definitive redemption from sins. It is the divine name that alone brings salvation, and henceforth all can invoke his name, for Jesus united himself to all men through his Incarnation, so that "there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved."


That last point on infant baptism being the extreme example that Catholics believe in the absolute free gift of faith that precedes all works, the prima gratia! Great! Thanks Dr Pitre!


Thank you Dr Pitre for your beautiful and very clear teaching. My Catholic faith is greatly enriched . May God bless you always and reward you for your generosity in sharing your knowledge to us ordinary people. I will pray for you! 🙏🏼♥️


When it comes to being Graced by God Dr. Pitre, you are at the top of that list....really enjoy your teaching....May the Lord continue to bless you Amen


Hi there Dr. Pitre.
I've been recently BRANTly PITREfied because of your videos, just can't get enough of these.
Thank you so much! God bless you always! 😇🙏


Thank you Dr. Pitre. I am so blessed that the Lord has prepared for you in advance to do this good work of explaining scripture to us! 😊❤️🙏🏼🙏🏼


As always beautifully explained. Thanks Dr Pitre, God bless


I like looking through Catholic comment sections and seeing that the average person speaks quite kindly. This is better than my protestant roots and makes me take catholicism more seriously than my tradition normally does


I am devouring these lectures. Love them.


Your final point on Baptism is great, and something I've thought about before. Protestants will frequently criticize the practice of Infant Baptism because they aren't able to chose it for themselves, even though Infant Baptism is the purest example of salvation apart from works.


Blessings to you thank you for this wonderful message.
I was talking to. God. He sent this video exactly when I truly needed this. By grace through faith, , , not by our works. Man. I've been trying to get this for a long time now.
God please help me to get this in my spirit down Jesus name sealed with the blood of Jesus amen. Blessings to you.


This should be shouted from the rooftops


Absolutely brilliant commentary on these readings and this topic. Many thanks Dr. Pitre!


Evangelical Reformed Protestant here. I appreciate this channel the little I've started listening, it is good to hear a priest teaching out of scripture. I'm mostly very encouraged and just a little cautious after listening. Like at 11:00 I hear an inconsistency. I love that you clearly say grace for salvation is a gift not according to works as Ephesians 2:8-9 states, but you use verse 10 to say that works have a role in salvation rather than saying it is an outworking of that salvation. I didn't catch you defining what that role would be, which I wonder if that approach is why some Catholics have gone Pelagian. I find Calvin's one-liner in The Antidote to the Council of Trent helpful: "We are justified by faith alone, but this faith that justifies is never alone".
I'm thankful for the caution you brought to fellow Catholics regarding Pelagiansim and semi-Pelagianism. Keep it up!


Revelation 22:12. And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his WORK shall be.
