I Trained Crossfit For 30 Days Straight

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There are a lot of myths around Crossfit so i decided to try it out for myself. This is my 30 day journey.

My Epic Body Transformation

How I Learned The Splits In 30 Days

Reacting To Logan Paul's Strength
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I think the problem is, and no one addresses this. Crossfit competing is a completely different idea than Crossfit training for the regular person. I personally enjoy training Crossfit, but there are people who take the whole thing too serious and try to train like competitors. I don't think that's healthy. But a well rounded mix between endurance and strength training for me is amazing and makes me and my body feel good.


Another great thing with crossfit is scaling, they have a beginner, intermediate and RX (prescribed). You don't have to do the RX if you are just starting out and the trainers will help you find the right balance. I joined in October with a friends encouragement otherwise I never would have, believing you have to be fit (just look at the 'crossfitters'), it's too hard etc. It is hard, but hard to my fitness level and every week I've seen improvements in my strength and cardio endurance. All the members are nice and encouraging too. I definitely recommend it for everyone.


Hey Ben, please take up Brazilian jiujitsu for 30 days, I recon you’d find it fun and it would be a completely different type of challenge than you’re used to taking!


Just finished the video, scrolled down expecting to see millions of subscribers, fully expecting a video of this quality to be from a giant channel. The effort put into this video is sensational, the humour, the music, the editing, it just works. I'm pretty certain this channel is going to skyrocket in popularity if high quality content keeps pumping out. Just purely motivational, fun to watch, entertaining. What more can you ask for, you know?


Love the refreshing view on crossfit. I never did it myself but you hear so many bad things about it on yt 😅
Enjoyed every second of this video Ben!


I love that you bust some of the myths surrounding the sport :) I was fairly sporty when I started and immediately got confronted with all the things I can't do, because I lack either the strength, the mobility, or both XD However, CrossFit truly is for everybody and a good coach can scale it all down for you. In the end, when training and sensibly and with enough knowledge/good coaches, CrossFit makes you strong, fit and healthy and has a positive impact on your everyday life as well as mental health. Love it <3


Haven’t finished the video, but bro. 2 weeks of rookie intro, beautiful. My coach made me do the same and a month with no weights on my barbell during workouts. Was grateful, made me get strict pull ups before teaching me kip or butterfly. Loved it. Now back to watching


At 48 and in a sedentary life crossfit made me feel 30 again. Threw up many times but I feel like a new person.


I think you were absolutely right in regards of injuries, I see people try to do too much too fast regardless of the technique or form. For me personally is form before anything else, and also listening to my body, some days are easier than others, it's a matter of balance. But as much as I want to hate it crossfit motivates me more than any workout I have ever done.


I used to be a CrossFit hater for years, always trained the more traditional route of strength training followed by some form of cardio.

I recently got accepted into a fire academy and had to start training CrossFit to prepare for what we’re going to be doing.. and I’m probably never going back. It is by far the most beneficial form of exercise I’ve ever done. It’s very hard, but it pushes you beyond your limits.

I gained more functional strength in 3 months than I did the entire prior year. It’s the real deal.


Crossfit is what you make of it. Some people are hardcore and their life is wrapped around it. Others do it casually. I'm 47 years old and I go three days a week and do push it during those days. The Gym I go to tends to be less hardcore than others. There are some really fit people there but they mingle with and work with the average joes too. There's a big emphasis on safety, stretching, warm up, and cool down. What I appreciate most about CrossFit is the structure. Hour long sessions, defined plans, data about your past performance, etc. Seven years into it and I'm still getting personal records. I'm stronger and more flexible than I've been in my entire life.

I have pushed it too hard on two occasions which made me ill but other than that no injuries aside from scraped shins from box jumps. Without a doubt, CrossFit has helped me avoid common injuries for people in their 40s due to strength and flexibility.


I've been doing crossfit for eight years and I love it. The scalability makes it super accessible to many people, and it means I have gotten to do the same workout, scaled different, with a college football player, or a 9 year old kid, at similar paces.


I've been doing crossfit for 7 years on and off. Most crossfit gyms are friendly and welcoming. I've had a few minor injuries all do to my ego. All workouts can be modified and done at your owe pace. Never have I been pushed to go harder or heavier. And yes vomiting is common


10 years ago I got within 3 month in the best shape of my life with it. Crossfit is a ton of fun and pain if u take it serious. Great vid sir! <3 best wishes from Germany


I started 1 year ago and am doing it almost 7 days a week now with an occasional rest day. My physique as well as heart and lung capacity is miles better than before, I actually feel FIT now where as before I just "looked" fit. Hugely recommend it.


I just started CrossFit yesterday and it absolutely kicked my butt but it feels extremely rewarding❤️


"dont let your feelings dictate your actions let your actions dictate the way you feel" great quote


FABULOUS coverage/test! You moved really well and highlighted many great & truthful facts. Only one thing you didn't mention is REST DAYS and that it's common to have a rest day after every 3 days of work. This is really commendable that you did 30 straight days.


What an underrated video! This video deserves way more love for it’s awesome quality!!


U know im really glad u made this vid, i use to do crossfir but so many people are now just making fun of it. Don't listen to them, if u want to do it just do it
