PUSH LIKE A CHAMP! How To Push During Labor/Delivery #SHORTS #LaborandDelivery #Labor #Birth

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My favourite part of my job is when my laboring mama is finally ready to PUSH 🤰🏾and she pushes like a champ!✨

In this #shorts video I demonstrate how I teach my patients how to push epically when they have #epidurals - you literally push like you’re taking the biggest poop💩 of your life!😂 So don’t be scared or nervous to poop while pushing, it’s very common and shows you’re pushing in the right place👏🏾

Also this is just one of the many ways to push! There are other ways but this is the most commonly used at my hospital.

Hope you enjoy! - Nurse Nass💞

*Disclaimer: The “patient” who is my coworker is not actually pregnant - It was a very slow day at work and so we re-enacted what it’s like to be on the birthing unit for educational purposes.*

#laboranddelivery #laboranddeliverynurse #registerednurse #nurselife #expectingmom #labor #birth #pregnancy

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Just to clarify that this is one way to push! There are many other ways you can push but this is most common with woman who can’t feel their legs because of their epidural -Nurse Nass💞


Worst way to push. So much evidence against this


The worst position to push a baby out is on your back. It makes your pelvis narrow.


Why are we still making women deliver on their back 🤦🏼‍♀️


I thought this was proven to be one of the more difficult ways to push


Pushed on all fours with my little girl. Had the FER, tore below a one and she was out in like...three pushes. Every Dr should listen to what feels comfortable for the Mom giving birth. Not stick to outdated hospital policies.


Probably not the BEST way to push. I just gave birth 5 days ago…they wanted me to do this but I did my research and I did not push through my bottom but through my cervix (I could feel where babys head was no epidural) and did not put my knees up and hold my thighs nor put my chin down. I pushed with the contraction, straightened my legs on the stirrups and brought knees slightly together. Baby came out in 3 seconds with one push. No tear, no stitches. Just done. Lol


Dear god no !!! This is the opposite if what you need to do . This is for doctors convenience only ! On your back - no lying flatter - no sitting on your sacrum so it cant move out the way - no structured pushing and being told when to push instead of following body - no !! Good grief !!


Squatting works with gravity … I wish my hospital let me do that . On my back hurts way worse


With all due respect, I think that is misinforming. I had four babies and my first three babies I pushed exactly the way you said and it did more harm than help, I even had migraines from all the pushing. My last child I started off pushing the same way, then I followed what my body wanted to do naturally and it made a Huge difference. We're told to push like your having a bowl movement, but the baby is not coming out of the rectum, so it increases tearing and hemorrhoids. My easiest labor was when I pushed like I was doing crunches or sit ups. It cut down on my push time.


For me the chin to chest thing didnt work, I kept throwing my head back and looking at the ceiling while I was pushing. It was really annoying to be told to do otherwise..


Squatting is the best position for me.


That position makes tearing happen I love midwife and home birthing or to be able to walk and push any position desired.


Wow!! I wish we have people like over the world. Yesterday I give birth to a boy and the nurses was forcing me to push when it was not time. I thank God for safe delivery


This is the best way to push. It really works. My nurse told me to push this way and I am still grateful to her for this. I wouldn’t have given natural birth if I didn’t know this technique exists.


Wow, so many women in here fighting to have a baby "the way you want" sure do love letting everyone know exactly how it should be done for everyone else.


Woman should not be pushing on their backs... why are we still even doing this


I delivered this way with my first 3 babies and tore every time. It's definitely not the best position. I didn't have an epidural with any of mine (no hate to those who get the epidural, just not my thing). I had to switch hospitals after that because they stopped doing deliveries, and my next hospital did things vastly differently and they told me that.


Wow!! So so professional and so woven with empathy and care❤


You’re not supposed to hold breath. You’re supposed to breathe while contracting the pelvic muscles down.
