Responding To Soteriology101 On 'Calvinism'

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Why not play the clip so people can hear what they say and explain why they're wrong?


Lying about my motives does not incline me toward believing Calvinism. If one lies so freely about me—without even knowing me!—then what else is that one lying about?


Thanks again brother. It's difficult especially when the attacks are abrasive and hurtful, but to remain Christian in our responses (and the tone of our response) is vital. Some men attack Reformed theology because they had a terrible experience with an unregenerate person claiming to be a Calvinist, and the best way to show them the truth is to show them that Christ is in us. You do a great job of that.


Leighton Flowers is a semi-pelagian, and borderline open theist. He spends his every waking moment striving to dismantle reformed theology and to import his man-glorifying, scripture belittling, philosophy into the Word of God. It gets a bit exhausting seeing him wage war against the sovereignty of God.


I would love for you to debate this guy. Keep up the great work brother!


This topic is of a particular interest of mine. I’ve studied it for years now, currently working through the „Congregatio de Auxiliis“, _the_ controvery between the thomistic dominicans and the jesuits.
At the end of the day though, it boils down to this: Does Gods decree „destroy“ human freedom or does Gods decree establishes human freedom? The former is taught by the the libertarians, the latter by the compatibilists.
It has become very clear to me that Gods „determining“ does not take away any human freedom at all. Why? Because God and men act on qualitatively different levels. It is the libertarian though that demands that is either God _or_ men, whilst the compatibilist hold that those to wills do in fact co-exist. Again, one can only hold that Gods decree destroys human freedom if we assume that those two will must operate on the same level.
This is denied, of course, by the reformed. And I think it is biblical that God has decreed whatever comes to pass without ripping men of his freedom. Yea, God is sovereign in the strong sense _and_ men is culpubale at the same time. It is not either or, it is and.
As for the one-man-show „soteriology101“: I read a dissertation on Cassian last year. Leighton Flowers basically teaches everything with Cassian, which I think is very problematic.


CONTEXT IS KEY - you take verses out of context and ignore other verses …….
We don’t hate God’s Sovereignty
There is nothing Anti-God with understanding we must CHOOSE

You are making accusation after accusation and you are not giving scripture
You are making statements YOU believe are truth WITHOUT giving scripture IN CONTEXT

You make a statement that Calvinism is wonderful. Calvinism, Calvinism, Calvinism. I don’t give a hoot about Calvinism.
WHAT I love is the inspired word of God. What Calvin wrote is not inspired by God. And nothing anyone else says is inspired by God. We MUST test, the spirits AGAINST scripture.

What you all do is to test Scriptures against Calvinism. 😟

oh, and Calvinism is NOT wonderful for the person who supposedly is doomed to hellfire by no choice of their own. Why do you love believing that to be true? Where is your love for the sinner? You only love those whom God has decided to save??
Calvin’s gospel is NOT about the GOD of love spoken of in the Bible, who is long-suffering

LISTEN, You don’t belong to some exclusive, special club of God. 🤔🤨

God is not willing that any should perish. God desires, all men to come to the knowledge of the truth. And if you don’t, it’s your own doing. God does not deny anyone the ability to come to Jesus and believe. When you believe, that is when God does the work of Salvation in your heart.

Come to me all you who labor, and are heavy laden. Seek the Lord and you will find him. Who do you think those scriptures are written to? The Christian who already found God? Hello!
I suppose Galatians 2:20 is not for all sinners, but only for the supposed elected elect

Who do you think you are along with all the rest of you who believe this stuff to think that you have ANY authority whatsoever to decide who verses were written for?
Excuse me!



Why does the gospel need to be believed? Romans 10 says believe on the LORD and what he has done, does that not imply that you can believe or not believe?


Calvinism serves as an outlet for those whose *loving* deity' doesn't save anyone.


Leighton and Kevin went to scripture and proved that Calvinism is error. They did not run around in circles. They went to scripture. You don’t understand Provisionism. Spend some time in Soteriology 101. At least to logically debate what they are saying. You didn’t prove how they were wrong.


Does Romans 3:23 mean that the person is incapable of believing the gospel?


This is not actually a response video. A response is one that addresses what the other side has said. This is just a rant, with a lot of accusations and venting, but no actual substance. This is the mind trap people fall into, to think that this sort of video is a response. I know this is a short video, and he probably has content addressing in substance some where else, but THIS is not a response video. In the future label this "rant" video.


You said there would be a link here. I don't see it


Finally, somewhere I can talk about Provisonism and not get blocked. Lol
Leighton Flowers is not good at the Soteriology.


"Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you..." ~ john 15: 16

hey keith... how ya doin? hope everything is well.


Flowers said Christians are "choice meats" lol Now he is teaming up with BYTF K. Thompson who is very borderline heretic. P.S. they responded to this video


Leighton Flowers and Kevin Thompson are probably the two most well known haters of reformed theology. Flowers has a softer tone, but the brunt of his online/YouTube ministry is actually attacking reformed theology. He posts videos with James White, John MacArthur, John Piper, or anyone he thinks holds to reformed theology and attacks what they say. Sometimes the attacks are so straw man and unbiblical, I don't know what to think. And Thompson comes across arrogant, sarcastic, and condescending in his videos (not sure if he's still that way now because I haven't watched him in some time). I posted a comment on one of Thompson's video basically calling him a liar because he lies and slanders anyone he thinks is Calvinist with such statements as no Calvinist every quotes "in him" in Ephesians 1:4 or Calvinists don't believe in sola scriptura (or maybe it was sola fide, can't remember now) or he puts "666" in his videos misquoting scripture and interpreting what he thinks reformed believers believe. Both of these men are shameless and unbiblical in many of their scriptural interpretations.


i hate verses? What? Why do people, when debating, so often use strawman arguments? You would do so much better to steelman your opponent and argue against their best points, rather than make weak points and knock those down. In the end, sorry to say, you are only arguing against a concotion you created, and not an actual stance by most believers who have thoughfully rejected calvinism.


Keith, I noticed YouTube unsubbed me from your channel. Fixed that.

Also, synergists not only want to take some credit for themselves for their salvation, but they feel like they have to get God off the hook for choosing some and not choosing others. They feel like the doctrine of election makes the “calvinist god” (as they tend to put it, with the lower-case “g”) a monster.


You refuted none of the points they made in the video. You're just repeating calvinistic talking points.
