The unknown causes of anxiety. (Things your doctor would never ask you.)

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In this video I talk about some KEY essentials that are rarely talked about when helping people recover from anxiety. Early childhood experiences such as surgeries, near death experiences and other accidents that put our life at risk can set up a human to live "on guard" for the rest of their life. The good news is that we can change this deep wiring of the autonomic nervous system and heal it from the inside out.

Getting to know this education is the first step!!

Resources I mention during this Vlog:

► Trauma. It's not what you think it is

Information on Adverse Childhood Experiences
► Interview with Donna Jackson Nakazawa

► Origins of the ACE study


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The statements on this YouTube channel or in videos are simply opinion. Content presented or posted on this channel is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment or a professional therapeutic relationship. Content presented or posted is intended to provide general health information for educational purposes only and you should contact the appropriate healthcare professional before relying on any such information.

Рекомендации по теме

My anxiety is off the charts, intrusive thoughts out of control, fearing that my mind will just snap one day and I'll go mad. It's exhausting. I'm ready to heal.


I had my adnoids removed at age 4 and I recall being terrified! Circumcision is also an overlooked trauma for boys.


I had a birth trauma. I had lack of oxygen for few minutes. My parents and the doctor didn't know they had me in my mom's womb, until my mom gave birth to my triplet sisters. They thought they only had two. I'm the last baby they found out later, during the labour. It explains the anxiety I have almost all my life.


Thank you for much for creating and uploading these videos and information on YouTube. Out of all the good people who have dedicated their lives to this life issue, the way you describe and explain what is going on is more real and understandable to me.


Luv your videos. Least we reflect and work on things. Research to become knowledgeable too.


While my mother was pregnant with me doctors kept saying she wasn’t pregnant. So she continued her normal 18 lifestyle if you get me🍺🚬.7 months later I was discovered. They quickly pumped extra vitamins into her body even making me stay longer in the womb because they weren’t sure how far along she was. I was born super wrinkly. Soon after the bottle nipples severely blistered my lips making it hard for me to get milk. At age 3 I grabbed nail polish remover off the table a burned my face horribly. My skin did end up healing over time. I suffered sexual abuse from my father, bullying and many reasons mental health temperament issues from a young toddler all the way up till I was able to grasp things in high school.So many years or medications and therapy. At the age of 28 I can say I propelled through.In fact I’ve really succeeded as an adult. Thing is anxiety is the thing that lingers.Thank you for reading ❤️


I thought this perspective was new age bs.... until at age 50 I started having severe feelings of desolation.... fear.... a few months after those brutal emotions ( I thought I was going crazy) I then started having visual memories that went with those feelings seeing myself at age 6!
Horrible memories buried decades ago.
Still in shock that what she is saying is true.


I always suspected my daughter's traumatic birth was the reason she got cancer at age 2, but the doctors never listened. Now at 15 she is suffering terribly with depression and anxiety. This video has been so validating, I can't thank you enough! xx


I work with Biodynamic Cranial Sacral Therapy, Irene you speak my language .. Amazing informative Video, so happy to have found you.. keep doing what you doing..


Another golden video. Unfortunately I live in Denmark, so I need to find another therapist.


Ok i just looked and took the ace test. Then i took it for my three adult children. So sad but knowledge is power. Heal myself and hopefully that understanding of myself can repair our relationships. Thank you for all you teach and sharing with me. I wish you still treated people. Knowledge is power right? 🌞


You forgot to mention the absolutely out-of-this-world horrific experience of circumcision, inflicted on millions and millions of little babies. Can't think of anything more traumatic that can happen to a newly formed nervous system.
Most babies scream their heart out during this horror, and there are also quite a few who go totally silent in absolute shock and terror, as if completely dissociating and leaving their body and this world under the immensity of this torture being inflicted on them.


Good information can relate so to some of things being said, thanks!


I realized YOU heal this. It takes small steps but we will get there.


After having my daughter about five months later I got severe anxiety because they had to do a c- section and also had to remove one ovarie. I had mild anxiety after and when my daughter was five months I totally Just had anxiety which took my piece of mind it scared me but I'm still dealing with it a year later I always thought this was the reason but everyone I seen said it was my daily life stress! Thanks for the video.


My parents tricked me to bring me to the hospital to get my tonsils out. Very traumatic. They never understood my fear. I hated them for many years


Another brilliant watch


My oldest brother was born in 1954 and at the time of his very difficult birth, he didn't come home from the hospital because he was blue. He was there for x amount of days and they did not know if he was going to normalize. Well, he came back from being blue just in time to survive. I know they didn't know what they know now, as back then there was no readily available specialists in ob/gyn treating pregnant women, they just were assisted with birth by the family doctor!!! I've read more recent articles on "blue baby" births and am sure this is what my brother had, yet they still don't have a lot of answers with how it affects you as you grow and mature. Well, I often wondered why my brother has severe anxiety/OCD/maybe even schizophrenic tendencies, and am more like to believe his traumatic birth had a lot to do with it.


What if being born itself is a traumatic experience? When you think of it being in a warm safe place having your needs met all the time, then feeling like you are pushed out Into a world where one has to cry to be heard and get ones needs met. I can see how many souls might interpret that as absolutely traumatic. There’s a video by a man named Roberto Perez in healing the inner child who explains who different soul types perceive the birth experience in Itself as trauma.


I believe that it also counts when I was a second child of my mother with Rh factor conflict - my mother was Rh negative and both her children were Rh positive. I was the second one, which meant that her body was producing anti-genes against my blood cells when I was developing in her belly.... I was born already with quite some hemolytic jaundice and as my mom said, they had to put me daily under blue light lamps with black glasses on...
Another words... As a fetus in mom´s belly, I could feel as unwelcome and in hostile environment... Additionally, my mother and I never developed any really close relation, which hurt me all my life quite a bit.
I remember having anxiety and signs of depression already as soon as I can remember... probably as when I was about 2y old. I also had quite some nightmares and all my childhood I had severe migraines...
I really hope I will be able to heal some of my psychological problems one day... I pray for it.
Thank you very much for this video <3
