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INFJ Life Coach Lesson: Discover five fabulous reasons why authentic INFJs wield extraordinary power! 🌟

They’re the hidden gems, shrugging off self-doubt and skepticism. Even in the chaos, they sprinkle magic effortlessly. INFJs ace the art of giving and self-care, transforming survival into a thriving journey. Elevate your game by pampering yourself and watch that superpower soar! Unleash the limitless INFJ potential and jazz up your world.

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What are some of your superpowers as an INFJ that you underestimate too often?


Im a burned out INFJ...i am done w/trying to uplift all these losers out here. They got nothing to give back ya feel me.


I get a lot of people who tend to confuse my kindness with weakness, and when I give them a taste of introspection, some get their mind blown and quicky back off; others get defensive and demonstrate a lot of projection on their statements. I'll be honest, sometimes I find the latter tragically amusing, and it really depends if I want to help them, or if I realize they are just a waste of my time. If I want to help them, I will take them on a journey to their own biases and have them hit the brick wall a few times until they get the epiphany. If I realize they are wasting my time, I'll hit them with a couple of truths that will hurt just enough to have them chew on that for a little while and get the message. I don't actually enjoy traumatizing people, but sadly that has happened a few times, and it was never enjoyable. That said, at my age I am unapologetic about expressing my mind, although my default setting is politeness.


People have largely abandoned me as they can't handle me as a personality. For most I'm too opinionated and refuse to yield. This of course in relation to big issue things. I tend to see making moral choices as a guiding principle and refuse to fall into believing in caricatures and convenient myths. Sadly, people resent someone dedicated to analysis and looking for structures. Most people WANT something outside themselves to believe in, I don't. I want to find the truth behind things. Now while this seems very isolating, I have found my "superpower' in the meantime, writing. I function so much better alone, which is odd as I worked in education for 30 years. I retired about a year ago and with the exception of my poor physical state I have really enjoyed it. I am now writing a novel and am up to page 280 and it feels great. Even if it's only for myself it feels very rewarding.



Compassion Fatigue, its real.


0:00: 💪 Empowerment of INFJs to shift from surviving to thriving by recognizing their true power.
2:51: 💡 Harnessing inner vision leads to powerful actions and transformation in life.
5:21: 💪 The strength of an INFJ lies in their selflessness, mastery of survival, and ability to appreciate the present.
8:00: 💪 The strength of an INFJ lies in their ability to uplift others, tap into their full potential, and adapt quickly to any situation.
10:37: 💪 Unique power of INFJs lies in choosing unconventional paths, letting go easily, and moving on from the past.
Recap by Tammy AI


You​ speak​ slower​ and​ calmer.
I​ love​ it.​ So​ serene.


Adaptability: Ambiguity, Uncertainty, and Pattern Recognition are spot on. I work in business where people kind of throw me on an ill-defined problem, and then I explore the data and systems and come out with something.


Thank you so much for helping me realize over the last few years how powerful I really am, how powerful I've been all along...


I completely vouch for this. It is all very true. We are masters at working it all out, now back yourself & walk the thoughts.


When you realize you have to shed to thrive but accountability, responsibility, duties weigh you down because of some non decision you stepped into when you were young conforming to society. I have looked at my dark side and dwell on it without excuses, that's when I understand myself.


im a infj with OCD and Bipolar type 2 disorder. it feels like hell inside 🥺, but still managing to survive and i still keep thriving towards the success.


Thank you for sharing such insightful content. Very much appreciated.


Wenzes, you are a beautiful woman and a great inspiration. As a 57 year old man, I have only recently discovered my INFJ personality. Your videos have been instrumental in my life. Thank you and keep rockin' it girl. Jeffrey Z. in SC


Very well said, I totally agree and I understand hollowing out one self to accommodate others. I did it all through college for classmates...love this conversation


Hey Miss Wenzes!..
I've been thinking about it for a while. I wanna share my thoughts with you all.

Aam.. what if we all INFJs gather as a group? We can change the world together. It's always suffering when we try to fix things all by ourselves. And in the end, we sacrifice our lives...

So I'm thinking... What if we work as a group?

1. We can help and guide the world.

2. If we are misunderstood or we need to get healed, we can heal or hear each other. We can be there for each other. Cause other personality types misunderstands us in the end.

We can break the curse together. We can't remove the deep darkness with our shallow lights. The darkness will hide us.. it'll take our lights away as always. So let's gather together and become a big light... To protect the world..

I'll be looking forward to your replies.


Good day Wenzes,

I wish to express my gratitude to you. Also, I can feel your selflessness, where you want to help INFJs out, and thank you. Your messages have been incredibly helpful ever since I discovered your channel and my personality. I have been practicing to step outside my comfort zone and I am glad to say that my life is moving and doing great. I'm grateful to hear your motivating and inspiring messages!

Maria Fatima


Mrs. Wenzes, I have been watching your material for almost 2 years now and have found your channel incredibly helpful. I am only wondering if you might be willing to do a couple videos on INFJ's & romantic relationships. I feel like I am emotionally healthy, but I am constantly drawn into long term, toxic relationships. It gets frustrating. Thanks for everything


Word class hospitality: reading body language, tone, to anticipate a need before being asked shows a genuine desire to be compassionate, welcoming, and obtaining personal satisfaction as well as happiness from seeing others be happy.


they fear my narcissistic mode and my mind reading. i am extremely strong in it and people think i am a paranormal beeing. i hate it sometimes, because we really have quite few people or friends around us.
