He Left the Mormon Church, Then Exposed It.

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Ray Comfort interviews a man who was born and raised in a Mormon home and in the Mormon church, but left and became a born-again Christian. He exposes many aspects of the Mormon faith that Mormons don't like telling people about, explains why he left Mormonism, and then explains how Mormonism is different from biblical Christianity.




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Ex Mormon here. I Was never enough as a Mormon and I could never do enough no matter how much I tried. I have been touched by Christs grace and finally I am free and a new person in Christ


This is my husband, Justin and I just have to say how proud I am of him. It's not easy to speak out against a religion your own family accepts but he loves them and the LDS people enough to do so!
It was also an honor to meet Ray Comfort after his life's work has helped us in our journey beyond measure!


Ex Mormon born again Christian I left when i was told about the levels of Heaven as well as we could become a God I knew even at the age of 10 that that was wrong and from that moment I became born again


I saw two young Mormon men dressed in suits riding bikes in the hot summer heat here in Texas. They seemed tired and then stopped at McDonald's to get out of the heat but didn't order anything. I felt bad for them, so I offered to buy them something to eat and drink, which they seem to appreciate. I told them they shouldn't ride their bikes in this 100-degree heat. They told me they had no choice, which made me sad to think how they had no choice in the matter.


"The cross does not symbolize Christ's defeat but it shows His defeat over death and over sin" Amen brotha🙌


When I was a Mormon and in seminary, they told us the goal was to become like God and populate planets. (Much like SIMS!) I was pretty offended, refused to go back to seminary. As a matter of fact it was that same year my foster parents later on introduced me to Christianity and the Born Again way. I was 14. John 3:16! By the grace of God, he saved my soul. 🙏😇 But it grieves my heart so many Mormons don't get it do to brainwashing. I'm not saying that to be mean, I honestly grieve because many Mormons are good people. And I know they do not like being called Mormons, but honestly that's something I accepted when I was a child. If you are LDS out there reading this-please do not be offended by my words. Please go read John 3:16 yourself. It wasn't easy for me to leave the Mormon church, but there is some serious brainwashing that continues to this day, there. When you hear the same thing over and over, that's brainwashing. Joseph Smith as we know him today in the LDS church is NOT the Prophet of God. The sacrifice of Jesus saved us. He paid the ultimate price for our sins. Remember how Abraham was supposed to sacrifice his son and was stopped? God spared his creation (us) from the torment of seeing Abraham and Sarah lose their only son. What a price Jesus paid! 😭He died on the cross for YOUR sins, for mine and for the entire creation of humankind. Your works are dead. We do good works not to get into heaven, but so that we feel good inside, right? We cannot interfere in the ultimate sacrifice. But Jesus did command us to feed and clothe the hungry because it was like giving to him. We have ALL SINNED and have fallen short of the glory of God, and what this guy in the video says is the truth. But! He does it with love and courage. God bless


I fell away from the Mormon church almost 30 years ago. In the last few years I have been working to create a relationship with God. I'm not perfect and I struggle daily but that does not dull my desire to return home to our father.


I was a convert to the church. I was baptized when I was 9 and left at 18 or 19. I am now a Christian. My salvation was paid for by Jesus when he died on the cross.


Former mormon here. Love this his story as its exactly like mine. The moment I found out the real Jesus. Woah.


Please pray for my son he is stuck in the LDS religion with his dad and step mom please pray he sees the truth


This guy that become Christian has a shockingly good understanding of the true Gospel. I came out of a cult and it took years to fully let go and come to the truth, Well done young man.


I am surrounded by these people! I make sure I have God's armor on


I'm an ex Mormon and sadly most people don't get saved after falling away from the church. By the grace of God I was saved I fell away and became athiest/agnostic for a long time. Then the Lord called me back and just like this gentleman said once you realize the Bible isn't corrupted and have a better understanding of the TRUE gospel everything became so clear it was amazing. Most Mormons think they know what other Christians believe but just have "more" added to it. They have more of the truth. When I tell you they have no understanding at all of the true gospel and what other Christians believe it's astounding. That's also what kept me from the Lord for so long... pray, pray, and pray some more for all the other people tricked by the devil to believe these awful lies the LDS church promotes.


Mormons: "this guy in the 1800s received a personal revelation from God, and we should just take his word for it... even though scripture warns against such people"


Was once a member of the Mormon cult. Blessed by Jesus leading me to Christianity. Thank you blessed Saviour! I know I am saved by my faith in his grace. By his blood.


Self righteousness will never be accepted by God. Ever


Ex-Mormon here. I used to have numerous demonic attacks when I was part of the LDS church. The other members told me the same thing happened to Joseph Smith so I must be really close to Jesus. I ultimately left the church and became born-again. I no longer get demonic attacks. The Lord has set me free! Thank you Yeshua! ✝️🙏


I am also an ex mormon. I thank Christ Jesus our Lord for saving me and opening eyes.


Beautiful testimony! Thank you for sharing


Such an intelligent and impressive young man. I love hearing how he was reached through R.C. Sproul. It was the same for me!
