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INFJ EPIC LIFE LESSON: Discovering if you are an INFJ or INFP can be tricky. Let's explore five ways to help you differentiate between the two personality types. While test results may not always be definitive, watching videos and reading descriptions can offer valuable insights. As someone who has navigated the differences with a close friend for almost two decades, I'm here to share additional tips on distinguishing INFJs from INFPs. Join me as we delve into this fascinating journey of self-discovery and understanding.

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What helps you distinguish between being and INFJ or an INFP?


INFP : I will treasure these memories.
INFJ : Memories fade, but the lessons learned.


"Please believe my intentions are good. Please Lord, don't let me be misunderstood😢"


You should do more of these where one letter is different from INFJ. Initial MB tests suggested I was an INTJ, which I though I was for a long time until I learned more and knew where felt ‘spooky’. Personally, I’d love to know about how to differentiate between INFJ and INTJ…


My 23 yo son was an INFJ.. I'm not just mourning the loss of a child but what felt like part of my soul 😢


I always get INFP-T,
1. I do the first one, I'm always explaining why I did something.
2. I always want to know why a person is doing something and I want to understand why. So I can see if they are really a bad person or if they just need a push in a good direction.
3. I need PROGRESS, I always want to do more and better. With growing a garden or building something at our house, to make it look nicer.
4. I do tend to be more INFP in this one.
5. I'm future focused, but I do keep all my past things. But I'm more focused on the future, my husband is more past or present focused. I'm very sentimental and that's why I keep pretty much everything.
My husband is the entertainer's personality type. ENFP. I'll say if you're an INFJ or INFP, ENFP is soulmate material ❤
I think I'm an INFJ, but have INFP traits, in some things.


Im an INFJ and I have two INFP friends. That was true for the most part except I want to have broad options too. It scares me to pick sth and stick to it and never look around again. And one of my friends has been very occupied trying moving forward rather than be happy just where they are.


My percentages are so close to 50/50 that it seems to depend on my mood whether I test as INFJ or INFP. If ppl are going to think negatively about me that's on them, whether they think I'm immoral (LOL!) or incompetent (LOL!) doesn't matter; it's their ignorant disrespect in snap judgments or false accusations that I walk away from. I try not to justify myself to anyone; that's just weak begging behavior. If you're gonna dis' me you're gonna miss me.


Im an INFP but I think I can somehow relate to some of INFJ descriptions. People see me as harmless as a dove but Im more of like a wolf. So one time I didn’t mean to respond harshly to my older foreign colleague at work who I treated like a dad while working abroad and they were shocked so even I think I really need to say that I felt sorry for it. But someone belittling me triggers me more because I believe I can do anything if you put your mind and effort into it, it’s just in this world you gonna play the game of thrones and I avoid it. Also the constant improvement thing, I don’t know if it counts but I literally set my bedtime alarm description to “What’s one thing you learned today?”. And I always like something new and always think about my future. Past is just so sad (except music) so why not daydreaming your future in the present lol. But overall the distinction leads me more to INFP.


Somehow I just love it that you are currently doing the "basic" MBTI videos, with your own experienced view and mostly centered on INFJs. I have spent thousands of hours diving into the model but I still loved this video and the previous one as well! It is actually a refreshing and precise take!

A best friend of mine is an INFP, and your 5 points are very true for myself as an INFJ and him as an INFP. Nice psychological insights!


I believe I'm a INFJ. One thing I noticed about myself is when I've made a mistake in life I look at the future in how not to let it happen again. That is why I have a strong desire to study negative occurrences to understand why it happened. I think to myself, well that sucked. What can I do going forward so that won't happen again or how I can I make sure I won't make that mistake again.


As an INFJ in relationship with an INFP for more than 20 years, four of the five ways you mentioned fit perfectly. We both worry, though, about people perceiving us as competent. For me, this is largely due to not meeting unrealistic expectations of both parents. But the feeling of my intentions being misunderstood is still strong. Thank you for videos, Wenzes. They are always helpful.


It bothers me when people perceive that I am incompetent. I know that I am more than competent and I am a good person, its just that there are other factors at play.

Im notoriously asking "I dont understand" but my grandmother used to say "Keep Living" and I've learned to just let things be and honor how people are making me feel.

I do keep a box for my momentos to reflect so that I can keep moving forward.


I've been typed by tests as mostly INFJ and MBTI as INFP when I was younger. From typists, I've been typed as INTJ/INFJ.

Am I good person or not is really my hang up. Someone once called me a manipulator and another person accused me of turning them against someone they care about... both scenarios I felt were an inaccurate assessment of my character and tested my ability to trust them as this showed they didn't trust me to have good intentions.

If I ask questions to understand others and their decisions. I also stay longer to understand what this is about. I need to know how things fit together and sometimes it causes me to stay longer than I should. My Ti wants validation that what I'm building towards is accurate.

If my life is stagnate, I sometimes will start making changes to move things forward. Sometimes, blowing everything up all together. Catalyst is a good description. If there is no growth there is no longer purpose. It's not good and works out at the same time.

I one was accused of seeing things in a linear fashion. LOL I was caught off guard. It's true... I knew what I wanted to be when I was 10 and have clung to it for dear life despite some unplanned detours... though I'm learning to adopt an Ne way of going about things. I'm learning to try and keep things more open and go with the flow more.

With the past, I care about memories and creating experiences for others but that tends to be long range goals of mine. When I was 15 I saved photos from a parent who was going to burn them. I did it with the intention to copy them and give a book to each of my siblings. At 27 I finally completed these books and it took me 10 years to do so. The past seeks to frame the future... a jumping off point of sorts to launch me into the future and reorient myself with my goals.



I had a nightmare last night that I couldn’t figure out… it was about an entire community of people rallying against me because they thought I was a bad/mean person… an INFJ nightmare. I’m checking all the boxes. iNFJ 💯


I took two test of the 16 personality, one said I am infj another said infp. After watching your video, I believe I am infj


I’m being 50/50 on both scales. Would love to see more differences b/t these two in your next video 😊


perhaps THE DISTINGUISHING test to determine IF you are a perceiver or a judger IS in how easy it is for you to order things by ANY sort of ranking.

judgers typically have no problem ordering or ranking things. whereas, perceivers ARE more apt to stew over whether one type of approach or another is THE MOST effective or efficient way to order ANYthing.

THATS ALL. :) :) :) :) :) :) :)



- (again) INTJ


I came across someone I’d like a lot who I had the suspicion they might be an INFP but can never be sure about it 🥰


I'm definitely INFJ. Also, Socionics showed me the same thing, as did the Enneragram. And get this - I even took the IDR Labs test in Spanish and it showed me to be INFJ. SO Im definitely locked in! 😊.

I think my best friend in high school was an INFP; your description was very close to what she was like to be with. We were quite compatible as friends. The Myers Briggs Indicator had only been out for about 2 years, so it wasn't as well-known then. In fact, I received a real Myers-Briggs Test in 1985.

This video explains a lot and I enjoyed it very much
