When debates over tertiary doctrines turn into ferocious arguments on social media.

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When we start splitting hairs over specific interpretations—like insisting on a particular version of the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy, we risk missing the bigger picture. When division is being created for tertiary doctrines, it's time to take a step back and focus on what truly matters.

#BiblicalInerrancy #TheologyMatters #ChristianFaith #BiblicalUnderstanding #DoctrineDebates #ChristianApologist #Apologetics

Mike Licona is Professor of New Testament Studies at Houston Christian University. HCU offers an accredited Master of Arts degree in apologetics that may be completed entirely online or on the HCU campus in Houston.

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Gods will for his body is to be one as in John 17:21. However unity must be grounded in truth and not at the expense of it. And the first step requires honesty in differences and the implications of these differences.

So I say this with all sincerity and honesty. This post itself, while sincere, I believe it doesn’t help. The reason I believe it doesn’t help, is because it already presupposes a hierarchical methodology of systematic theology that is primarily in line with and evangelical Protestant view of doctrines derived from scripture (Primary, secondary, and tertiary doctrines). While throughout church history we can see the hierarchical nature of the Church, and doctrines, and the parameters by which these things were confirmed. It is clear that the methodology and hierarchy of the Church for most of Church History, was not using the same methodology that has been used by Protestants especially since the more recent centuries. The Church affirmed and confirmed theological doctrines and interpretations through a synodal structure, believing wholeheartedly that the Church as a whole, were being lead by the Holy Spirit in affirming doctrines when issues and controversies arose. This I also believe doesn’t help, simply by not addressing the reality that while operating under the principle of sola scriptura, evangelical Christian’s have no universally agreed upon and objective criteria for the methodology that they use in determining from scripture what is Primary, secondary, and tertiary. This Ultimately becomes a subjective metric which relies on the individual alone as the final authority. In which their conscience cannot be bound to any interpretation, doctrine, confession, creed, or council if they individually do not believe it is in line with scripture.

I mean no offense, I just wished to provide my comments and feedback on the post.

Have a Blessed day,
