How to PUSH Like A Pro Skater (and NOT Look Awkward!)

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Learning how to push / how to kick off in is one of the first things you should do in skateboarding as a beginner, and as fundamental of a maneuver as it is, most people aren't ever able to master the push.

So today, we're diving deep on the topic of pushing and showing you how to go from looking awkward and unbalanced to pushing fast, powerfully, and with style.

0:00 Intro
0:34 Pushing with the correct foot
1:08 Balancing on the board with one foot
4:00 Pushing foot placement
5:01 Form/Style
5:39 Transitioning from pushing to riding
6:37 Running start
7:25 How to get better faster

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#skateboarding #tutorial #beginners

Have an awesome day, and follow me on Instagram @justinlauria ;)
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thanks for the video!

quick question - is there a "proper" way to place your foot on the ground when kicking off? as in, full foot, half foot, just the toe? i'm experiencing some pain in the heel of my pushing foot, and while part of it is probably overuse, i want to make sure i'm practicing correct form so i can avoid the injury in the future.

thanks again!


keep these beginner vids coming..i speak for every are a first class teacher!!!!


Thank you so much! I thought my problem was that I didn't have enough strength to push properly, but in fact, I'm just afraid to lose balance because I don't feel comfortable standing on one foot yet :)


That training with just standing on one foot did amazing things!!! Never thought about it! Thanks a lot! 😀


Wow, I know a lot about skateboarding already because I just stared like two day ago (constantly) Impressed that I know a lot


Your videos are the best skating videos I've ever found


im so confused when i do the ice slid it feels more natural regular footed but it feels more natural goofy footed for my pushing stance but it feels more natural regular stands for oiles


For the beginners out there who feel like balancing on one foot is suicide, if your fear (and very possible reality) is slipping back or forwards, try balancing with your knee more bent than normal with your body closer to the ground!
This will keep you closer to the floor with more balance control and your foot can get to the ground quicker to catch yourself if you lose balance, and if you do fall you won't fall so hard since there's less falling distance.

Damn I actually dropped a 500 like comment haha so here's a bonus tip
If you ever feel uncomfortable or about to fall in general just crouch to lower your center gravity with your legs wide apart -
for the same reasons above as well, I seriously feel after all these years of skating that simply being closer to the ground means more stabililty more control and confidence! I feel that's why there are those tiny 7year old japanese skaters who go flying meters into the air with no fear at all!!!

When you get it, the one foot balancing while riding feels amazing like as if you're floating!!!


I'm totally standing on the board with one foot while playing Playstation and its raining outside lol.


I learned this 35 years ago. Now I learning it again, switch.


This is honestly the best total beginner pushing tutorial I’ve seen - I’ve realised I really just need to get my one leg balance a bit more solid and it’ll make such a difference, but already I feel like I’m starting to get it a little more. I don’t find it so bad getting into riding position - it’s just the push and committing to the front foot with almost all my weight, and using my back leg like a paddle close to the edge of the board. Cheers!


I used to push mongo. Super hard habit to break. Had to force myself to skate all the way home from school for several weeks to break it.


not to lie. when I got better over the months of skateboarding i mainly focused on board control. And balancing on my left foot; since I ride regular, definitely taught me how to push long strides and push faster.


So grateful for this, I'm a near 70 y.o. Aussie dude and just learning, this was great, thank you.


You seem like a great guy and remind me of my art teacher from high school. Thank you for the tips.


I can't stand on my skateboard like this I can only start by putting my back foot normally and push with my front foot is this the wrong way?


Im getting my first skateboard today or tomorrow :D
This will be helpful


This video is awesome! I'm still new to skateboarding and I'm an adult, so the self-consciousness is an issue. I love that you included exercises that you can do at home to improve your balance and technique


I am almost 50 and just starting again after another 12 year break. ( my total active years skating since '84 is only 7) It's great to have videos like yours so readily available. I wish I had a good teacher like you back then, showing me what I had been doing wrong. Seriously, little tips like "practice standing with your foot facing forward" are a game changer for me.


It feels awkward from pushing to riding I see people on yt just riding one way all the time I’m confused
