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JD Catholic Engage is a Catholic channel that seeks to foster a deeper understanding of our Catholic faith by engaging with atheists, Protestants, non-Christians, and our fellow Catholics.

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They make Christianity look like a walk in the park.
But i'm grateful to them though. If it wasn't for them, i wouldn't have grown in my Catholic faith.


We are not saved by works, 'lest any man should boast'
We are saved for works, that he has prepared for


The reason these Protestants insist upon “grace alone and faith alone” is that it allows them to be presumptuous about continuing in sin. Romans 6: 1-4. 😊😊😊


Our works are a product of our faith. We are saved through God's grace alone.


When I was protestant I wrestling with this thought very much. Long story short protestantism it's very shallow waters and with Catholicism its a very deep water and the further you go the more beautiful it becomes.


True, not possible to understand, here is an analogy that may be helpful. Protestants consider our best effort to be an embarrassing failure compared to what God requires. ​​The main difference is that an evangelical can be the mostly holy by human standards, but a Protestant sees his best as filthy rugs compared to what God requires. It is like the best sprinter competing with race cars. Even if the sprinter breaks records with his speed, his effort will be pretty embarrassing in such a race. See these verses to help(Romans 3:23 Isaiah 64:6 Philippians 3:6-9))


I will explain why they hare workd as an ex leader in many protestant sects. Ignorance for some. Some refuse to submit to any authority.. Their deeds are evil and they refuse to change.


By grace, you are hired for a job. If you dont do your job properly, you are fired. So if you want to keep you job, be with friends of the employer, do your job properly. Do you think the employer will hire lazy people? Isnt it the sin of sloth?


Boss if you wish to contest with protestants read the protestant side of the argument before asking inane questions. If you wish to advance catholic argument do YouTube videos. The short format is not suited to this. You after fame and money?


Brother, what are you asking? It's because of Galatians 2:16 and Romans 11:6.

The works we are justified by (James 2:24) are those of love, not those of the law.


The idiocy of their position is best revealed when we talk about temptation.

The Catholic man is tempted by a beautiful woman and prays for grace to resist. God hears his prayer and he keeps the law. He is a doer of the Word. He works with grace.

The Protestant man in the same situation tells himself God forgives or that we aren't saved by keeping the law (or once saved, always saved) and gives into temptation. He is just a self-deluded hearer of the Word. He wickedly presumes on God's grace.🎉


Because Paul said if by works, it is no longer grace.


We are not saved by "faith." We are saved by Grace. Big Difference. When we say Grace comes through faith, we mean that God gives Grace to those who are on his side. There is not a standard of moral perfection that merits salvation, only a heart disposition. However, someone with such a disposition will lead a virtuous life as they mature through time.

We say we aren't saved by works of the law because the Bible says that - over and over again. Eating kosher, getting circumcised, and resting on Saturday do not save us.

If you mean "good works" as in feeding the hungry or helping old ladies cross the street, those are meritorious deeds. We are judged and rewarded based on things like that. But these things flow from our heart attitude. It is possible to do these things and still be lost, as the Lord says - "Depart from me, I never knew you."

Protestants sometimes talk like we have to believe a precise doctrine of faith and works to be saved, and this isn't quite true - God doesn't dish out Grace based on theology quizzes. The thief on the cross probably didn't have a well-articulated soteriology. But we are saved by Grace, and this Grace is bestowed on those who turn towards God in repentance and faith, whether those who turn to God have a full understanding of theology or not


I'm a protestant and we still have to do good work but we don't earn our salvation doing good works. Jesus Christ had paid it full on the cross ✝️


Salvation is not a formula. Its a person, Jesus Christ. Matthew 7 :21-23: Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord, ’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness. So the BIG question is"WHAT IS THE WILL oF THE FATHER?’ I'n afraid "empty" salvation is a trap.


They don't believe Jesus when He says to follow. So they don't believe in Jesus.


I what that man ultimately is saying is it's irrelevant whether one COOPERATES with that grace. No soul can enter into the Beatific Vision with even the SLIGHTEST stain so what does that say about the possibility of a direct refusal to do so on the part of a soul???


only when the Spirit of God works through someone,
Ephesians 2, 8-9 God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take cred, not by works so that noone can boast.
Phil. 2, 13
Yes, it is God who is working in you. He helps you want to do what pleases him, and he gives you the power to do it.


Probably so people won't get the idea in their heads that doing good works gets you saved.
It is faith alone that saves us as the bible tells us.
So that no man shall boast.


Romans 11:6
King James Version
6 And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then it is no more grace: otherwise work is no more work.

Romans 4:5
King James Version
5 But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.
