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Aug 7th, 6pm CET, 12pm EST, 9am PST

INFJ Life Coach Lesson: Today we're talking about how to get excited about life again. So many of us remember how it was when we were children and it just felt amazing to be outside to get excited about the next thing we were gonna do, but nowadays it may be different. I remember the time when everything looked great on paper for me, but I was completely numbed out and I really knew I had to change something. And so I really rearranged my entire life. And nowadays it really comes down to four rules I actually live by on a daily basis. They make me feel alive all the time and I get to tap back into that feeling I had when I was a child. And that is the thing that makes me want to push for more. That's the thing that gets me excited about achieving more, living more, and having even better relationships. This is the thing that makes me do the action steps. Today I want to share those four rules with you so you can apply them in your life and start feeling fully alive today.


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#1 Your personality always wins. Think about what you always do. (Default state). What's something negative you do in default?
#2 Continous growth. Passive vs. Active growth. We need to have something we can grow in. (Outside comfort zone). Get better at something. Motivation comes through action.
#3 Declutter old stories. We have limited energy. Forgiveness.


I love what you said about growing. A good analogy is We find fruit under a tree dead rotten, when did it die? It died the moment it stopped growing. It looked healthy on the tree but the moment it stopped growing bacteria set in and it died. Were the same, if were growing challenging our minds we will always grow


This is good advice, thank you. It makes me realize that I am not in as bad a state as I thought I was mentally however lots of other aspects I still need to work on, I can see how I made so many of these mistakes. When I was younger it was easier to get up and go again after getting knocked down but as you get older it's just harder to remember what made that drive work and you just sit in the rut. I think the unconscious clutter is eating a significant amount of my energy but it also factors in with my lack of willingness to forgive and let go because the scars are just too deep in some relationships, I feel like the only time I'd be able to forgive is when it's time to leave and I never have to see them again. Financially I seem to have accidentally come across an art which is rather unique however lack of financial management along with some other factors have stunted my growth a bit however I have made a huge progress and my credit score has gone up so that's a plus but it's nowhere near where I should be but it's a start, a tepping stone and a building block that I should just keep adding to as I go along. I think from all the videos I've watched, I took quite a lot from this one and had to look deep and confront myself on so many things.


Such great insight that I never thought about. Thank you. Watching this video and gaining perspective makes me feel better already. Knowledge is key.


go figure th run away child of sorts made it this far neglecting the rules of operation of the world events not to fallow so called rules to know myself. to be my self figure if at said that much INFJ with or without your oath of permissional judgements. But I said enough here to help people get past potential broken dialogs of certain speeches


im am enfp but this video was really helpful. thank u!!


You have a lot of incredible insight and I can’t help but agree with everything you said. I will always keep this deep in my heart because I wholeheartedly think that you are 100% correct. Being an INFJ has been a struggle for me cause even though I’d like to fit into societal norms, I can’t help but question everyone and everything. And I struggle to follow something when I truly know that there is no meaning to it or it is neither helpful to me or to everyone. So accepting my personality is both eye-opening and horrific at the same time because it may come across as a curse. But the other flip-side of the coin, I will accept my personality because I find my truth there. And what is living if you don’t live truthfully?


Hey your content is very useful. My question is what music do you listen to?


so no body is ever getting close to the perfect man. because we rejected him with decluttering the perfect results that keep stacking up to the perfect "adding" profile of perfection. so we decluttered the perfect man for too many wants in theory of perfection and information and tracking information?




thank you i needed this your phenomenal :}


I'm just going to post here:
-Personality always wins:What you always go back to? Default state.
Outside of my comfort for a better default state.
-Continous growth for fulfillment.Active growth for something you value.Motivation comes through the action.
-Declutter old stories.


Thoughts is the Fuel of the mind(spirit)....Feelings is the Fuel of the Soul(heart) n Actions is the Fuel of the Body...U have to think, feel n act to fully evolve to ur full Potential that's unique only to u...First find ur weaknesses then after ur strengths...It's way easier to focus on ur weaknesses because their small(the strongest foundation is built with the smallest rocks)....Once ur Foundation is built, work to built ur strengths(built a Fortress)the biggest rocks are always on top of the smallest to form a unbreakable Bond that will last for ever in some cases...Work the hardest u can but know when it's time to recuperate...Recuperation his the key of Advancement n Patience his the key of Recuperation...Patience his the primal Virtue to achieve anything...Balance his the primal Wisdom of total Equilibrium(bad n good habits)....cheers!!!
