Why we cannot know God with our mind | Limitation of mind in knowing God

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The Vedas and other religious scriptures openly declare that we can not know God with our mind and intellect. One can then question, why we cannot know God with our mind? What is the problem with knowing God? What are the limitations of mind in knowing God? and if that holds, then how to know God?

Swami Mukundananda responds to these questions in this short lecture video. Swamiji clarifies that the problem is with us. It's because our instruments of knowledge are defective. As a matter of fact, we perceive any knowledge through three instruments: the senses, the mind and the intellect. These three instruments are made up of material energy, known as Maya. However, God is Divine, i.e., God is beyond the realm of Maya. How can we perceive the knowledge of that Divine God with our material senses, mind, and intellect? Quoting from the Vedic literature, and through worldly examples, Swamiji explains further that God is infinite and Divine. How can we, the souls with little intellect, can possibly grasp that infinite God?
Please watch the full lecture to know more.

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Related Questions
How to Know God
Knowing God through the mind
Why we can not know god using our mind
Why can we not know God?
What is the problem with knowing God?
What are the limitations of mind in knowing God?

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Beautifully explianed...
Our material intellect can never comprehend the Divine.

The more we know about God naturally the more humble it makes us. May this knowledge always remain with us


Swamiji brilliantly says that the knowledge of God can be attained only through the grace of God after He blesses us with the divine mind, divine senses and divine intellect that can perceive Him. Thank you, Swamiji!


With the material mind or intellect, we cannot understand God. But with the help of Guru, his knowledge and constant Sadhana, one can attain God's grace to know him.
Thnx Swami Ji !!! 🙏


Nice lecture.Swamiji says- God is beyond the realm of maya. He is beyond the preview of mind, intellect and senses. Only we can know Him by His grace.


Our material senses, mind and intellect cannot know God. God is divine. Only by his grace we can know him. Thank you Swamiji


Any knowledge is known through the senses, though God is beyond our sense, he is divine. We need his grace to know him, thank you for sharing !!


Swamiji so beautifully says that our instruments of knowledge are finite but the Lord is infinite so we cannot know him with our intellect. We can understand God only if he chooses to grace us. Thank you, Swamiji!


Makes sense! Just like a robot built by humans can only comprehend what it’s creator programmes it for.


The Material mind and intellect can never comprehend the Supreme Almighty because he's divine. However, we are under the curtain of Maya. We can only see God through a Guru's grace. Well explained Swamiji.


God is beyond the realm of maya which includes our material senses, mind and intellect. With these eyes we cannot see him. With these ears we cannot hear him. Eagerly waiting to hear how then we can come to know God!


God is beyond our Intellect because He is Divine.


Swamiji so beautifully explains that our material mind is made of maya and thus unequipped to understand the divine Lord. We can understand God only if he chooses to grace us. Thank you, Swamiji!


Yahoo first to comment. Was waiting eagerly for your video. Brilliant as usual. Thanks a lot Gurudev. Radhey Radhey Govinda Radhey


Thank you Swami ji for the real explanation and stressing about the human mind and how to overcome those limitations to know God!! Radhey Radhey!


Swamiji says that our senses, mind and intellect are material but God is divine; our material senses are not equipped to understand the divinity of God. Our instruments of knowledge are finite but the Lord is infinite. Thus we cannot know him with our intellect. If he decides to bestow his grace upon us, the ordinary person can perceive him. Thank you, Swamiji!


Thanks SLOWLY you r really helping me to change my life

Hare Krishna


Within, he exists in atma rupa and outside he exists in the form of artha and karana. That is reason and meaning. Intellect that is buddhi and intelligence that is chitta. Chitta comes after ahankara


Very well said Swamiji thank you Radhey Radhey 💙


Beautifully explained.
Material things are made up of Māyā.


Our mind is made of material and has many defects. Divine knowledge needs divine grace.
