Anxiety - Causes, Symptoms and Treatments and More

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Anxiety - Causes, Symptoms and Treatments and More

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is a feeling of fear, dread, and uneasiness. It might cause you to sweat, feel restless and tense, and have a rapid heartbeat. It can be a normal reaction to stress. For example, you might feel anxious when faced with a difficult problem at work, before taking a test, or before making an important decision. It can help you to cope. The anxiety may give you a boost of energy or help you focus. But for people with anxiety disorders, the fear is not temporary and can be overwhelming.
What are anxiety disorders?

Anxiety disorders are conditions in which you have anxiety that does not go away and can get worse over time. The symptoms can interfere with daily activities such as job performance, schoolwork, and relationships.
What are the types of anxiety disorders?

There are several types of anxiety disorders, including:

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).People with GAD worry about ordinary issues such as health, money, work, and family. But their worries are excessive, and they have them almost every day for at least 6 months.
Panic disorder. People with panic disorder have panic attacks. These are sudden, repeated periods of intense fear when there is no danger. The attacks come on quickly and can last several minutes or more.
Phobias. People with phobias have an intense fear of something that poses little or no actual danger. Their fear may be about spiders, flying, going to crowded places, or being in social situations (known as social anxiety).

What causes anxiety disorders?

The cause of anxiety is unknown. Factors such as genetics, brain biology and chemistry, stress, and your environment may play a role.
Who is at risk for anxiety disorders?

The risk factors for the different types of anxiety disorders can vary. For example, GAD and phobias are more common in women, but social anxiety affects men and women equally. There are some general risk factors for all types of anxiety disorders, including:

Certain personality traits, such as being shy or withdrawn when you are in new situations or meeting new people
Traumatic events in early childhood or adulthood
Family history of anxiety or other mental disorders
Some physical health conditions, such as thyroid problems or arrhythmia

What are the symptoms of anxiety disorders?

The different types of anxiety disorders can have different symptoms. But they all have a combination of:

Anxious thoughts or beliefs that are hard to control. They make you feel restless and tense and interfere with your daily life. They do not go away and can get worse over time.
Physical symptoms, such as a pounding or rapid heartbeat, unexplained aches and pains, dizziness, and shortness of breath
Changes in behavior, such as avoiding everyday activities you used to do

Using caffeine, other substances, and certain medicines can make your symptoms worse.
How are anxiety disorders diagnosed?

To diagnose anxiety disorders, your health care provider will ask about your symptoms and medical history. You may also have a physical exam and lab tests to make sure that a different health problem is not the cause of your symptoms.

If you don't have another health problem, you will get a psychological evaluation. Your provider may do it, or you may be referred to a mental health professional to get one.
What are the treatments for anxiety disorders?

The main treatments for anxiety disorders are psychotherapy (talk therapy), medicines, or both:

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy that is often used to treat anxiety disorders. CBT teaches you different ways of thinking and behaving. It can help you change how you react to the things that cause you to feel fear and anxiety. It may include exposure therapy. This focuses on having you confront your fears so that you will be able to do the things that you had been avoiding.
Medicines to treat anxiety disorders include anti-anxiety medicines and certain antidepressants. Some types of medicines may work better for specific types of anxiety disorders. You should work closely with your health care provider to identify which medicine is best for you. You may need to try more than one medicine before you can find the right one.

NIH: National Institute of Mental Health
Рекомендации по теме

Anxiety happens when you think you have to figure out everything all at once . Breathe . You're strong . You got this . Take it day by day .


Do meditation daily,
Take a good diet,
Take a good sleep,
Listen relaxing and calm music
And remember, you are stronger than your problems❤


I do get anxiety attacks about being alone. Memories of happiness when I was married. I talked about this phenomena in the comment section of another video and had an extremely wonderful dream about being back together as a family. Some nights I have had dreams that were filled with fear, negative emotions that had me panic. Family members and of being stuck in an ongoing dream at the house and neighborhood where I grew up. Now that I know what I really want is to be back as a father, husband, caretaker of my family my dream changed of dread, panic and fear to one of joy and a sense of belonging and worthiness. Still there is a small part of me that has the anxiety and hopefully it is manageable and if it gets so strong that I feel my heart wants to burst out of my body I just have to remember that even though we are not together as a family that my wife, son and daughter will be together with me after life is over on this planet.


Currently dealing with anxiety! Just get off my bed at 1:30 am n was about to go to the Emergency room 😭 cause my heart was beating so fast like it was about to stop ..been feeling like that for weeks .. very tiring n scary 🙏🏾 plzz keep all of us that’s currently suffering with this sickness in prayer! GodBless Guys, learn some tips in this video, I will try some anti- anxiety pills n see how that goes . Stay with peace of God Yall 🙏🏾


What an fantastic book I discovered. I very advise this to anybody having problem with over thinking. The concept or reprogramming your thoughts is such a fantastic suggestion. I am anticipating a change that will aid me grow as well as appreciate life! Winning With Anxiety by Lonnie Swavee. Swavee has the heart of a healer | specialist. I am a chronic over thinker but I also worth living a healthy and balanced full life. I struggle everyday with stress and anxiety, clinical depression, and also tension. I such as publications taht are filled with techniques that are workable.


I'm so tire of feeling like this everyday😪 I quit drinking alcohol 30 days now. I feel like drinking again. Ever since I quit my anxiety is getting so worse.


Anxiety has caused me sooo much lost in life to the point of depression to being laughed at an turned down in many ways than one, no benefits at all.


Me last week feeling dizzy at first then followed by palpitation. i rushed to the room to check my bp and i found it was 140/90 and my pulse rate is 111. Then i tried to be calm, i repeated my bp it turns to 150/90. im so nervous as in totally panic. I repeated again 160/100 and then i dont know what to do where to go. I told my mother to bring me at the clinic, While on our way to clinic i felt my heart founding so much that i cant contro. i cant breathe, Until i suffer from hyperventilation and my body become weak. No dr that day because that was sunday. We went back home after i become calm down. Thats worst


I had anxiety for first time at 53 years old when hubby got covid. It worried me so bad I got anxiety. I had the uneasy feeling, numb limbs, heart palpitations. I discovered Calm gummies with magnesium to make me feel better.


Dr. Gabor Mate talks about the true cause of anxiety. Also, Andrew Kenneth Fretwell addresses anxiety and emotional healt in his teachings. They helped me a lot. For the one that is reading this comment, there is hope and there are solutions. With education and practical tools you can heal. ''Anxiety is always a response to unconscious fear in the body!'' - Andrew Kenneth Fretwell (from his book Emotional Alchemy - The Love & Freedom Hidden Within Painful Feelings). His book is practical guide.


Thank you for this information because I think I have half of the symptoms


What an incredible publication I found. I highly recommend this to anybody dealing with over thinking. The idea or reprogramming your ideas is such a fantastic idea. I am looking forward to a adjustment that will certainly help me grow and enjoy life! Winning With Anxiety by Lonnie Swavee. Swavee has the heart of a healer | specialist. I am a persistent over thinker yet I additionally worth living a healthy full life. I struggle on a daily basis with stress and anxiety, anxiety, as well as stress and anxiety. I like books taht are loaded with methods that are workable.


Good video...yet anxiety for non ife threatening things is how the brain gets started with using fight and flight response. Its good people are being taught how to do subconscious programming to eliminate anxiety. I used CBT it was good for coping and managing. But I only stopped having anxiety triggers once i was taught how to do subconscious reprogramming.


My Environment makes me feel down sometimes...Like I'm LIVING MY LIFE wrong when I know it's right 😫💗🙏


Medicine?? Nope. It will make matters worse. I even dealt with anxiety getting off a medication. Nope. I faces my fears and go about my day.


Can anyone tell me
Heart beat so fast on daily basis..
can’t get out of my house anymore..
really scared of doing anything on daily basis because of this
Heart rate increased so fast
Stomach problem


I wake up with anxiety in the middle of the night, I can lie there I want to get up and get out the house, a panic overwhelms me, it's truly awful, it happened last night, my wife was in tears


There is a woman coming to leave with us I'm so anxious about it that I think am having an anxiety attack I don't like people
I don't like this feeling it's scary


Can I ask something???this past few days I felt like I have a palpitation and I started to get cold in my hands and feet...and I also got worried and afraid about this an anxiety????


A condition / State after relief from stress & anxiety is know as
