How to Deal With Difficult Coworkers + Office Politics (How to Deal with Difficult People at Work)

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How to Deal With Difficult Coworkers + Office Politics (How to Deal with Difficult People at Work)
Office politics are an undeniable factor in any office. But what do you do when you run into a difficult coworker? It’s inevitable that you’ll have a coworker you either don’t get along with, or just don’t like. But the fact is, you’re likely going to be working together regardless of your feelings. And in this video, we’re giving you tools to deal with difficult people at work.

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Work in Progress is a "how to" video series to help you with everything from interviewing for jobs to improving your confidence or negotiating a raise. We break these tough questions down into simple, actionable tasks—getting you one step closer to owning your career.

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Have you ever had an unpleasant coworker? How did you handle the situation?


I had a horrid Co worker it impacted on my mental health it was compounded by a lack of support by management which made things worse I had a breakdown how can people be so rotten


Great video ! Can you also add how to deal with a coworker who loves to complain to the boss. Or something like this? Ty


Me I was just fucos may job, and ignore them..but if they are too much I know how to fight back in a nice way with smile


I have had difficult coworkers most of my life, usually the bully types. I have discussed directly with the coworker, I have escalated it to management and I have engaged in group discussions with management and the coworker to alleviate the problem. After years of addressing the issues, I have quit multiple jobs. I am currently seriously underemployed but would prefer that to the stress of working with difficult people. Each of my solutions did work for a short period of time but the bully would return to his ways and management would look the other way. I have even been told by one of my bullies to, "watch my back" because he was gunning for me.


I have a coworker who talks behind my back and gets the other co-workers to act against me. I have a problem with co-workers who with hold paper work that I need.  I try to collaborate with my co-workers however, she and her co-worker friend gang up on me. I do not know how to approach this situation. My campus director allows this behavior, what should I do. I am thinking about turning in my resignation.


Surprisingly, most of the videos are done by women, says a lot about the office politics....


My coworker is constantly throwing scabies skins near me. My supervisor pays a deaf ear and on top of it all, his friend is being upgraded to supervisor. Please help


How. To. Deal with. A. Coworker. That. Be. Nasty. To. Customers.
